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Cupa Primariei Vaslui - Editia 5 Open - Elo<2200 (Vaslui, 13-15 August 2018)

Last update 15.08.2018 15:05:58, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 38)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMRomcovici Victor2118MDA 31w1 15b1 13w1 2b½ 9w½ 7b1 4w16130,53324,5
2IVasile Marian2065ROU 32b1 16w1 12b1 1w½ 23w1 9b½ 6w16228,532,525
3IDinu Sergiu-Andrei1935ROU 33w1 17b0 24w1 22b½ 19w1 15b½ 16w15526,53019
4Martinenco Sergiu1857MDA 34b1 18w½ 19b1 10w1 8b½ 61w1 1b05925,528,522,5
5Bacalu Iulian1824MDA 35w1 22b0 39w1 6b1 15w½ 13b½ 28w158262719,5
6IAnitei Ion1791ROU 36b1 21w1 14b½ 5w0 10b1 23w1 2b04,51226,528,520,5
7IIMihalache Paul-Stelian1788ROU 38b1 21w1 53b1 1w0 18b04212426,518,5
8IAliciuc Alexandru-Gabriel1756ROU 37w+ 23w½ 27b½ 25w+ 4w½ 22b0 24w½41825,528,518,5
9IBradateanu Corneliu1749ROU 38b1 25w1 17b1 14w1 1b½ 2w½ 13b0543032,524,5
10CMBratu Gheorghe1732ROU 39w1 24b½ 22w1 4b0 6w0 19b½ 29b1417262817
11IPandur Cristian1718ROU 40b1 27w½ 23b- -0 -0 -0 -01,5572224,510
12IGavris Eugen1685ROU 41w1 28b1 2w0 26b1 61w0 25b1 22w½4,51126,52919,5
13IIIenasoaie Rafael1665ROU 42b1 29w1 1b0 27w1 58b1 5w½ 9w15,5327,529,522
14IIIenasoaie Gabriel1634ROU 43w1 62b1 6w½ 9b0 22w0 30b1 61b14,51423,52518,5
15IIBighiu Rares1627ROU 44b1 1w0 40b1 52w1 5b½ 3w½ 58b15626,529,519,5
16Guidea Ion1585MDA 45w1 2b0 41w1 53b- 34b1 27w1 3b041925,52817
17IINicolau Gigi1577ROU 46b1 3w1 9w0 61b0 30w1 -0 -033525,526,516
18IIAdam Ioan1562ROU 47w1 4b½ 30w1 23b0 24w½ 26b1 7w151024,52719,5
19CMGurguiatu Sandu1524ROU 48b1 4w0 34w1 3b0 10w½ 40b14232426,516
20ITamba Dumitru1523ROU 42b1 58w0 38b1 29w½ 53b14,515202216,5
21IIPadurariu Gelu1518ROU 50w1 6b0 47w1 7b0 31w1 28b0 32w034021,52415
22IIDanila Ianis-Andrei1503ROU 54b1 5w1 10b0 3w½ 14b1 8w1 12b½57262920,5
23IIRangu Daniel1467ROU 55w1 8b½ 11w+ 18w1 2b0 6b0 51w14,51325,528,520
24IIPalanici Bogdan1464ROU 56b1 10w½ 3b0 43w1 18b½ 53w½ 8b½42522,524,517
25Carp Gheorghe1460MDA 57w1 9b0 49w1 8b- 39b1 12w0 52b½3,5322222,515,5
26Cataveica Ion1459MDA 58b0 44w1 51b1 12w0 52b1 18w0 34b142423,526,515
27IIHusaru Remus-George1424ROU 59w1 11b½ 8w½ 13b0 32w1 16b0 38w14222426,516,5
28CMDumitrica Neculai1418ROU 60b1 12w0 52b0 42w1 40b1 21w1 5b042622,524,516
29Atamaniuc Nicolae1394MDA 61w1 13b0 53w0 47b1 41w1 20b½ 10w03,5312325,515
30IIAncuta Eduard-Gabriel1385ROU 58w1 18b0 54w1 17b0 14w0 39b13,529242614,5
