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20 ára Afmælisskákmót Hróksins 2018

Last update 15.09.2018 18:50:47, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMThorfinnsson Bragi2410ISL 35b1 21w1 14b1 7w1 6w½ 8b1 3b1 2w½7393033,25
2IMGunnarsson Jon Viktor2399ISL 33b1 10w1 9b½ 17w1 3b0 7w1 6w1 1b½64131,529,00
3IMKjartansson Gudmundur2427ISL 18w1 29b1 20w1 6b0 2w1 14b1 1w0 8b1638,528,526,00
4GMOlafsson Helgi2524ISL 10b0 38w1 18b1 21w1 9b½ 27w1 14w½ 6b1633,52624,00
5FMRagnarsson Dagur2074ISL 34b1 9w0 31b1 10w1 8b0 22w1 20w1 15b1632,52522,50
6GMStefansson Hannes2499ISL 25b1 23w1 17b1 3w1 1b½ 9w1 2b0 4w05,542,531,527,00
7GMHjartarson Johann2536ISL 15w1 27b½ 11w1 1b0 12w1 2b0 21w1 14b15,538,52823,75
8FMJohannesson Ingvar Thor2370ISL 36w1 20b0 13w1 15b1 5w1 1w0 10b1 3w0539,53023,00
9GMThorhallsson Throstur2519ISL 37w1 5b1 2w½ 27b1 4w½ 6b0 15w½ 12b½53930,522,75
10Bjornsson Gunnar2035ISL 4w1 2b0 39w1 5b0 30w1 13b1 8w0 20b1536,528,519,50
11Vigfusson Vigfus1895ISL 42w+ 12w½ 7b0 25w1 15b0 30w1 23w153425,520,25
12GMGretarsson Helgi Ass2475ISL 32w1 11b½ 27w0 36b1 7b0 17w1 19b1 9w½5332519,25
13Halldorsson Bragi2139ISL 38b½ 40w1 8b0 19w½ 35b1 10w0 27b1 22w15292215,75
14WGMTheissl Pokorna Regina2306AUT 45b+ 39b1 1w0 32b1 20w1 3w0 4b½ 7w04,536,527,515,50
15FMStefansson Vignir Vatnar2049ISL 7b0 33w1 22b1 8w0 24b1 11w1 9b½ 5w04,53627,517,00
16GMOlafsson Fridrik2355ISL 40b½ 26w14,53326,518,50
17FMBjornsson Sigurbjorn2364ISL 31b1 24w1 6w0 2b0 28w½ 12b0 36w1 27b14,532,52414,25
18Jonsson Gauti Pall1870ISL 3b0 34w1 4w0 30b0 38w1 31b½ 37w1 28b14,528,520,512,00
19IMBjarnason Saevar2116ISL 39w0 36b½ 38w1 13b½ 31w½ 28b1 12w0 32b14,5261913,75
20Fridgeirsson Dagur Andri1789ISL 44b+ 8w1 3b0 23w1 14b0 21w1 5b0 10w0437,52816,50
21Rasmussen Rogvi W.2146FAI 22w1 1b0 30w1 4b0 32w1 20b0 7b0 33w1434,52512,50
22Briem Stephan1580ISL 21b0 35w1 15w0 37b1 36w1 5b0 32w1 13b0430,52211,00
23FMNaes Flovin Tor2244FAI 30w1 6b0 29w1 20b0 27w0 26b1 31w1 11b043021,513,00
24Heidarsson Arnar1326ISL -1 17b0 32w0 29b1 15w0 25w0 35b1 37b14282112,00
25Johannsdottir Johanna Bjorg1948ISL 6w0 30b0 33w1 11b0 34w1 24b1 28w0 31b14282011,50
26Moller Agnar T1880ISL 16b0 36w0 33b1 29w½ 23w0 34b1 30b14261911,50
27FMSigfusson Sigurdur2215ISL 41b1 7w½ 12b1 9w0 23b1 4b0 13w0 17w03,5362912,75
28WFMThorsteinsdottir Gudlaug2007ISL 17b½ 19w0 25b1 18w03,533,52513,25
29Skarphedinsson Gunnar1844ISL 43b+ 3w0 23b0 24w0 26b½ 37b0 41w1 36b13,527208,50
30Fridthjofsdottir Sigurl. Regina1715ISL 23b0 25w1 21b0 18w1 10b0 35w1 11b0 26w03332511,50
31Stefansson Kristjan1796ISL 17w0 37b1 5w0 34b1 19b½ 18w½ 23b0 25w0332,5249,50
32Eliasson Kristjan Orn1896ISL 12b0 41w1 24b1 14w0 21b0 40w1 22b0 19w0328226,50
33Ingolfsson Arnar1817ISL 2w0 15b0 25b0 26w0 -1 39b1 40w1 21b032820,56,50
34Briem Benedikt1348ISL 5w0 18b0 -1 31w0 25b0 38b1 26w0 39b1328206,50
35Fivelstad Jon Olav1858NOR 1w0 22b0 41w1 39b1 13w0 30b0 24w0 40b1327,519,55,00
36Gíslason Ingólfur1815ISL 8b0 19w½ 26b1 12w0 22b0 41w1 17b0 29w02,531257,25
37Sigurdsson Snorri Thor1955ISL 9b0 31w0 40b1 22w0 41b½ 29w1 18b0 24w02,526205,50
38Valdimarsson Johann1561ISL 13w½ 4b0 19b0 40w½ 18b0 34w0 39w0 41b1227,520,54,50
39Ponzi Tomas1530ISL 19b1 14w0 10b0 35w0 40b0 33w0 38b1 34w0225,518,56,50
40Haile Batel Goitom1295ISL 16w½ 13b0 37w0 38b½ 39w1 32b0 33b0 35w0224,517,55,25
41Jonsson Sveinbjorn1638ISL 27w0 32b0 35b0 -1 37w½ 36b0 29b0 38w01,521,5162,25
42IMThorfinnsson Bjorn2445ISL 11b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002216,50,00
IMJensson Einar Hjalti2410ISL 29w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002216,50,00
Einarsson Einar Kristinn2056ISL 20w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002216,50,00
Sigurdsson Arnljotur1774ISL 14w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002216,50,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable