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ICCD 5th Deaf Chess Olympiad - Open Individual

Last update 15.07.2018 14:53:59, Creator/Last Upload: Manchester Junior Chess (License 1)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdRk. TB1 
1FMZaynidinov Sirojiddin2028UZB -1 13b1 5w1 9b1 7w1 11b1 3w1 14b½18
2Rexhepi Halit1988SUI 17w1 10b½ 6w½ 16b1 3w½ 9w0 14b0 12b1 11w155,5
3Gruender Michael1943GER 18b1 11w1 9b0 4w1 2b½ 5w½ 7b½ 1b0 17w165,5
4Purtseladze Murtaz1919KAZ -1 12b½ 10w1 3b0 7w0 16b0 22w1 6w0 20b1134,5
5Belak Stefan1916SVK 19w½ 15b1 12w1 1b0 14w1 3b½ 9b0 18w1 29b136
6Mochalsky Dmitry1877KAZ 20b1 13w½ 2b½ 11w½ 18b0 8w1 16w½ 4b1 9w½75,5
7Oorzhak Aldar1869RUS 21w1 14b1 16b1 9w0 4b1 1b0 3w½ 11w1 8b½46
8Hoyer Olaf1862GER 22b1 16w0 18b0 25w1 27w1 6b0 24w1 28b1 7w½85,5
9Guy David1850WLS 23w1 29b1 3w1 7b1 1w0 2b1 5w1 14w½ 6b½27
10Michalczuk Krzysztof1842POL 24b1 2w½ 4b0 18w½ 15b½ 20w½ 29b0 26w1 28b½144,5
11Frajka Peter1821SVK 25w1 3b0 29w1 6b½ 12w1 18b1 1w0 7b0 2b0154,5
12Lebedev Sergey Y.1771RUS 26b1 4w½ 5b0 24w1 11b0 15w½ 20b½ 2w0 27b1164,5
13Usbeck Karl-Heinz Dr.1695GER 27w1 6b½ 1w0 26b½ 16w½ 24b½ 18w½ 17b0 30w1174,5
14Grudina Marco1681ITA 28b1 7w0 20b½ 30w1 5b0 27w1 2w1 9b½ 1w½95,5
15Andersson Simon1661AUS 29w0 5w0 17b1 19b1 10w½ 12b½ 28w0 22b1 24w0204
16Raimov Bahtiyar1571KAZ 30b1 8b1 7w0 2w0 13b½ 4w1 6b½ 29w0 18b0214
17Grashin Mikhail1561RUS 2b0 24w0 15w0 -1 25b1 22w½ 27b1 13w1 3b0184,5
18Dharmadhikari Siddhesh1473IND 3w0 19b1 8w1 10b½ 6w1 11w0 13b½ 5b0 16w1105
19Mariani Romeo1342ITA 5b½ 18w0 24b½ 15w0 29b0 -1 23w0 25b1 26w1224
20Aitzhanov Kuandyk1292KAZ 6w0 25b1 14w½ 27b0 26w1 10b½ 12w½ 24b0 4w0233,5
21Mahendra Pal1291IND 7b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0300
22Bhambu Suman1131IND 8w0 27b½ 30w0 23b1 28w½ 17b½ 4b0 15w0 -1243,5
23Bo Kolbjorn1112NOR 9b0 28w½ 26b0 22w0 -1 29w0 19b1 30b0 25w0292,5
24Kozhakhmetov Sultan1112KAZ 10w0 17b1 19w½ 12b0 30b1 13w½ 8b0 20w1 15b1115
25Abdrammanova Aslima0KAZ 11b0 20w0 -1 8b0 17w0 30w1 26b0 19w0 23b1273
26Hoyer Axel0GER 12w0 30b½ 23w1 13w½ 20b0 28b0 25w1 10b0 19b0283
27Jangid Swati0IND 13b0 22w½ 28b1 20w1 8b0 14b0 17w0 -1 12w0253,5
28Kuderbayev Yeldos0KAZ 14w0 23b½ 27w0 29b1 22b½ 26w1 15b1 8w0 10w½194,5
29Subhash Kapoor0IND 15b1 9w0 11b0 28w0 19w1 23b1 10w1 16b1 5w0125
30Williamson Chris0ENG 16w0 26w½ 22b1 14b0 24w0 25b0 -1 23w1 13b0263,5

Tie Break1: points (game-points)