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Dernière mise à jour 11.08.2018 19:03:32, Créateur/Dernière mise à jour: FSHK

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Grille américaine finale après la ronde 9

RgNomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts Dep.1  Dep.2  Dep.3 
1IMWegerle Jörg2426GER 76w1 49b1 21w1 5b1 7w1 4b½ 3w½ 14b1 9w1851,555,548,25
2GMEpishin Vladimir2528RUS 70w1 22b1 25w1 17b½ 11w1 3b½ 4w1 9b½ 15w17,5515545,00
3GMMilov Leonid2466GER 50b1 42w1 26b1 19w½ 13b1 2w½ 1b½ 16w1 7b17,5505544,25
4FMSchenderowitsch Michael2316GER 52b1 95w1 24b1 34w1 8b1 1w½ 2b0 5w½ 18b175155,540,50
5Murati Bujar Gregor Ramon2025GER 98b1 59w1 10b1 1w0 16b½ 55w1 11w1 4b½ 14w174951,537,00
6Dauner Benedikt2024GER 96b1109w1 8b0 61w1 14b0 58w1 17b1 35w1 20w17434633,50
7Cofmann Veaceslav2233GER 69b1 47w1 37b1 28w1 1b0 30w1 15w½ 13b1 3w06,547,551,533,00
8FMMuckle Julius2264GER 82w1 39b1 6w1 56b1 4w0 29b1 9w0 15b½ 25w16,5475134,50
9Helbig Daniel2171GER 88b1 13w0 70b1 37w1 27b1 34w1 8b1 2w½ 1b06,546,549,532,25
10FMZuferi Enis2326GER 64w1 41b1 5w0 39b1 17w½ 13b0 57w1 31b1 29w16,54448,533,00
11Yakovenko Oleg2186GER 85b1 44w1 13b½ 55w1 2b0 68w1 5b0 41w1 30b16,54447,530,25
12IMKlundt Klaus2263GER 60b1 37w0 31b1 95w1 26b1 35w1 14b0 30w½ 27b16,542,54733,25
13Muckle Richard1915GER117b+ 9b1 11w½ 20b1 3w0 10w1 19b1 7w0 16b½651,555,535,25
14Schmidt Horst2154GER 83w1 62b1 56w0 57b1 6w1 21b1 12w1 1w0 5b06485232,50
15FMHirneise Jens2355GER 78b1 31w½ 68b1 23w1 19b½ 17w1 7b½ 8w½ 2b06485232,25
16Feldmann Johannes2207GER 54b1 38w½ 53b1 5w½ 43b1 18w1 3b0 13w½64650,532,00
17FMMüller Michael2133GER 75b1 48w1 65b1 2w½ 10b½ 15b0 6w0 45w1 37b16465030,00
18Louis Volker2074GER 77b1 34w0 52b1 45w1 28b1 19w1 16b0 22w1 4w064548,530,50
19Weller Manuel2209GER 86w1 57b1 36w1 3b½ 15w½ 18b0 13w0 53b1 42w164447,529,25
20Dobrikov Marco2146GER 73b1 40w1 34b0 13w0 61b1 44w1 26b1 21w1 6b0643,547,530,00
21Drill Frank2053GER 89b1 61w1 1b0 36w1 56b1 14w0 65b1 20b0 38w1642,54626,00
22Esswein Karlheinz2016GER105b1 2w0 69b1 85w1 35b0 36w1 46b1 18b0 40w164143,524,50
23WIMZilberman Polina2144GER 67w1 58b½ 74w1 15b0 40w½ 38b1 27w0 44b1 39w1639,54327,25
24Rölle Philipp2022GER 66w1113b1 4w0 86b½ 48w1 25b0 43w½ 34b1 36w1639,54225,25
25Johann Christof Dr.2093GER 63b1 45w1 2b0 44w1 34b0 24w1 41b½ 55w1 8b05,544,548,527,00
26Huseynov Ahad2031GER 92w1 72b1 3w0 91b1 12w0 40b1 20w0 48b1 32w½5,542,54623,50
27Tresch Lukas2025GER115w+ 65w0 60b1 72b1 9w0 45w1 23b1 29b½ 12w05,5424626,25
28Murseli Ujup1861KOS119w+ 46w1 33b1 7b0 18w0 42w0 60b½ 59w1 55b15,541,545,525,75
