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Last update 21.10.2018 03:54:00, Creator/Last Upload: Metrópole Xadrez Clube

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1FMMenna Barreto Felipe KubiakiBRA 20b1 12w1 10b½ 6w1 4b14,52012,51543
2FMMenna Barreto Luiz NeyBRA 21w0 28b1 17w1 13b1 19w144013,515,542
3FMSouza Ivan BoereBRA 22b1 13w1 14b1 4w½ 7b14,510141643
4Ferreira Vitor Hugo VieiraBRA 23w1 15b1 9w1 3b½ 1w03,57014,516,532
5Fonseca Luis Ernesto Serra Azul daBRA 24b1 14w0 20b1 16w1 8b031001416,533
6Ferreira Filho Antonio FabianoBRA 25w1 19b1 11w1 1b0 21w031101416,532
7Perondi Rodolfo AntonioBRA 26b½ 36w1 21w1 10b1 3w03,5801314,532
8Flech Roberto MiottoBRA 27w1 21b0 23w1 15b1 5w146011,513,542
9Da Luz Everson MacielBRA 28b1 18w1 4b0 14w0 11w1313012,514,532
10Teles Lucas MarquetottiBRA 29w1 35b1 1w½ 7w0 14b02,5180141622
11Da Silva Joao Carlos OrguimBRA 30b1 39w1 6b0 24w½ 9b02,520010,51123
12Karoly Janos MichaelBRA 31w1 1b0 25w1 21b0 23w13120131532
13Teixeira Guilherme VargasBRA 32b1 3b0 27w1 2w0 22b1314012,51333
14Calsing AdoBRA 33w1 5b1 3w0 9b1 10w1450131442
15Friedrich Carlos Ernesto G.BRA 34b1 4w0 22b1 8w0 25b½2,51901212,523
16Venter Paulo RegisBRA 35w0 29b1 38w1 5b0 27w1317099,532
17Brandalize JorgeBRA 36b½ 26w1 2b0 18w1 24b13,5901112,533
18Da Silva Pedro Cesar NunesBRA 37w1 9b0 35w½ 17b0 26w12,52301010,522
19Rodrigues Jose MonteiroBRA 38b1 6w0 39b1 36w1 2b031609,51033
20Da Fonseca Junior Paulo Jair M.BRA 1w0 31b1 5w0 35b1 29w1315011,513,532
21Da Silva Anderson Batista BrumBRA 2b1 8w1 7b0 12w1 6b143014,517,543
22Capp GuilhermeBRA 3w0 33b1 15w0 31b1 13w02260121322
23Pereira Carlos PequerBRA 4b0 30w1 8b0 37w1 12b0224012,51323
24Rovira Carlos PereiraBRA 5w0 37b1 26w1 11b½ 17w02,521010,51122
25Valle Arthur Osiris DoBRA 6b0 32w1 12b0 30w1 15w½2,522010,51122
26Buchatski SadiBRA 7w½ 17b0 24b0 32w1 18b01,53301212,513
27Kuciak AlexandreBRA 8b0 34w1 13b0 38w1 16b0228010,51123
28Nunes da Silva Tadeu FernandoBRA 9w0 2w0 36b0 33b1 34w122901010,522
29Gomes Homero AraujoBRA 10b0 16w0 32b1 39w1 20b0230099,523
30Cesa Carlos AlbertoBRA 11w0 23b0 33w1 25b0 37b1232088,523
31Pereira Mariana SeboltBRA 12b0 20w0 34b1 22w0 38b123108,5923
32Figueira Charles MartinsBRA 13w0 25b0 29w0 26b0 -113809902
33Evangelista Mario CorreaBRA 14b0 22w0 30b0 28w0 39b113501010,513
34Da Silva Richard ManciaBRA 15w0 27b0 31w0 -1 28b013908,5902
35Bertonha Mario JoseBRA 16b1 10w0 18b½ 20w0 36b½2270111313
36Cunha Michelle BritoBRA 17w½ 7b0 28w1 19b0 35w½2250121412
37Da Silva Rodrigo BrockBRA 18b0 24w0 -1 23b0 30w0137091002
38Gonzaga NilsonBRA 19w0 -1 16b0 27b0 31w013401011,502
39Sousa Eduardo FritschBRA -1 11b0 19w0 29b0 33w013609,510,502

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break5: Most black