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14th Asian Schools Rapid Chess Championship 2018 Under 13 Open

Last update 08.07.2018 17:23:49, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Rakhmatullaev Almas1843UZB 24w1 10b1 7w1 3b0 5w1 2w1 6b16163
2CMSilva Kevin Ranidu1553SRI 11w1 17b1 4w1 8b1 3w1 1b0 7w16063
3Mahmood Shah Mukhriez Shah1649MAS 26w1 13b1 21w1 1w1 2b0 8b0 10w15053
4Zala Akshar1644IND 25b1 28w1 2b0 6w0 24b1 14w1 8w15053
5FMDe Silva L M S T1548SRI 29b1 6w½ 14b½ 28w1 1b0 18w1 12b15044
6Dharmakeerthi G K Pasindu Nims1200SRI 9w1 5b½ 20w1 4b1 7w½ 10b1 1w05043
7Piyumantha M Thisal Manjith1601SRI 22w1 33b1 1b0 14w1 6b½ 9w1 2b04,5044
8Degenbaev Aziz1780KGZ 31b1 14w½ 12b1 2w0 15b1 3w1 4b04,5044
9CMDahanayake Isara Banidu1556SRI 6b0 29w1 24b1 15w½ 21b1 7b0 19w14,5044
10Kodithuwakku Lisara1504SRI 35b1 1w0 25b1 16w1 12b1 6w0 3b04044
11Kavisekara Manula Heshan1179SRI 2b0 36w1 15b0 18w0 34b1 33w1 27b14044
12Akash P A Oditha1542SRI 19w1 16b1 8w0 17b1 10w0 21b1 5w04043
13Wijesekara Bihandu Sanhinda1315SRI 34b1 3w0 22b1 21w0 29b½ 28w1 16b½4034
14Indusara M G Janitha1304SRI 32w1 8b½ 5w½ 7b0 22w1 4b0 21w14033
15Turarov Aibek1286KAZ 21w0 19b1 11w1 9b½ 8w0 17b1 18w½4033
16Morais Sanithu Leander Pamuditha1123SRI 18b1 12w0 33w1 10b0 17w½ 31b1 13w½4033
17Kithmal P M Kalindhu1267SRI 36b1 2w0 34b1 12w0 16b½ 15w0 24b13,5034
18Kiriella K G T S D1387SRI 16w0 20b0 35w1 11b1 31w1 5b0 15b½3,5034
19Thanuja Dewsara1169SRI 12b0 15w0 36b1 25w1 28b½ 29w1 9b03,5034
20Mathes Arachchi Bhanila M1288SRI 27b½ 18w1 6b0 24w0 33b0 25w1 28b13,5034
21Ponnamperuma Weraka Vasath1084SRI 15b1 27w1 3b0 13b1 9w0 12w0 14b03034
22Dharmasena S B T V1216SRI 7b0 30w1 13w0 33b1 14b0 27w0 29b13034
23Ranasinghe Thinuga Devanjith1044SRI 28b0 25w0 29b0 30w1 35b1 24w0 34b13034
24Liyanage Pesandu Rashmitha1264SRI 1b0 35w1 9w0 20b1 4w0 23b1 17w03033
25Jingjang Shin1240THA 4w0 23b1 10w0 19b0 32w1 20b0 31w13033
26AIMArunakirinathan Aruthran1241SRI 3b0 34w0 30b1 29w0 27b½ 35w½ 33b13024
27Ramanayaka Y R P M1085SRI 20w½ 21b0 31w0 32b1 26w½ 22b1 11w03023
28Akasha J P Vihanga1279SRI 23w1 4b0 32w1 5b0 19w½ 13b0 20w02,5023
29Bandara W K S V1172SRI 5w0 9b0 23w1 26b1 13w½ 19b0 22w02,5023
30Hewage Dinupa Adithya1082SRI 33w0 22b0 26w0 23b0 36w1 32b1 35w½2,5023
31Akmeemana I U1249SRI 8w0 32b0 27b1 34w1 18b0 16w0 25b02024
32Perera Isara Ranmeth1090SRI 14b0 31w1 28b0 27w0 25b0 30w0 36b12024
33Sandaruwan M G Ravindu1281SRI 30b1 7w0 16b0 22w0 20w1 11b0 26w02023
34Liyanage Kusalvin1093SRI 13w0 26b1 17w0 31b0 11w0 36b1 23w02023
35Bandara Viduna Lewke1145SRI 10w0 24b0 18b0 36w1 23w0 26b½ 30b½2014
36Denagamuwa Chamuditha D V S0SRI 17w0 11b0 19w0 35b0 30b0 34w0 32w00003

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Most black