31IILuca Matei-Gabriel1351ROU 1b0 46w1 58b0 44w1 21b0 51b0 47w½2,548222310,5
32IIToma Ionut-Cristian1322ROU 2w0 43b½ 54b½ 46w1 27b0 44w1 21b1427212212,5
33IIPanainte Silviu-Octavian1317ROU 3b0 48w1 61b0 51w½ 54b1 58w0 43b13,53321,523,512
34IIAndres Anton1310ROU 4w0 45b1 62w1 19b0 16w0 47b1 26w03362324,513
35IIBalu Ioan1233ROU 5b0 54w0 48b½ 36w0 56b0 62w0 -11,55816,5173,5
36IIChiritescu Denis1208ROU 6w0 47b0 50w0 35b1 49w0 56b0 57w125615,5165
37IIArnautu Cristina-Crina1202ROU 8b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -006216,517,50
38IITatarusanu Eric1194ROU 9w0 50b1 7w0 49b1 20w0 45b+ 27b033722,52512
39IIRusu Diana-Andreea1192ROU 10b0 56w1 5b0 60w+ 25w0 55b½ 30w02,5462224,511
40Martinenco Nicolae1174MDA 11w0 55b1 15w0 50b1 28w0 49b1 19w033822,52512
41IIPotorac David1156ROU 12b0 60w1 16b0 62w1 29b0 52w0 49b-25122,52410
42IIPotorac Stefan1156ROU 13w0 57b1 20w0 28b0 50w½ 48b½ 60w025222,5238,5
43IIDragu Razvan1140ROU 14b0 32w½ 59b+ 24b0 51w0 50b1 33w02,5472224,510
44IIToma Vlad-Nicolae1115ROU 15w0 26b0 55w1 31b0 60w1 32b0 56w13392224,59
45IIVolocaru Bogdan-Mihail1100ROU 16b0 34w0 60b0 48w1 57b1 38w- -02532020,57
46IIStancu Eric-Flavius1055ROU 17w0 31b0 57w1 32b0 55w0 60b0 50w015919,5205
47IIIgnat Andrei-Daniel1052ROU 18b0 36w1 21b0 29w0 62b1 34w0 31b½2,5491920,59,5
48IIPotorac Ioana1034ROU 19w0 33b0 35w½ 45b0 -1 42w½ 62b134515,516,57,5
49IVRopota Damian-Alexandru1034ROU 25b0 38w0 36b1 40w0 41w+34218,520,510,5
50IIMaftei George1031ROU 21b0 38w0 36b1 40w0 42b½ 43w0 46b12,55014,515,57,5
51IINemtisor Andrei1022ROU 26w0 33b½ 43b1 31w1 23b03,534212313,5
52IICuzub David1315ROU 28w1 15b0 26w0 41b1 25w½3,5282426,514
53IIMoraru Ana-Alina1076ROU 29b1 16w+ 7w0 24b½ 20w03,5302326,516,5
54IIIStancu Iustin-Luca1065ROU 22w0 35b1 32w½ 30b0 33w0 57b1 55w½3412020,511
55IIIPandelea Stefan-Eduard1035ROU 23b0 40w0 44b0 56w1 46b1 39w½ 54b½34417,518,58,5
56IVFurnica Dragos-George1020ROU 24w0 39b0 -0 55b0 35w1 36w1 44b025517185
57FCBalu Gabriel1001ROU 25b0 42w0 46b0 -1 45w0 54w0 36b016015,516,54
58FCBarcan Silviu1001ROU 26w1 30b0 31w1 20b1 13w0 33b1 15w04162628,518
59FCBostaca Victor-Mario1001ROU 27b0 43w- -0 -0 -0 -00,5611819,53
60FCCarp Constantin1001MDA 28w0 41b0 45w1 39b- 44b0 46w1 42b134318198
61FCCarp Serghei1001MDA 29b0 -1 33w1 17w1 12b1 4b0 14w04202527,518
62FCLeca Andrei Anastasia1001ROU -1 14w0 34b0 41b0 47w0 35b1 48w025418199

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break