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Última actualización15.09.2018 17:19:45, Propietario/Última carga: ESCOBAR DOMINGUEZ, Daniel

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 7 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Chacon Perez Juan 36b1 10w1 17b1 33w1 21b1 3b1 8w½6,5303431,25
2Sanchez Ponce Juan Manuel 84w1 44b1 3w0 30b1 27w1 32b1 12w1627,53024,50
3IMPerez Garcia Alejandro (Ma) 41b1 42w1 2b1 20w1 5b1 1w0 10b½5,5323626,75
4FMCruz Ravina Francisco Javier 39w1 23b0 31w1 37b1 14w1 7w1 5b½5,5293325,75
5Puerto Delgado Pedro 67b1 74w1 37b1 9w1 3w0 13b1 4w½5,528,531,523,25
6Muñoz Gonzalez Jose Antonio 43w1 16b1 24w½ 13b0 60w1 28b1 26w15,527,53123,75
7Pacheco Arjona Gregorio 56w1 40b½ 34w1 24b1 11w1 4b0 25w15,527,53123,50
8Garcia De Lomas Guerrero Carlos 81b1 37w0 48b1 38w1 42b1 15w1 1b½5,527,530,523,25
9Cuellar Montes Alejandro 78w1 55b1 26w1 5b0 25w½ 23b1 24w15,5273022,25
10Tocino Rivas Maria Milagros 91w1 1b0 69w1 63b1 33b1 21w1 3w½5,526,528,519,25
11Diaz Miño Pablo 48b1 53w1 19b1 12w½ 7b0 22w½ 20b1528,53221,75
12Rebollo Puyana Daniel 61b1 38w1 59b1 11b½ 13w½ 17w1 2b0528,53221,00
13De La Cruz Fernandez Juan Carlos 76w1 64b1 28w½ 6w1 12b½ 5w0 38b1527,530,520,25
14Peña Carmona David 90w1 34b0 36w1 39b1 4b0 46w1 47b1525,527,518,00
15Ramos Suria Felix 77w1 32b0 54w1 49b1 35w1 8b0 40w15252818,50
16Mena Castillo Luis 68b1 6w0 66b1 45w1 20b0 39w1 51b15252818,00
17Ramirez Dominguez Agustin 85w1 88b1 1w0 34b1 65w1 12b0 32w152527,516,00
18Servio Campos Antonio109b1 29w1 33b0 32w0 43b1 41w1 45b1524,525,517,50
19Martin Fandiño Manuel Federico 62b1 58w1 11w0 74b1 32w0 34b1 44w1523,526,517,50
20Garrido Collantes Jose Manuel 69w1 30b1 23w1 3b0 16w1 26b½ 11w04,5293219,25
21Bedoya Roman Francisco 75b1 50w1 32b1 22w1 1w0 10b0 27w½4,5293217,75
22CMInsua Mellado Jose Luis 83w1 27b1 25w1 21b0 23w½ 11b½ 30w½4,527,530,519,00
23Diaz Miño Daniel 73b1 4w1 20b0 58w1 22b½ 9w0 35b14,527,530,518,25
24Cuellar Rodriguez Alfonso 72b1 57w1 6b½ 7w0 41b1 53w1 9b04,527,530,516,75
25Gomez Zambrana Pedro Alfonso 79b1 46w1 22b0 57w1 9b½ 33w1 7b04,5273017,25
26Lazaro Lopez Mario 87b1 45w1 9b0 50w1 62b1 20w½ 6b04,526,52915,75
27Alvarez Sanchez David100b1 22w0 67b1 29w1 2b0 36w1 21b½4,526,528,515,75
28Fernandez Montero Francisco Manuel 66b1 47w1 13b½ 35w½ 53b½ 6w0 54b14,525,528,516,75
29Martin Macias Daniel 54w1 18b0 43w1 27b0 40w½ 88b1 55w14,524,52715,50
30Suarez Garcia Alvaro 94b1 20w0 75b1 2w0 81b1 66w1 22b½4,5242613,25
31Caballero Foncubierta Antonio107b1 35w½ 4b0 62w0 61b1 57w1 53b14,5232413,50
32Sanchez Martinez Rafael103b1 15w1 21w0 18b1 19b1 2w0 17b0430,532,517,00
33Ruiz Ledo Antonio 65w1 49b1 18w1 1b0 10w0 25b0 81w1428,531,515,00
34Vallecillos Olvera Fermin 97b1 14w1 7b0 17w0 63b1 19w0 62b1426,528,513,00
35Rodriguez Ales Daniel Jesus111w1 31b½ 40w1 28b½ 15b0 42w1 23w0426,527,513,50