29Kessler Andreas2105GER 59b0114w1 78b1 47w1 41b1 8w0 42b1 27w½ 10b05,541,545,525,50
30Dushatskiy Fedor2063GER 80w1 56b0 79w1 62b1 38w1 7b0 67w1 12b½ 11w05,541,54524,25
31Scheynin Julia1978GER102w1 15b½ 12w0 74b1 55b0 50w1 34b1 10w0 60b15,541,544,524,00
32Steinmacher Josef1934GER116w+ 33w0 77b1 35w0 75b1 46w0 78b1 68w1 26b½5,537,54122,25
33FMBraun Peter2178GER 51w1 32b1 28w0 38b0 43w0 77b1 72w½ 88b1 57w15,5374023,00
34Vohmann Wolfgang1880GER 81w1 18b1 20w1 4b0 25w1 9b0 31w0 24w0 65b1546,550,525,50
35Gypser Andreas Dr.2112GER 87w1 36b0 76w1 32b1 22w1 12b0 39w1 6b0 -054447,523,50
36Baum Michael Prof. Dr.1872GER118b+ 35w1 19b0 21b0 66w1 22b0 83w1 47w1 24b0542,546,522,50
37Klein Roland1952GER104w1 12b1 7w0 9b0 51w0 86b1 76w1 67b1 17w05424521,00
38Yakovenko Denis1952GER108b1 55w½ 16b½ 33w1 30b0 23w0 70b1 65w1 21b0541,54421,25
39Seeger Klaus1956GER110b1 8w0 73b1 10w0 60b1 56w1 35b0 75w1 23b0541,543,519,00
40Esterluss Johannes1914GER112w1 20b0 87w½ 71b1 23b½ 26w0 52b1 46w1 22b05414320,75
41Pelt Alexander1966GER100b1 10w0 88b1 65w1 29w0 51b1 25w½ 11b0 49w½5414319,25
42Lehmann Sven2006GER 99w1 3b0 86w0 63b1 76w1 28b1 29w0 43b1 19b0540,543,521,00
43Lütz Jannik1886- 47b0 89w½ 81w1 54b1 33b1 16w0 24b½ 42w0 80b154043,522,75
44Dickel Gisbert1941GER 90w1 11b0 67w1 25b0 96w1 20b0 79w1 23w0 69b1539,542,518,50
45Gellendin Ingo1894GER103w1 25b0 66w1 18b0 90w1 27b0 51w1 17b0 79w153941,519,00
46Guttenbacher Bernhard2097GER 71w1 28b0 64w½ 58b½ 72w1 32b1 22w0 40b0 78w15384221,50
47Do Nam1947GER 43w1 7b0 83w1 29b0 67w0 98b1 82w1 36b0 66w1537,54019,50
48Mikeler Marcel1903GER111w1 17b0 71w½ 87b1 24b0 59w1 68b½ 26w0 75b1537,539,518,00
49Hetzer Volkhard1988GER 97b1 1w0 85b0 77w1 70b½ 65w0 73b1 56w1 41b½536,53919,00
50Franz Klaus1816GER 3w0 66b0 84w1 92b½ 87w1 31b0 63w½101b1 67w1535,538,517,75
51Rotermund Verena1714GER 33b0108w1 95b0 94w1 37b1 41w0 45b0 93w1 74b1535,53818,00
52Reis Hans-Helmut1745FRA 4w0102b1 18w0 66b0 84w1 99b1 40w0100b1 68b1535,537,515,50
53Kemper Yannick1945GER 65b0 80w1 75b1 16w0 69b½ 85w1 71b½ 19w0 77b153538,518,50
54Frohnhäuser Simon1895GER114b½ 16w0 89b1 43w0 73b0 90b1 86w1 69w½ 71b153437,518,50
55Karsay Pascal2243GER 79w1 38b½ 58w1 11b0 31w1 5b0 62w1 25b0 28w04,543,547,521,00
56Dincher Wolfgang1839GER106b1 30w1 14b1 8w0 21w0 39b0 66w½ 49b0 88w14,5414318,50
57Probst Alexander1935GER121b1 19w0 59b1 14w0 85b½ 69w1 10b0 71w1 33b04,5404115,25
58Haag Günter1892GER 94b1 23w½ 55b0 46w½109b+ 6b0 88w½ 72b1 -04,539,542,518,50
59Link Justus1585GER 29w1 5b0 57w0113b1 62w½ 48b0 64w1 28b0 86w14,539,54218,25
