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1st West Bengal State Youth (Under 25) Chess Championship 2018. Event Code No.190004/WB(S)/2018.

Τελευταία ενημέρωση17.06.2018 14:34:09, Δημιουργός/Τελευταία ενημέρωση: Bengal Chess Association

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Πίνακας Τελικής Κατάταξης μετά από 7 Γύρους

Κατ.ΌνομαΈλοΧΩΡ1.Γύ2.Γύ3.Γύ4.Γύ5.Γύ6.Γύ7.ΓύΒαθ. ΚΙ1  ΚΙ2  ΚΙ3 
1Koustav Chatterjee2365IND 30b1 21w1 20b½ 15w1 54b1 4w1 5b16,5029,533
2CMAronyak Ghosh2271IND 93b+ 55b1 24w1 12w1 6b½ 3w½ 14b1603033
3Subhayan Kundu2192IND 41w1 72b1 25w½ 90b1 8w1 2b½ 13w16028,532
4Srijit Paul2347IND 43w1 64b1 57w1 56b1 10w1 1b0 11w1602831,5
5Arpan Das2180IND 65b1 39w1 7b½ 20w1 9b1 6w1 1w05,5031,535
6Kaustuv Kundu2371IND 71w1 37b1 16w1 11b1 2w½ 5b0 10w15,503033,5
7Shouvik Kar1712IND 53w1117b1 5w½ 8b0 27w1 54w1 35b15,5027,530
8Suvradeepta Das2017IND100b½ 77w1 61b1 7w1 3b0 21w1 20b15,5026,528,5
9Shuban Saha1939IND 59w1 34b½ 28w1 23b1 5w0 56b1 24w15,5025,528,5
10Debankan Dhara1923IND 47b1 22w1 14b1 36w1 4b0 35w1 6b0502933
Koustav Chakraborty1876IND 52b1 26w1 35b1 6w0 17b1 37w1 4b0502933
12Sarbojit Paul1878IND 67w1 32b1 19w1 2b0 13w½ 23b½ 42w1502932
13Ambarish Sharma1871IND 66b1 58w1 17b½ 34w1 12b½ 22w1 3b05027,531
14Ayush Jha1663IND 98w1 27b1 10w0 44b1 42w1 40b1 2w05027,530
15Arijit Mukherjee1756IND 87w1 28b½ 31w1 1b0 46w1 29b1 18w½502730
16Soham Dey1799IND 49w1 44b1 6b0 17w½ 34b½ 73w1 37b1502629
17Aditya Bikram Paul1615IND115w1 85b1 13w½ 16b½ 11w0 45b1 40w15025,526
18Sanket Chakravarty1836IND 76b1 36w0 38b1 26w½ 72b1 55w1 15b½502528
19Shuvam Roy1642IND 79b1 75w1 12b0 73w1 22b0 74w1 36b1502326
20Akash Tiwari1772IND 78w1103b1 1w½ 5b0 32w1 64b1 8w04,5028,531,5
21Bhattacharyya Soham1557IND 48w1 1b0 68w1 27b½ 33w1 8b0 71w14,502831,5
22Ananya Bothra1479IND105w1 10b0 51w1 43b1 19w1 13b0 23w½4,5026,528
23Satya Sekhar Mitra1675IND 92b1 74w1 54b½ 9w0 38b1 12w½ 22b½4,502628,5
24Atri Chattopadhyay1747IND119b1 73w1 2b0 63w1 55b½ 26w1 9b04,502628,5
25Rounak Pathak1741IND 82w1 45b1 3b½ 54w0 26b0 93w1 63b14,5025,528,5
26Pratyay Chowdhury1462IND112w1 11b0 78w1 18b½ 25w1 24b0 68w14,5025,527,5
27Amit Tiwari1334IND 91b1 14w0115b1 21w½ 7b0 62w1 56w14,502525,5
28Annyatoma Das1354IND101b1 15w½ 9b0 62w½ 76b1 47w½ 60b+4,5024,526,5
29Sougata Halder1352IND 96w½ 31b0 69w1 49b1 90w+ 15w0 57b+4,502426,5
30Saheli Mondal1254IND 1w0 48b½ 99w1113b+ 39b½ 34w½ 55b+4,502426,5
31Aniket Narayan Biswas0IND111b½ 29w1 15b0 38w0 61b1106w1 58b14,5023,526,5
32Rithwik Raaj Anand1441IND 97b1 12w0 76b1 60w½ 20b0 81w1 59b14,502224,5
33Mayukh Chatterjee1287IND 62b½100w½116b1 39w½ 21b0 91w1 64w14,5020,521
34Anubhab Gupta1465IND126b1 9w½111b+ 13b0 16w½ 30b½ 41w½4026,529,5
35Alekhya Mukhopadhyay1621IND102w1 51b1 11w0 45b1 41w1 10b0 7w04026,528
36Sanika Sengupta1403IND127w1 18b1113w1 10b0 56w½ 57b½ 19w0402628,5
37Swarnava Biswas1614IND120b1 6w0 65b1 74w1 57w1 11b0 16w0402627,5
38Anjishnu Mondal1338IND 83w1 90b½ 18w0 31b1 23w0 78b½ 82w1402427
39Arijit Ghosh1526IND 70w1 5b0 67w1 33b½ 30w½ 71b½ 43w½402427
