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2018 UK Chess Challenge Midlands Gigafinal Under 9 Boys Group A

Last update 07.07.2018 19:18:12, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Nakano Kazumasa86 17b1 27w1 16b1 4w1 3b1 7w16016,521,524,5
2Evans Ruben96 48b1 11w1 7b0 6w1 22b1 10w1501519,520,5
3Pal Rohan94 23w1 22b1 21w1 7b1 1w0 8b15014,520,523,5
4Guha Anuraag56 13w1 25b1 8w1 1b0 20w½ 18b14,50152123,5
5Mei Jianzhou138 42w1 31b1 10w1 18b½ 8w0 9b14,5014,518,520,5
6Gali Sanjeev Veer Raj74 12w1 24b½ 30w1 2b0 21w1 20b14,50141922
7Auchi Laith62 49w1 14b1 2w1 3w0 15b1 1b040182425
8Bohn Adam78 19b1 28w1 4b0 23w1 5b1 3w04015,520,523,5
9Humzah Saad Muhammad61 36b1 15w1 18b0 13w1 11b1 5w04015,52022,5
10Sarisky James77 52b1 26w1 5b0 17w1 18w1 2b04014,519,519,5
11Kuang Felix50 37w1 2b0 24w1 14b1 9w0 26b14013,518,520,5
12Chatto Arjohn0 6b0 45w1 27b1 16w1 19b0 29w14013,51820
13Hayhoe Joshua0 4b0 48w1 32w1 9b0 33w1 24b1401317,518,5
14Pento Nestor0 29b1 7w0 28b1 11w0 27b1 22w140131720
15Javed Alee0 30w1 9b0 42w1 31b1 7w0 23b140131719
16Stubbs Ryan61 40w1 34b1 1w0 12b0 37w1 19w14012,518,520,5
Turner Jonathan14 1w0 37b1 34w1 10b0 30w1 25b14012,518,520,5
18Farahi-Far Arman77 41w1 32b1 9w1 5w½ 10b0 4w03,5015,52022
19Moat Alexander5 8w0 38b1 35w1 21b½ 12w1 16b03,5014,518,520,5
20Smith Daniel0 28b0 52w1 36b1 29w1 4b½ 6w03,501317,517,5
21Seth Adhritt65 50b1 47w1 3b0 19w½ 6b0 36b13,5011,516,517,5
22Li Jixuan L39 43b1 3w0 47b1 25w1 2w0 14b03013,518,519,5
23Krishnan Abhinav18 3b0 43w1 39b1 8b0 35w1 15w030131820
24Loffhagen Griff26 45b1 6w½ 11b0 33b½ 43w1 13w0301317,519,5
25Ye Owen0 -1 4w0 26b1 22b0 32w1 17w03012,51719,5
26Rahman Amaan6 53b+ 10b0 25w0 34b1 31w1 11w03012,516,519
27Kumar Ajay46 38w1 1b0 12w0 40b1 14w0 37b130121820
28Russell Benjamin28 20w1 8b0 14w0 38b0 40w1 43b13011,515,517,5
29Owens Cameron42 14w0 49b1 40w1 20b0 38w1 12b03011,515,516,5
30Rathnam Rishi53 15b0 50w1 6b0 47w1 17b0 41w1301115,516,5
31Hollands Sam46 51b1 5w0 41b1 15w0 26b0 39w13010,51516
32Hitschmann Aaran30 44b1 18w0 13b0 39w1 25b0 38w130101416
33Massey Aarav46 39b0 36w½ 46b1 24w½ 13b0 44w1309,513,515,5
34Pratt Harold0 46b1 16w0 17b0 26w0 48b1 47w1309,513,514,5
35Nahal Arjun58 47b0 39w1 19b0 41w1 23b0 42w130912,513,5
36Giddings Luke0 9w0 33b½ 20w0 52b1 44b1 21w02,50121616
37Knight Michael0 11b0 17w0 45b1 45w1 16b0 27w020131719
38Mahajam Anmol0 27b0 19w0 52b1 28w1 29b0 32b0201215,515,5
39Martins Bradbury Flynn0 33w1 35b0 23w0 32b0 49w1 31b020121516
40Gould Charles0 16b0 46w1 29b0 27w0 28b0 48w120111516
41Anand Aarush0 18b0 44w1 31w0 35b0 51w1 30b0201114,515,5
42Gill Harry25 5b0 51w1 15b0 44w0 47b1 35b0201014,515,5
43Pierson Lawrence0 22w0 23b0 50b1 48w1 24b0 28w020101314
44Shah-Thakerar Shey0 32w0 41b0 49w1 42b1 36w0 33b0209,512,513,5
45Tayari Taliesin0 24w0 12b0 37w0 37b0 52w1 49b12081212
46Neale Jack31 34w0 40b0 33w0 49b0 50w1 51b12071011
47Gupta Raj0 35w1 21b0 22w0 30b0 42w0 34b0101215,517,5
48Prickett Thomas24 2w0 13b0 51w1 43b0 34w0 40b010111617
49Coleman Freddie0 7b0 29w0 44b0 46w1 39b0 45w01091315
50Chaudhuri Dwaipayan0 21w0 30b0 43w0 51b0 46b0 52w110811,511,5
51Lamb Edward0 31w0 42b0 48b0 50w1 41b0 46w01071011
52Brailsford Widdowson Lewis0 10w0 20b0 38w0 36w0 45b0 50b000101415
53Kardashyan David82 26w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000912,513,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)