60Heimann Leo1739GER 12w0 84b1 27w0 97b1 39w0103b1 28w½ 62b1 31w04,537,54015,50
61Schubert Matthias1839GER122w1 21b0113w1 6b0 20w0 66b0 87w1 83b1 63w½4,53738,513,50
62May Jürgen1906GER 93b1 14w0 97b1 30w0 59b½ 73w1 55b0 60w0 85b14,53638,515,75
63Stöckl Andreas1563GER 25w0 81b0104w1 42w0117b+ 91b½ 50b½ 70w1 61b½4,534,537,516,50
64Herzog Manfred1761GER 10b0105w1 46b½ 68w0 71b0 81w1 59b0 96w1 89b14,534,53715,50
65Axmann Stefan0GER 53w1 27b1 17w0 41b0 91w1 49b1 21w0 38b0 34w044245,518,50
66Beyer Thomas1385GER 24b0 50w1 45b0 52w1 36b0 61w1 56b½ 74w½ 47b0439,54318,50
67Kovac Laura1634GER 23b0 93w1 44b0107w1 47b1 95w1 30b0 37w0 50b0439,54215,50
68CMHerbold Manfred2074GER101w1 74b½ 15w0 64b1 86w1 11b0 48w½ 32b0 52w04394215,25
69Burg Ernst1716GER 7w0104b1 22w0100b1 53w½ 57b0 92w1 54b½ 44w0438,540,513,50
70Klaus Rainer1823GER 2b0 98w1 9w0101b1 49w½ 82b½ 38w0 63b0 97w1437,54012,50
71Javadzadeh Kenan1581FRA 46b0106w1 48b½ 40w0 64w1 74b1 53w½ 57b0 54w0437,539,515,00
72Morio Estelle1838GER107b1 26w0109b1 27w0 46b0 80w1 33b½ 58w0 73b½43739,514,75
73Jessl Ingo1634GER 20w0111b1 39w0 81b½ 54w1 62b0 49w0 90b1 72w½4373914,50
74Faulhaber Tobias1846GER120w+ 68w½ 23b0 31w0105b1 71w0 85b1 66b½ 51w043638,514,00
75Ries Matthias1612GER 17w0103b1 53w0106b1 32w0109b1 91w1 39b0 48w04363812,00
76Hardt Anton1785GER 1b0 96w1 35b0 98w1 42b0 97w1 37b0 77w0 99b1435,53811,00
77Starosta Frank1539GER 18w0122b1 32w0 49b0118w+ 33w0110b1 76b1 53w0435,53710,50
78Shahisavandi Abdollah1780GER 15w0 99b1 29w0 96b0 92w1102b1 32w0 97b1 46b043436,512,00
79Götze Peter1730GER 55b0100w1 30b0 93w1 95b0 96w1 44b0 99w1 45b04343611,50
80Gajic Nikola1520- 30b0 53b0 90w0 89w1114b+ 72b0111w1 82b1 43w0433,535,512,50
81Neeman David0GER 34b0 63w1 43b0 73w½ 82w0 64b0121w1 87b½101w14333411,75
82Do Tran Son Dr.1740GER 8b0 97w0110b1105w½ 81b1 70w½ 47b0 80w0102w14313312,25
83Maloumian Haik1650FRA 14b0121w1 47b0109w0110b1107w1 36b0 61w0100b1430,531,57,50
84Laudenklos Michael1182GER 95b0 60w0 50b0112w1 52b0120w+101w0106b1 98w1429319,00
85Seeger Alexandra1715GER 11w0 90b1 49w1 22b0 57w½ 53b0 74w0 92b1 62w03,538,54214,25
86Höhler Waldemar1715GER 19b0110w1 42b1 24w½ 68b0 37w0 54b0105w1 59b03,5384012,50
87Schmidt Klaus Dr.1608GER 35b0 94w1 40b½ 48w0 50b0105w1 61b0 81w½ 93b½3,53638,512,25
88Halabi Ibrahim1712GER 9w0112b1 41w0 90b0116w+ 93w1 58b½ 33w0 56b03,5363810,75
89Lechler Walter1501GER 21w0 43b½ 54w0 80b0113w1 92b0104w1 91b1 64w03,53436,511,50
90Baumgaertner Marvin1246GER 44b0 85w0 80b1 88w1 45b0 54w0 96b½ 73w0110b13,5323410,00
