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Darrera actualització20.11.2018 23:09:31, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Luis E. Valle Maytin

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Núm.NomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Alvarez Serra Jordi2059CAT 15b1 8w1 5b+ 9b1 4w1 3w½ 7b0 5b0 2w16,523837 ...49,5
2Angelats Pignatelli Daniel2051CAT 16w+ 9b0 11w1 -0 23b1 19w1 3b½ 4w1 1b05,5728,527,5 ...46
3Diaz Comas Jordi2049CAT 17b1 10w1 6b1 4w0 5w1 1b½ 2w½ 7w½ 9b½633433 ...50,5
4Ramon Estades Llorenç2049CAT 18w1 11b½ 7w1 3b1 1b0 9w1 -0 2b0 20w15,543130 ...48
5Horta Gafarot Biel2036CAT 19b1 14w1 1w- 8w1 3b0 6w½ 10b1 1w1 7b05,563029 ...50
6Fernandez Alsina David2015CAT 20w1 13b1 3w0 10b0 22w1 5b½ 12w1 9b½ 8w½5,5828,527,5 ...44
7Carranza Font Joan2007CAT 21b½ 12w1 4b0 14w1 17b1 10w1 1w1 3b½ 5w17132,532 ...46,5
8Serra Palomar Josep1970CAT 22w1 1b0 24w1 5b0 11w0 21b1 13w1 14b1 6b½5,5925,524,5 ...41
9Alarcon Pages Salvador1946CAT 23b1 2w1 21b1 1w0 10w½ 4b0 19b1 6w½ 3w½5,553130 ...45,5
10Vidal Palou Jordi1927CAT 24w1 3b0 22w1 6w1 9b½ 7b0 5w0 12b0 26w14,51125,524,5 ...46,5
11Gallart Vila Joan1912CAT 25b1 4w½ 2b0 19w0 8b1 17w½ 14b½ 20w0 13b14,51522,521,5 ...42
12Baig Falgueras Marc1856CAT 26w0 7b0 20w½ 29b1 25w1 24b1 6b0 10w1 22b15,51021,521,5 ...39
13Delgado Rus Juan Antonio1836CAT 28b1 6w0 17b½ 21w1 19b0 14w0 8b0 23w1 11w03,52020,519,5 ...38
14Gimenez Pau Daniel1825CAT 29w1 5b0 26w1 7b0 24w½ 13b1 11w½ 8w0 17b½4,51224,523,5 ...41,5
15Lambier Cornella Jaume1751CAT 1w0 24b0 19b0 -1 26w1 22b0 18w½ 27b½ 21w½3,5241414 ...35,5
16Llorella Costa Fabio Ricardo1737CAT 2b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -002900 ...27
17Romera Fernandez Manel1734CAT 3w0 27b1 13w½ 25b1 7w0 11b½ 22w½ 24b½ 14w½4,51422,522,5 ...41
18Torres Garcia Xavier1701CAT 4b0 23w- 27w0 20b1 28b½ 25w0 15b½ -0 -13261111 ...32
19Vegas Cortes Jose Maria1694CAT 5w0 29b½ 15w1 11b1 13w1 2b0 9w0 22b- 24b14,5132323 ...40
20Cuerda Quintana Antoni1692CAT 6b0 25w0 12b½ 18w0 -1 23w1 27b+ 11b1 4b04,51717,517,5 ...38,5
21Villa Carrillo Julio1685CAT 7w½ 26b1 9w0 13b0 27b½ 8w0 23b½ 28w½ 15b½3,5221817,5 ...37
22Amich Vidal Pau1671CAT 8b0 28w1 10b0 27w1 6b0 15w1 17b½ 19w+ 12w04,51621,521,5 ...38
23Puig Aliu Daniel1651CAT 9w0 18b+ -0 26b1 2w0 20b0 21w½ 13b0 28b13,52316,516,5 ...35
24Garcia Castany Jose1650CAT 10b0 15w1 8b0 28w1 14b½ 12w0 25b½ 17w½ 19w03,5211919 ...38
25Pales Pi Marta1645CAT 11w0 20b1 29w½ 17w0 12b0 18b1 24w½ 26b0 27w14181818 ...36
26Saurina Colomer Carles1630CAT 12b1 21w0 14b0 23w0 15b0 -1 28w1 25w1 10b04191817 ...32,5
27Alsina Carreras Eva1590CAT -0 17w0 18b1 22b0 21w½ 28b1 20w- 15w½ 25b032514,514,5 ...33,5
28Camps Torrents Josep1576CAT 13w0 22b0 -1 24b0 18w½ 27w0 26b0 21b½ 23w022710,510,5 ...32
29Naspreda Nuñez Pere1569CAT 14b0 19w½ 25b½ 12w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01287,57,5 ...34

Desempat1: Fide Tie-Break
Desempat2: Fide Tie-Break (fine)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)