36Mena Lorente Luis 1w0108b1 14b0 68w1 37w1 27b0 63w14262711,00
37Aguirre Fernandez Carlos108w1 8b1 5w0 4w0 36b0 90b1 69w1425,526,511,50
38Vicente Puyana Alberto Jesus 86w1 12b0 56w1 8b0 83w1 65b1 13w042527,512,00
Fernandez Monreal Berta 4b0 89w1 79b1 14w0 59b1 16b0 77w142527,512,00
40Bermudez Ureba Jose Maria 92b1 7w½ 35b0 87w1 29b½ 62w1 15b0424,52713,00
41Sanchez Hidalgo Francisco Javier 3w0 82b1110w1 55b1 24w0 18b0 73b1424,52611,00
42Romero Gordillo Juan Luis 71w1 3b0 78w1 84b1 8w0 35b0 66w142426,511,50
43Rodriguez Rodriguez Daniel 6b0 73w1 29b0107w1 18w0 82b1 68b14242510,00
44Wang Mera Fernando 95b1 2w0 62b0 79w1 72b1 67w1 19b04232511,00
45Guijosa Sanchez Juan Domingo 93w1 26b0106w1 16b0 71w1 70b1 18w0422,523,59,00
46Vazquez Crespo Jose Manuel 98w1 25b0 63w0 80b1 64w1 14b0 72w1421,523,511,00
47Ligero Marin Francisco106w1 28b0 65w0 85b1 78w1 56b1 14w0421,522,510,00
48Buenadicha Gomez Ramon 11w0 91b1 8w0 71b0106w1 64b1 70w1421,522,59,00
49Manzorro Ramirez Ivan112b1 33w0 72b1 15w0 66b0 79w1 67b14212210,00
50Gutierrez Molina Jose Luis 96w1 21b0 90w1 26b0 56w0 76b1 65w1420,522,510,00
51Trudu Salazar Miguel Angel 64w0 60b1 84w0 90b1 69w1 77b1 16w04202211,50
52Gil Fernandez Daniela 63w0 71b1 64w0 76b1 70w0 80b1 75w14182112,00
53Bermudez Ureba Juan Diego 82w1 11b0 83w1 64b1 28w½ 24b0 31w03,524,527,511,25
54Martin De Laa Pablo 29b0 68w1 15b0 82w1 55w½ 60b1 28w03,5242711,25
55Gonzalez Mendoza Diego101b1 9w0 61b1 41w0 54b½ 84w1 29b03,523,525,59,75
56Insua Conesa Enrique 7b0112w1 38b0 92w1 50b1 47w0 58b½3,523,524,59,25
57Gutierrez Garcia Fernando 70w1 24b0 76w1 25b0 84w½ 31b0 86w13,52224,59,75
58Melgar Guerrero Salvador 99w1 19b0 80w1 23b0 77w0 71b1 56w½3,522249,75
59Torres Pavo Alvaro 80w1 63b1 12w0 65b0 39w0 85b½ 84b13,520,5239,75
60Ramirez Guillon Jose Antonio 89b½ 51w0 92b1 88w1 6b0 54w0 87b13,520,5238,75
61Ponce Rodriguez Isabel 12w0 96b1 55w0 86b½ 31w0107b1 85w13,520216,75
62Heredia Periñan Pedro 19w0 93b1 44w1 31b1 26w0 40b0 34w03262810,50
63Santos Gonzalez Roberto 52b1 59w0 46b1 10w0 34w0 86b1 36b032527,510,50
64Gil Garcia Jose 51b1 13w0 52b1 53w0 46b0 48w0 90w1324,526,510,00
65Insua Conesa Claudia 33b0 94w1 47b1 59w1 17b0 38w0 50b0324,526,59,50
66Ponce Rodriguez Esmeralda 28w0 86b1 16w0106b1 49w1 30b0 42b0324,525,57,50
67Collazos Linares Juan Andres 5w0 70b1 27w0 93b1 74w1 44b0 49w0324268,00
68Reina Barroso Antonio 16w0 54b0102w1 36b0 93w1 83b1 43w0322247,50
69Rodriguez Gomez Jose Antonio 20b0100w1 10b0 94w1 51b0 95w1 37b0322246,00
70Lydick Ramos Anthony 57b0 67w0 73b1 75w1 52b1 45w0 48b0321,524,510,00
71Navarro Aragon Victor 42b0 52w0104b1 48w1 45b0 58w0103b1321,523,58,00
72Campuzano Gonzalez Alfonso 24w0 99b1 49w0 98b1 44w0 74b1 46b0321,523,57,00
73Bazan Mora Miguel 23w0 43b0 70w0 89w1 97b1 78b1 41w0321237,50