91Kilthau Peter1856GER109b0 92w1107b1 26w0 65b0 63w½ 75b0 89w0105b13,53133,510,50
92Witt Holger1489GER 26b0 91b0121w1 50w½ 78b0 89w1 69b0 85w0111b13,531329,00
93Heinze Ulrich0GER 62w0 67b0 99w1 79b0101w1 88b0 98w1 51b0 87w½3,53032,510,25
94Menold Maxim0- 58w0 87b0102w1 51b0 99w0101b0112w1111b1106w½3,526288,00
95Benninger Rudolf Dr.1958GER 84w1 4b0 51w1 12b0 79w1 67b0 -0 -0 -034043,512,50
96Pillath Marcus1403GER 6w0 76b0111w1 78w1 44b0 79b0 90w½ 64b0104w½335379,25
97Schotthöfer Samira1226GER 49w0 82b1 62w0 60w0120b+ 76b0107b1 78w0 70b033335,59,50
98Köbsel Martin1440GER 5w0 70b0112w1 76b0119w+ 47w0 93b0110w1 84b0332347,00
99Nelles Werner1274GER 42b0 78w0 93b0108w1 94b1 52w0103b1 79b0 76w0331,5348,50
100Huang Luca Hanson1209GER 41w0 79b0122w+ 69w0107b0121b1109w+ 52w0 83w0330,531,57,00
101Wick Dieter1544GER 68b0107w0108b1 70w0 93b0 94w1 84b1 50w0 81b033032,59,50
102Schillert Nikolaj1222GER 31b0 52w0 94b0121b1106w1 78w0105b0103w1 82b0329305,50
103Machill Neven0- 45b0 75w0105b0104b1115w+ 60w0 99w0102b0121w1328297,00
104Richter Tim1104GER 37b0 69w0 63b0103w0112b1113w½ 89b0107w1 96b½327297,25
105Mayer Rolf1352GER 22w0 64b0103w1 82b½ 74w0 87b0102w1 86b0 91w02,531,5347,50
106Schlaza Maurice0GER 56w0 71b0 -1 75w0102b0110w0108b1 84w0 94b½2,528307,25
107Vakuliak Feodor0GER 72w0101b1 91w0 67b0100w1 83b0 97w0104b0108b½2,526,528,56,25
108Kern Jennifer928GER 38w0 51b0101w0 99b0111w0112b1106w0122b1107w½2,524,5264,75
109Pietro Mulargia0GER 91w1 6b0 72w0 83b1 58w- 75w0100b- -0 -0235387,50
110Kern Alexander1115GER 39w0 86b0 82w0111b1 83w0106b1 77w0 98b0 90w0228304,00
111Heringer Niklas0GER 48b0 73w0 96b0110w0108b1122w1 80b0 94w0 92w022728,54,00
112Heinze Teresa0GER 40b0 88w0 98b0 84b0104w0108w0 94b0121b1122w1224,525,52,50
113Weyrauch Günter0GER -1 24w0 61b0 59w0 89b0104b½ -0 -0 -01,53234,55,50
114Jesel Ingo0GER 54w½ 29b0 -0 80w- -0 -0 -0 -0132344,50
115Pilath Marcus1403GER 27b- -0103b- -0 -0 -0 -0130,532,54,00
Elghadamsi Mohammed0GER 32b- -0 88b- -0 -0 -0 -0130,532,54,00
Halabi Khaled0GER 13w- -0 63w- -0 -0 -0 -0130,532,54,00
Neven Machill0GER 36w- -0 77b- -0 -0 -0 -0130,532,54,00
Nick Dieter0GER 28b- -0 98b- -0 -0 -0 -0130,532,54,00
Radulesco Romulus0GER 74b- -0 97w- 84b- -0 -0 -0130,532,54,00
121Cicek Firat0GER 57w0 83b0 92b0102w0122b1100w0 81b0112w0103b0125,5271,50
122Schönhammer Vitaly0GER 61b0 77w0100b- -0121w0111b0 -1108w0112b0123241,00

Départage 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Départage 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Départage 3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable