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14th Asian Schools Rapid Chess Championship 2018 Under 15 Girls

Last update 08.07.2018 17:24:42, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1WCMSultanbek Zeinep1614KAZ 14w1 6b0 28w1 5b1 11w1 2b1 4w16063
2Fernando G W Nethmi L1442SRI 17b1 15w1 19b1 8w1 4b1 1w0 3b½5,50,554
3Nanditha V1481IND 28w1 11b0 23w1 14b1 6w1 15b1 2w½5,50,553
4Noshin Anjum1554BAN 26w1 12b1 6w1 11b1 2w0 9b1 1b05054
5WCMTharushi T H D Niklesha1549SRI 10b1 13w1 8b0 1w0 17b1 19w1 9w15053
6WFMKodikara K K M Sachintha1402SRI 16b1 1w1 4b0 19w1 3b0 11w½ 14b14,5044
7Choksy Anaisha1196SRI 9w0 23b0 24b1 18w1 13b½ 22w1 19b14,5044
8WCMLee Dariya1427KGZ 29w1 25b1 5w1 2b0 9w0 12b½ 15w14,5043
9Jalilova Safinoza1557UZB 7b1 19w0 10b1 13w1 8b1 4w0 5b04044
10Hetti Arachchige Thisumi S1161SRI 5w0 30b1 9w0 21b0 18w1 27b1 20w14043
11Waranga M G Yasasmi1205SRI 27b1 3w1 22b1 4w0 1b0 6b½ 12w½4034
12Jayatilaka W M M Amodya1334SRI 18b1 4w0 16b0 29w1 27b1 8w½ 11b½4034
13Jaysenthuliyane Vinumi Vidara1212SRI 30w1 5b0 21w1 9b0 7w½ 14b½ 17w14033
14Vidyarathna W H S1197SRI 1b0 24w1 27b1 3w0 16b1 13w½ 6w03,5033
15Chamathka Weerasinghe A Chethan1203SRI 21w1 2b0 25w½ 16w1 22b1 3w0 8b03,5033
16Pabasara K A Rathmi1095SRI 6w0 26b1 12w1 15b0 14w0 21b½ 24w13,5033
17Ranaweera Dulshi Tharuka1140SRI 2w0 21b0 30w1 23b1 5w0 28b1 13b03034
18Senanayaka R S M K R1075SRI 12w0 28b0 26w1 7b0 10b0 30w1 29b13034
19Epa W Buthmi J1379SRI 23w1 9b1 2w0 6b0 21w1 5b0 7w03033
20Kaveesha W V Rashini1298SRI 25w0 22b0 29w0 30b1 23w1 24w1 10b03033
21Samarakoon W V D T0SRI 15b0 17w1 13b0 10w1 19b0 16w½ 22b½3024
22Irunika S D Aruni1218SRI 24b½ 20w1 11w0 25b1 15w0 7b0 21w½3023
23Epa W Bethmee V1092SRI 19b0 7w1 3b0 17w0 20b0 26b½ 27w12,5024
24Sandanayake Nimansa Sasanduni1058SRI 22w½ 14b0 7w0 26b1 25w1 20b0 16b02,5024
25Dissanayake Ananya Anjuli1067SRI 20b1 8w0 15b½ 22w0 24b0 29w0 30b12,5024
26Divyanjalie W S M1175SRI 4b0 16w0 18b0 24w0 30b1 23w½ 28w12,5023
27Gunarathne A M J1043SRI 11w0 29b1 14w0 28b1 12w0 10w0 23b02223
28Rathnayake R M P N1144SRI 3b0 18w1 1b0 27w0 29b1 17w0 26b02124
29Rupasinghe A M S Anujana1126SRI 8b0 27w0 20b1 12b0 28w0 25b1 18w02024
30Godakumbara Aruni Kawshalya1051SRI 13b0 10w0 17b0 20w0 26w0 18b0 25w00003

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Most black