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34th European Club Cup 2018

Last update 24.10.2018 13:39:35, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

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Team-Composition without round-results

  14. Schachgesellschaft Solingen (RtgAvg:2437 / TB1: 9 / TB2: 149) Captain: Alexander Naumann
1GMAndersen Mads2597DEN14138644,572599
2GMChanda Sandipan2535IND50042255,572632
3GMNaumann Alexander2546GER4623169472363
4IMWegerle Joerg2405GER4644743232406
5FMBerg Michael2331GER4605330362259
6FMMichalczak Thomas2160GER4622634362184
7FMGupta Milon2206GER4608550262007