40Raghuraj Pratap Singh1484IND 95b1 54w0 66b1101w1 60b1 14w0 17b04023,525,5
41Raunit Mitra1196IND 3b0 84w1 80b1 61w1 35b0 63w½ 34b½402325
42Shounak Mazumder1489IND116w-104w1 50b1102w1 14b0 75w1 12b0402324,5
43Tanisha Chatterjee1245IND 4b0107w1 91b1 22w0101b1 58w½ 39b½402324,5
44Soumyadip Deb1403IND118b1 16w0 92b1 14w0 50b1 59w½ 47b½402323
45Priyangshu Gupta Bhaya1348IND109b1 25w0 79b1 35w0 92b1 17w0 76b1402223,5
46Shankhodip De1404IND124b+ 60w0 81b½100w1 15b0 49b½ 78w14021,523,5
47Arhan Boyd1157IND 10w0105b1 72w0107b1 69w1 28b½ 44w½4021,523
48Argha Mandal0IND 21b0 30w½ 94b1 65w½ 59b0100w1 75b+4020,522,5
49Uddipan Roy1096IND 16b0 94w½114b1 29w0 95b1 46w½ 73b1402022
50Shreya Shree Bansal1113IND 60b0124w+ 42w0112b1 44w0 84b1 83w1402022
51Ujaan Bhattacharya1106IND121b+ 35w0 22b0105w1 63b0104w1 72b+402021,5
52Kaushal Golchha1117IND 11w0112b0 96w1 70b1 58b0102w1 77b14018,520
53Debarpan Saha1020IND 7b0108w1 73b0 80w0105b1101w1 74b14017,519
54Anustoop Biswas2102IND 68w1 40b1 23w½ 25b1 1w0 7b0 -03,5029,533
55Tejash Jain1547IND123b1 2w0 59b1 75w1 24w½ 18b0 30w-3,502628,5
56Sudipa Haldar1621IND104b1116w1 60b1 4w0 36b½ 9w0 27b03,502626,5
57Rupam Mukherjee1793IND114b1 63w1 4b0 58w1 37b0 36w½ 29w-3,5025,527,5
58Mayukh Majumder1415IND 88w1 13b0 86w1 57b0 52w1 43b½ 31w03,5024,527
59Ishan Das1173IND 9b0126w+ 55w0 98b1 48w1 44b½ 32w03,502426,5
60Roy Pallabi1874IND 50w1 46b1 56w0 32b½ 40w0 67b1 28w-3,5023,526,5
61Rajanya Datta1358IND 69w1113b½ 8w0 41b0 31w0112b1 80b13,5023,525,5
62Urja Goyal0IND 33w½106b1 90w0 28b½ 67w½ 27b0 92b13,502325,5
63Pramit Chanda1377IND 99w1 57b0 82w1 24b0 51w1 41b½ 25w03,502325,5
64Soham Pal1568IND107b1 4w0100b½ 81w1 93b1 20w0 33b03,502324,5
65Mayhul Munshi1193IND 5w0 70b1 37w0 48b½ 83w½ 79b1 69w½3,5022,525,5
66Shreyan Dutta Roy1109IND 13w0 88b1 40w0 69b0 70w½ 99b1 94w13,5021,524
67Saanvi Khanna1150IND 12b0 97w1 39b0116w1 62b½ 60w0 91b+3,5021,522
68Snehil Raj Singh1183IND 54b0 95w1 21b0115w1 80b1 72w½ 26b03,502121,5
69Sashwata Dutta0IND 61b0119w1 29b0 66w1 47b0 95w1 65b½3,5020,522,5
70Dhruvi Sha0IND 39b0 65w0108b1 52w0 66b½ 96w1 93b+3,502021,5
71Tushar Barua1264IND 6b0120w1101b0104w1102b1 39w½ 21b03,5019,521
72Soumyajit Das (Jr)1513IND 84b1 3w0 47b1 93w½ 18w0 68b½ 51w-302628
73Rachishnu Datta1347IND110w1 24b0 53w1 19b0 86w1 16b0 49w0302526,5
74Somdeb Mazumder1308IND 89w1 23b0112w1 37b0 82w1 19b0 53w03023,525,5
75Prayash Adhikari1297IND 80w1 19b0 85w1 55b0 79w1 42b0 48w-302325,5
76Samrik Chowdhury1099IND 18w0127b1 32w0 88b1 28w0108b1 45w0302324,5
77Suman Majumdar0IND106w+ 8b0 93w0 82b0107w1 87b1 52w0302223,5
78Ritam Kundu1070IND 20b0118w1 26b0 97w½ 94b1 38w½ 46b0302222
79Adrita Mitra1005IND 19w0 89b1 45w0117b1 75b0 65w0101b13021,523,5
80Tushar Das0IND 75b0 -1 41w0 53b1 68w0 98b1 61w0302123,5
81Nishita Jha1021IND 90w0110b1 46w½ 64b0113b+ 32b0 89w½302122,5
82Pragati Mazumder1027IND 25b0109w1 63b0 77w1 74b0 97w1 38b0302021,5
83Soumik Rudra0IND 38b0 92w0 84b1114w½ 65b½ 86w1 50b0301820
84Dipyaman Mukherjee0IND 72w0 41b0 83w0109b1117w+ 50w0106b+301819,5
85Wriddhish Chakraborty0IND122b+ 17w0 75b0 92w0 96b0116w1102b1301818,5
86Sayan Das1066IND113w0125b+ 58b0110w1 73b0 83b0109w1301718,5
87Saparya Ghosh1059IND 15b0101w0118b1 91w½ 97b½ 77w0110w13016,516,5
88Rangeet Majumdar0IND 58b0 66w0120b1 76w0104b0115w1100b13015,516
89Subhrajit Dey0IND 74b0 79w0 95b½120w1100b½ 92w½ 81b½301516,5
90Tamojit Poddar1732IND 81b1 38w½ 62b1 3w0 29b- -0 -02,5025,528
91Subham Ghosh0IND 27w0 98b1 43w0 87b½103w1 33b0 67w-2,5022,525
92Anjistha Basak1013IND 23w0 83b1 44w0 85b1 45w0 89b½ 62w02,502224,5
93Soham Bhattacharyya1203IND 2w-123w1 77b1 72b½ 64w0 25b0 70w-2,5021,524
94Sagnik Dutta0IND -0 49b½ 48w0 96b1 78w0114w1 66b02,5020,522,5
95Iman Mondal0IND 40w0 68b0 89w½ 99b1 49w0 69b0112w+2,5020,522
96Shreyan Das0IND 29b½111w0 52b0 94w0 85w1 70b0108w12,502021,5
97Priyanshu Das0IND 32w0 67b0106w1 78b½ 87w½ 82b0 98w½2,5019,522
98Jatin Agarwalla1013IND 14b0 91w0109b1 59w0110b1 80w0 97b½2,5017,519
99Samiya Singh0IND 63b0114w½ 30b0 95w0118b1 66w0115b12,501515
100Indrava Banik1175IND 8w½ 33b½ 64w½ 46b0 89w½ 48b0 88w02023,526,5
101Sayan Roy0IND 28w0 87b1 71w1 40b0 43w0 53b0 79w02022,525,5
102Aayushman Jha0IND 35b0121w+117w1 42b0 71w0 52b0 85w0202123,5
103Mouhurtik Ray1359IND125b+ 20w0 -0 -0 91b0105w1104b-202122,5
104Abhiraj Nag0IND 56w0 42b0126w+ 71b0 88w1 51b0103w-2020,522,5
105Ishan Ghosh0IND 22b0 47w0119b+ 51b0 53w0103b0118w12020,520,5
106Srijit Some1299IND 77b- 62w0 97b0118w1116b1 31b0 84w-201818
107Aratrika Das0IND 64w0 43b0127w+ 47w0 77b0109w0116b12017,518
108Shubhi Bansal0IND117w0 53b0 70w0 -1115b1 76w0 96b02016,517
109Shrijato Das0IND 45w0 82b0 98w0 84w0120b+107b1 86b02015,516,5
110Shubhabrata Saha0IND 73b0 81w0123b+ 86b0 98w0118w1 87b02015,515,5
111Mehendi Sil1611IND 31w½ 96b1 34w- -0 -0 -0 -01,502224,5
112Kuhelika Das0IND 26b0 52w1 74b0 50w0114b½ 61w0 95b-1,502123
113Aryamann Sain1769IND 86b1 61w½ 36b0 30w- 81w- -0 -01,5020,523
114Soumeli Das1091IND 57w0 99b½ 49w0 83b½112w½ 94b0 -01,501921
115Ahijit Ghosh0IND 17b0122w+ 27w0 68b0108w0 88b0 99w0102122,5
116Divisha Dhar0IND 42b+ 56b0 33w0 67b0106w0 85b0107w01019,521
117Kalpok Guha1341IND108b1 7w0102b0 79w0 84b- -0 -01017,519
118Sahana Chakraborty0IND 44w0 78b0 87w0106b0 99w0110b0105b0001718,5
119Saima Mahato1047IND 24w0 69b0105w- -0 -0 -0 -0001718
Amit Bairagya0IND 37w0 71b0 88w0 89b0109w- -0 -0001718
121Sayantan Chandra1870IND 51w-102b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Hrithik Chatterjee1278IND 85w-115b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Ayushman Bhowmick0IND 55w0 93b0110w- -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Rawnak Yadav0IND 46w- 50b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
Sarthak Bansal0IND103w- 86w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00016,517,5
126Kingshukraj0IND 34w0 59b-104b- -0 -0 -0 -0001617
Rohit Nag0IND 36b0 76w0107b- -0 -0 -0 -0001617

Κριτήριο1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Κριτήριο2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Κριτήριο3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)