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34. Int. Liechtensteiner Jugendturnier, Klasse U14

Last update 16.09.2018 14:43:47, Creator/Last Upload: Dominik Wolfinger

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Deuer Marius1843GER 19b½ 35w1 36w1 6b1 7w1 4b½ 33w0543323,522,25
2Bacsi Kristof1669HUN 20w1 11b1 7w0 36b1 13w1 19b1 4w1612819,524,00
3Bratu Mircea1648GER 21b1 12w1 10b0 16w0 26b1 13w1 8b15723,51815,50
4Zogg Alexander1642SUI 22w1 13b1 9w1 7b1 10w1 1w½ 2b05,53261917,50
5Weissenhofer Jonas1638LIE 23b0 27w1 18b1 12w0 34b1 16w1 10b1582115,515,00
6Schulz Victor1595FRA 24w1 15b½ 17w1 1w0 16b1 10b½ 19w15528,520,519,25
7Malkhasyan Narek1564SUI 25b1 16w1 2b1 4w0 1b0 12w1 36b04103323,517,50
8Korovin Timofey1555SUI 26w1 36b0 23w1 11b0 20w1 29b1 3w041625,518,512,00
9Avilova Yulia1541RUS 27b1 23w1 4b0 33w0 36b0 24w1 15w032329,521,58,50
10Giselbrecht Jerrik1541AUT 28w1 37b1 3w1 19b½ 4b0 6w½ 5w041229,52214,50
11Chockalingam Krithik1536SUI 29b1 2w0 31b1 8w1 33b0 36w0 17b½3,51831,52312,50
12Pribozic Manuel1508AUT 30w1 3b0 29w1 5b1 19w0 7b0 20w1413282015,00
13Osmaev Hamzat1438SUI 31b1 4w0 34b1 21w1 2b0 3b0 29w03252618,55,50
14Dipalma Mattia Angelo1405SUI 32w½ 17b0 33b0 30w0 24b0 25w0 21b11,53322,5152,25
15Umbach Joel1388SUI 33b1 6w½ 19b0 35w1 17b0 18w1 9b14,5927,519,517,00
16Baron Simon1379GER 34w1 7b0 37w1 3b1 6w0 5b0 30w141525,51911,50
17Schulz Helene1366FRA 35b½ 14w1 6b0 25w1 15w1 33b0 11w½41427,52013,00
18Kurapov Denis1331SUI 36w0 26b1 5w0 29b0 23w1 15b0 28w023026,519,55,00
19Guba Viktor1322AUT 1w½ 32b1 15w1 10w½ 12b1 2w0 6b04113022,514,50
20Loretz Jonas1250AUT 2b0 29w0 24b1 27w1 8b0 34w1 12b03242618,58,00
21Heron Andrew1200LIE 3w0 28b½ 30w1 13b0 35w0 37b0 14w01,5342114,54,50
22Robertz Sandor1200SUI 4b0 31w0 27b0 -1 37w½ 30b0 32b01,53519,512,52,00
23Sele Timea1198SUI 5w1 9b0 8b0 34w0 18b0 32w1 26b02322013,56,50
24Giselbrecht Leefke1134AUT 6b0 33w0 20w0 32b1 14w1 9b0 34b132621,5144,50
25Thieme Hanno992GER 7w0 30b½ 32w1 17b0 29w0 14b1 37w13,5212014,56,50
26Hoch Laurin913AUT 8b0 18w0 -1 37b1 3w0 35b½ 23w13,52020,513,58,75
27Wielander Magdalena825AUT 9w0 5b0 22w1 20b0 32w1 28b1 35w½3,52220147,25
28Impler Felix792GER 10b0 21w½ 35b0 31w1 30b½ 27w0 18b13272014,56,75
29Baro Gonzalo0GER 11w0 20b1 12b0 18w1 25b1 8w0 13b1417231711,50
30Choroev Bermet0GER 12b0 25w½ 21b0 14b1 28w½ 22w1 16b032818,513,55,75
31Jenne Daniil0LIE 13w0 22b1 11w0 28b0 -0 -0 -01371813,51,00
32Kaufmann Tino0SUI 14b½ 19w0 25b0 24w0 27b0 23b0 22w11,53618,513,51,75
33Novikova Daria0RUS 15w0 24b1 14w1 9b1 11w1 17w1 1b16224,51820,00
34Raj Ria0SUI 16b0 -1 13w0 23b1 5w0 20b0 24w023122,515,53,50
35Schellenberg Simon0SUI 17w½ 1b0 28w1 15b0 21b1 26w½ 27b½3,51924,5189,75
36Stangl Robert0GER 18b1 8w1 1b0 2w0 9w1 11b1 7w15627,519,516,50
37Steur Jonas0GER -1 10w0 16b0 26w0 22b½ 21w1 25b02,52920154,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable