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Open Braunau Turnier B

Last update 16.12.2018 19:18:48, Creator/Last Upload: WSV ATSV Ranshofen Schach

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Englisch DieterAUT 27b0 40w1 22b1 12w1 17b14520066,58,50
2Lawrenz DennyGER 29w1 21b1 16w1 13b½ 6b½432068911,00
3Lichtmannecker DanielGER 30b1 22w1 26b0 14w1 18b14420147,59,00
4Juricevic AnteAUT 31w0 35b½ 45w½ 34b1 -023516877,54,00
5Molano Lafuente IsmaelESP 32b0 42w½ 43b1 36w½ 23b023616256,53,50
6Pregl WalterAUT 33w1 23b1 25w1 31b1 2w½4,5121519,513,00
7Hasanovic NurijaBIH 34b1 26w0 23b½ 44w0 30b12,525171584,50
8Höbarth Günter Ing.AUT 35w1 25b0 27w1 16b0 -023217558,53,50
9Kristofic MarioAUT 36b½ 44w½ 32b1 38w½ 31w13,5111841910,00
10Brachtl ThomasAUT 37w½ 47b1 20w½ 25b0 32w½2,52617137,55,25
11Pirvulescu AdrianROU 38b0 48w1 34b1 18w0 36b132017627,56,00
12Sarmasi PeterHUN 39w1 27b1 31w0 1b0 42w1317183176,00
13Hoelzl Bernhard Ing.AUT 40b1 32w1 38b1 2w½ 26b03,5101912109,00
14Holschke ChristianGER 41w1 31b0 33w1 3b0 49b1319179364,50
15Dumancic StankoAUT 42b1 38w0 36b½ 46w1 44b02,52716617,55,00
16Ljubic Franjo Jun.CRO 43w1 45b1 2b0 8w1 25w+461986910,50
17Habacher StefanAUT 44b½ 46w1 24b1 26w½ 1w03181824108,50
18WMKHackbarth ChristaAUT 45w0 39b1 41w1 11b1 3w031618438,56,50
19Scherz Marco Dipl.-Ing.AUT 46b½ 36w½ 44b½ 53w1 45b02,53015957,55,75
20Sierian PeterGER 47w½ 51b1 10b½ 23w½ 50b-2,522177186,00
21Knödlseder GotthardGER 48b1 2w0 53b½ 50w0 46b½24015287,54,50
22Staller JosefGER 49w1 3b0 1w0 41b½ 48w01,546160282,25
23Mayr MichaelAUT 50b1 6w0 7w½ 20b½ 5w131518898,57,75
24Hagmüller JosefAUT 51w½ 37b1 17w0 45b0 41w12,52816427,54,75
25Vicze ZsofiaAUT 52b1 8w1 6b0 10w1 16b-314197195,50
26Schmidt FlorianAUT 53w1 7b1 3w1 17b½ 13w14,522145913,50
27Motschiunig RolandAUT 1w1 12w0 8b0 49b- -0151179184,00
28Kipman FelixAUT -0 41b0 51w0 39b0 37w00538196,50,00
29Auinger MarcelAUT 2b0 50w½ 42b½ 48w½ 53b01,54914497,53,75
30Loibl JohannAUT 3w0 43b½ 47w1 51b0 7w01,54715766,52,25
31Keserovic SefikBIH 4b1 14w1 12b1 6w0 9b031319779,58,50
32Auinger MarkusAUT 5w1 13b0 9w0 52b1 10b½2,521179583,75
33Auterhoff Jürgen Dr.GER 6b0 52w1 14b0 42w0 40w½1,548155161,00
34Thurnbauer AloisGER 7w0 49b1 11w0 4w0 43b½1,54116446,52,25
35Klein FelixAUT 8b0 4w½ 46b0 43w½ 47b½1,545160962,75
36Putz ErnstAUT 9w½ 19b½ 15w½ 5b½ 11w0231180385,25
37Wagner MartinAUT 10b½ 24w0 50b0 47w½ 28b123716176,52,50
38Hammerl JonasGER 11w1 15b1 13w0 9b½ 51w13,59192599,75
39Hinterleitner HerbertAUT 12b0 18w0 48b0 28w1 52w1238159161,00
40Lachat MartinSUI 13w0 1b0 49w0 -1 33b½1,55014446,51,25
41Wippel HerbertAUT 14b0 28w1 18b0 22w½ 24b01,543162971,25
42Studener SimonAUT 15w0 5b½ 29w½ 33b1 12b0233174863,25
43Fischer JosefAUT 16b0 30w½ 5w0 35b½ 34w½1,542164052,25
44Pernerstorfer MoritzAUT 17w½ 9b½ 19w½ 7b1 15w13,57199789,50
45Wenski WolfgangGER 18b1 16w0 4b½ 24w1 19w13,58197989,25
46Breu AlfonsGER 19w½ 17b0 35w1 15b0 21w½234170573,75
47Schneeweis MartinAUT 20b½ 10w0 30b0 37b½ 35w½1,544161063,25
48Neulentner KlausAUT 21w0 11b0 39w1 29b½ 22b12,52317675,54,25
49Egger SebastianAUT 22b0 34w0 40b1 27w+ 14w023915564,52,50
50Englisch TobiasAUT 23w0 29b½ 37w1 21b1 20w+3,51218346,57,25
51Karner DanielAUT 24b½ 20w0 28b1 30w1 38b02,524173873,25
52Schellenbauer PeterAUT 25w0 33b0 -1 32w0 39b015291561,00
53Ernst RobertAUT 26b0 -1 21w½ 19b0 29w12,529164264,00

Tie Break1: Performance (variable with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable