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20. Schlossberg Blitzturnier 2018 „ Johann Larch Gedächtnisturnier

Last update 19.08.2018 17:43:26, Creator/Last Upload: Kreutz Josef

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.Rd14.Rd15.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMNeuschmied Siegfried2284AUT 16b1 9w0 10b1 12w1 13b1 2w1 7w1 4b1 3w0 21b1 27w1 5b1 6w1 18b1 17w1132013133,5
2Blaas Hansjörg2237AUT 17w1 11b1 13w1 5b1 7w0 1b0 16b1 9w1 10b1 3w0 4b1 8b1 15w1 12w½ 27b111,53011135,5
3FMMaurer Jochen2213GER 18b1 10w0 16b0 30w1 12b1 13w1 9b0 6w1 1b1 2b1 7w0 4w0 5b0 8b1 20w19809137
4FMSimenon Jozef2211NED 19w1 13b0 17w1 7b0 11w1 21b½ 5w1 1w0 14b1 18b1 2w0 3b1 9w1 16b½ 10w110409136,5
5Pouchon Joffrey2115FRA 20b1 14w1 8b1 2w0 16b½ 9w0 4b0 27w1 13b0 17w1 10b1 1w0 3w1 7b0 22b18,5908136
6Jedinger Andreas Mag.2108AUT 21w0 27b1 19w1 11b1 9w1 7b0 10w0 3b0 18w0 23b1 24b1 14w1 1b0 13w0 25b½7,51507122
7Bergerhoff Andreas2101GER 22b1 15w1 9b1 4w1 2b1 6w1 1b0 10b½ 16w1 13w1 3b1 21b1 27w1 5w1 12b113,51013131,5
8Mühlbacher Bernhard2066AUT 23w1 21b1 5w0 13b0 17w0 14w0 24b1 19b1 11w1 9b0 12b1 2w0 30b1 3w0 28b181008111
9Erhard Jakob Ing.2056AUT 24b1 1b1 7w0 10w1 6b0 5b1 3w1 2b0 21w0 8w1 16b1 13w0 4b0 11w1 30b19719136
10Anibas Jürgen2020AUT 25w1 3b1 1w0 9b0 19w1 17b1 6b1 7w½ 2w0 16b0 5w0 15b0 29w1 21b1 4b07,51307128,5
11CMKranewitter Norbert2008AUT 26b1 2w0 20b1 6w0 4b0 30w1 12b0 22w1 8b0 24w0 28b1 29w1 21w1 9b0 23b18110896
12Block Jan1974GER 27w0 23b1 21w1 1b0 3w0 22b1 11w1 13w0 20b0 19b1 8w0 26w1 14b1 2b½ 7w07,51607120,5
13Kruckenhauser Arthur1974AUT 28b1 4w1 2b0 8w1 1w0 3b0 27w1 12b1 5w1 7b0 21w½ 9b1 16w0 6b1 15w19,5609131,5
14Schewzow Juri1966AUT 29w1 5b0 30w½ 25b1 27w0 8b1 21w0 17b1 4w0 22b1 18w½ 6b0 12w0 26b1 16w072106103,5
15Gapp Roland1875AUT 30b1 7b0 27w½ 16w0 20b0 23b1 19w0 25w0 29b1 28w1 26b1 10w1 2b0 24w1 13b07,51807100,5
16Schranzhofer Marco1871AUT 1w0 24b1 3w1 15b1 5w½ 27b1 2w0 21b½ 7b0 10w1 9w0 18b1 13b1 4w½ 14b19,5518135
17Forschner Walter1853GER 2b0 26w1 4b0 24w1 8b1 10w0 20b½ 14w0 25b1 5b0 30w0 28w1 23b1 22w1 1b07,51707104,5
18Doll Heinrich1847AUT 3w0 25b½ 23w1 27b0 21w0 29b1 30b1 20w1 6b1 4w0 14b½ 16w0 28b1 1w0 26w18120799
19Knetsch Peter1827AUT 4b0 28w1 6b0 29w1 10b0 20w0 15b1 8w0 26b1 12w0 23b1 30w½ 22b0 25w1 24b17,5190788,5
20Handl Hans1818AUT 5w0 29b1 11w0 21b0 15w1 19b1 17w½ 18b0 12w1 27b0 25w½ 22b½ 26b½ 28w1 3b07230595,5
21Limbrunner Steven1814GER 6b1 8w0 12b0 20w1 18b1 4w½ 14b1 16w½ 9b1 1w0 13b½ 7w0 11b0 10w0 29b17,52006126,5
22Erlacher Herbert1790AUT 7w0 30b0 25w0 26b1 24b1 12w0 23w1 11b0 28b1 14w0 29b1 20w½ 19w1 17b0 5w06,5240693,5
23Kramell Ralph F.K.1763GER 8b0 12w0 18b0 28w1 29b½ 15w0 22b0 26w1 24b0 6w0 19w0 25b1 17w0 27b0 11w03,5270392
24Feiersinger Gerhard1746AUT 9w0 16w0 28b1 17b0 22w0 26b1 8w0 29b1 23w1 11b1 6w0 27b0 25w1 15b0 19w06250692,5
25Janda Bernhard1718AUT 10b0 18w½ 22b1 14w0 30b0 28w0 26w1 15b1 17w0 29w1 20b½ 23w0 24b0 19b0 6w½5,5260487,5
26Egger Herbert1700AUT 11w0 17b0 29w0 22w0 28b1 24w0 25b0 23b0 19w0 30b0 15w0 12b0 20w½ 14w0 18b01,5300192
27Eberl Peter1463GER 12b1 6w0 15b½ 18w1 14b1 16w0 13b0 5b0 30w1 20w1 1b0 24w1 7b0 23w1 2w07,51407126,5
28Gugler Georg-Helmuth1390AUT 13w0 19b0 24w0 23b0 26w0 25b1 29w1 30b0 22w0 15b0 11w0 17b0 18w0 20b0 8w02280294,5
29Eppenich Christian985GER 14b0 20w0 26b1 19b0 23w½ 18w0 28b0 24w0 15w0 25b0 22w0 11b0 10b0 30w0 21w01,5291192
30Mayr Ferdinand0AUT 15w0 22w1 14b½ 3b0 25w1 11b0 18w0 28w1 27b0 26w1 17b1 19b½ 8w0 29b1 9w07220696

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)