74Fernandez Parrilla Jose Antonio104b1 5b0 85w1 19w0 67b0 72w0 91w1321236,50
75Diaz Galan Miguel 21w0102b1 30w0 70b0 96w1 98b1 52b0320,522,56,50
76Collazos Moreno Juan Andres 13b0105w1 57b0 52w0 94b1 50w0 99b1320,5225,50
77Jimenez Orihuela Juan Luis 15b0 92w0112b1110w1 58b1 51w0 39b0320,521,56,00
78Caballero Ragel Jesus 9b0109w1 42b0 91w1 47b0 73w0101b1320,521,55,00
Velasco Gonzalez Benjamin 25w0111b1 39w0 44b0 99w1 49b0 96w1320,521,55,00
80Gonzalez Chamorro Paola 59b0 97w1 58b0 46w0 92b1 52w0 95b1319,521,56,50
81Muñoz Sanchez Felipe 8w0106b0 89b1109w1 30w0 91b1 33b0319,520,55,50
82Sanchez Gajete Daniel 53b0 41w0 95b1 54b0103w1 43w0 93b1319216,00
83Narvaez Gil Isabel 22b0101w1 53b0108w1 38b0 68w0 94b1319205,00
84Palomino Lopez Juan Carlos 2b0104w1 51b1 42w0 57b½ 55b0 59w02,524,526,57,75
85Martin Martinez Pedro 17b0 95w1 74b0 47w0 87b1 59w½ 61b02,521,523,56,25
86Gallardo Tenorio Aurelio 38b0 66w0 97b1 61w½ 88b1 63w0 57b02,519,521,56,25
87Panes Mendoza Esteban 26w0 98b1 88w½ 40b0 85w0 89b1 60w02,519,521,55,75
88Ortega Rodriguez Juan Jesus105b1 17w0 87b½ 60b0 86w0 29w0109b12,519,520,53,75
89Kowalski Rubiales Nicholas 60w½ 39b0 81w0 73b0110b1 87w0 98w12,51819,55,25
90De Alba Alba Sebastian 14b0103w1 50b0 51w0108b1 37w0 64b0222233,00
91Leal Gonzalez Daniel 10b0 48w0103b1 78b0111w1 81w0 74b0220,521,53,00
92Melero Jimenez Victoria 40w0 77b1 60w0 56b0 80w0108b1 -0220214,00
93Saez Perez Miguel Marcos 45b0 62w0101b1 67w0 68b0109w1 82w0218193,00
94Cumbre Vinaza Arturo 30w0 65b0111w1 69b0 76w0110b1 83w0218192,50
95Piñero Cantos Jorge 44w0 85b0 82w0100w1107b1 69b0 80w0217,518,53,00
96Gonzalez Gonzalez Juan 50b0 61w0107b0105w1 75b0 97w1 79b0217183,50
Villegas Melgar Jose Enrique 34w0 80b0 86w0102b1 73w0 96b0106w1217183,50
98Vicente Puyana Jaime 46b0 87w0100b1 72w0109b1 75w0 89b0217183,00
99Miguez Gomez Basilio 58b0 72w0109b0101w1 79b0100w1 76w0216,517,54,00
100Zhang Qiu Ines 27w0 69b0 98w0 95b0102w1 99b0110w121617,54,00
101Collado Rosano Perico 55w0 83b0 93w0 99b0104w1111b1 78w0215,516,53,00
102Mena Lorente Jorge -0 75w0 68b0 97w0100b0105b1108w1215,516,52,50
103Salas Buzón Abelardo 32w0 90b0 91w0112w1 82b0106b1 71w0215162,00
104Gomez Lozano Julian 74w0 84b0 71w0111b0101b0112w1107w1212,513,52,00
105Toribio Saldaña Gonzalo 88w0 76b0108w0 96b0112b½102w0111w11,512131,50
106Perez Escudero Martina 47b0 81w1 45b0 66w0 48b0103w0 97b0120223,00
107Escobar Garcia Alberto 31w0110b0 96w1 43b0 95w0 61w0104b011819,52,00
108Perez Escudero Celia 37b0 36w0105b1 83b0 90w0 92w0102b011819,51,50
109Perez Escudero Alba 18w0 78b0 99w1 81b0 98w0 93b0 88w0117,519,52,00
110Zhuma Yi (Pablo) -0107w1 41b0 77b0 89w0 94w0100b0117,518,51,00
111Zhang Qiu Alex 35b0 79w0 94b0104w1 91b0101w0105b011516,52,00
112Gallego Melero Amaya 49w0 56b0 77w0103b0105w½104b0 -00,51617,50,75

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable