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Última actualización08.07.2018 13:28:15, Propietario/Última carga: Laura Martin Perez

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 9 rondas

Rk.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1GMVolodin Aleksandr 44b1 13w1 18b1 7w1 3b1 9w1 2b1 4w1 8b19555143,5
2MKMendez Camarasa Fernando 49w1 38b1 10w1 12b½ 15w1 8b1 1w0 9b1 3b17,554,550,541,5
3Planella Sanchez Javier 69w1 15b1 25w1 36b1 1w0 7w1 12b1 10b1 2w07535041
4Cano Sevilla Ivan 61w1 30b1 16w1 8w0 43b1 25b1 5w1 1b0 10w1751,54839
5Arnal Iturgaitz Aitor 75b1 28w1 11b0 39w1 13b1 17w1 4b0 23w1 7b1746,54538
6Sabater Comas Jordi 50b1 46w1 7b0 26w1 23b0 19w1 27b1 17w1 21b1745,541,535,5
7Cobos Navarro Francesc 47w1 21b1 6w1 1b0 38w1 3b0 29w1 20b1 5w0654,550,541,5
8Saurina Suner Francesc Xavier 51w1 29b1 32w1 4b1 9w0 2w0 24b1 25b1 1w0653,549,540,5
9Parramon Ros Francesc 41b1 37w1 33b1 11w1 8b1 1b0 10w0 2w0 24b1653,54940
10Serra Labrador Carles 65b1 43w1 2b0 40w1 11b1 23w1 9b1 3w0 4b06504739,5
11Prokudin Igor 31w1 14b1 5w1 9b0 10w0 20b½ 38w½ 29b1 25w1649,54538
12Garcia Martinez Josep 77b1 27w1 24b1 2w½ 17b0 18w1 3w0 42b1 14w½64746,539
13Otones Lopez Antonio 67w1 1b0 59w1 34b1 5w0 30b1 17b0 43w1 23b16474435
14Plantada Siurans Estanislau 36b½ 11w0 53b1 28w1 19b0 33w1 39b1 37w1 12b½6454135
15MKAyllon Rodriguez Joan Pedro 48b1 3w0 44b1 37w1 2b0 43w0 51b1 36w1 32b1644,540,533
16Badosa Romanyo Albert 73b1 17w1 4b0 23w0 41b½ 28w1 40b½ 44w1 37b16424033
17Castrillon Otero Javier 59w1 16b0 49w1 29b1 12w1 5b0 13w1 6b0 22w½5,55046,539,5
18Aguilera Bonaque Joan 64w1 22b1 1w0 20b1 21w½ 12b0 42w0 26b1 36b15,5494637
19N. N. 37b0 41w1 28b½ 46w1 14w1 6b0 20w0 38b1 42w15,5464235
20Carranza Font Joan 26b1 23w1 36b0 18w0 60b1 11w½ 19b1 7w0 40b15,545,54236
21Beltran Vidal Daniel 70b1 7w0 50b1 33w1 18b½ 36w1 23b0 40w1 6w05,54441,534,5
22Roqueta Maffei Oscar Nahuel 53b1 18w0 26b0 66w1 45b1 24w0 52b1 27w1 17b½5,5413832,5
23Clot Chico Arnau 60w1 20b0 48w1 16b1 6w1 10b0 21w1 5b0 13w0550,54740
24Caro Martinez Ramon 52w1 35b1 12w0 30b1 25w0 22b1 8w0 34b1 9w0547,543,537,5
25Lazaro Pujol Abel 72b1 39w1 3b0 27w1 24b1 4w0 43b1 8w0 11b0546,544,537,5
26Martin Roldan Adam 20w0 60b1 22w1 6b0 35w1 27w0 46b1 18w0 43b154541,534,5
27Verano Costentin Abraham 57w1 12b0 66w1 25b0 47w1 26b1 6w0 22b0 48w15434033
28Cobos Navarro David 74w1 5b0 19w½ 14b0 49w1 16b0 61w1 31b½ 45w1542,540,533,5
29Serrano Cantera Esteban 45b1 8w0 63b1 17w0 44b1 46w1 7b0 11w0 51b1542,539,533,5
30Saborit Verdaguer Roger 55b1 4w0 45b1 24w0 63b1 13w0 47b1 32w0 50b15423932
31Chekanov Timur 11b0 -1 35w1 38b0 34w1 39w½ 37b0 28w½ 46b154238,532,5
32Diaz Comas Jordi 63b1 40w1 8b0 43w0 36w0 65b1 59w1 30b1 15w0539,536,530,5
33Huici Bentue David 66w1 34b1 9w0 21b0 48w0 14b0 73w1 64b1 44w1538,536,530,5
34Filipenko Yan 71b1 33w0 55b1 13w0 31b0 63w1 45b1 24w0 47b153835,529,5
35Casanovas Barniol Gerard 76b1 24w0 31b0 50w1 26b0 45w0 62b1 52w1 53b153533,528,5
36Mesheryakova Anfisa 14w½ 42b1 20w1 3w0 32b1 21b0 48w1 15b0 18w04,549,545,538,5
37Gimenez Ubeda Rafel 19w1 9b0 47w1 15b0 59w1 48b½ 31w1 14b0 16w04,545,54236
38Xifra Tome Bernat 54b1 2w0 72b1 31w1 7b0 40w0 11b½ 19w0 59b14,543,541,534
39Romera Fernandez Manel 58w1 25b0 52w1 5b0 61w1 31b½ 14w0 48b½ 41w½4,542,53932
40Franco Solanas Juan Antonio 56w1 32b0 74w1 10b0 64w1 38b1 16w½ 21b0 20w04,541,539,533,5
41Delgado Bertaina Daniel 9w0 19b0 67w1 69b1 16w½ 42b0 54w1 59b½ 39b½4,540,537,531,5
42Cobo Sampron Ramon -0 36w0 54b½ 77w1 74b1 41w1 18b1 12w0 19b04,537,53731
43Moreno Bastardas Ariadna 68w1 10b0 57w1 32b1 4w0 15b1 25w0 13b0 26w0446,543,536,5
44Fasheh Braud Ivan Wael 1w0 67b1 15w0 52b1 29w0 64b1 56w1 16b0 33b04454233
45Amelkin Evgenij 29w0 51b1 30w0 49b1 22w0 35b1 34w0 65b1 28b0441,538,533
46Vilagines Segura Carles 62w1 6b0 68w1 19b0 56w1 29b0 26w0 58b1 31w04413831
47Amelkin Dmitry 7b0 70w1 37b0 55w1 27b0 53w1 30w0 56b1 34w044037,531,5
48Gallardo Gonzalez Rafael 15w0 69b1 23b0 73w1 33b1 37w½ 36b0 39w½ 27b0439,537,531,5
49Cobos Navarro Jorge 2b0 54w1 17b0 45w0 28b0 57w0 70b1 69w1 67b143835,528
50Liern Cendrero Carlos 6w0 62b1 21w0 35b0 76w1 51b0 68w1 60b1 30w0437,53629
51Cristante Gonzalez Gerardo 8b0 45w0 73b0 70w1 57b1 50w1 15w0 55b1 29w04373529
52Romero Kovina Daniel 24b0 76w1 39b0 44w0 55b1 60w1 22w0 35b0 68w143634,529
53Rueda Medina Alex 22w0 64b1 14w0 61b0 67w1 47b0 66w1 62b1 35w04363327
54Saborit Codina Jaume 38w0 49b0 42w½ 56b0 75w1 68b1 41b0 61w1 60w½433,53227
55Gallardo Espinar Daniel 30w0 61b1 34w0 47b0 52w0 67b1 72b1 51w0 63b1433,531,526,5
56Vives Pararols Arnau 40b0 63w0 65b1 54w1 46b0 72w1 44b0 47w0 66w1431,529,525
57Saurina Colomer Carles 27b0 77w1 43b0 59b0 51w0 49b1 60w0 -1 65w143029,524,5
58Gay Xandre David 39b0 72w0 75b1 60b0 65w0 77w1 63b1 46w0 64b142524,520
59Fernandez Salinero Estrade Eulogio 17b0 73w1 13b0 57w1 37b0 74w1 32b0 41w½ 38w03,537,535,529,5
60Iglesias Campeny Joan Llorenç 23b0 26w0 70b1 58w1 20w0 52b0 57b1 50w0 54b½3,537,53529,5
61Sanchez Llorente Eric 4b0 55w0 71b1 53w1 39b0 62w½ 28b0 54b0 72w13,5363427
62Calleja Gonzalez Marc 46b0 50w0 -1 64b0 69w1 61b½ 35w0 53w0 75b13,53129,524,5
63Vallhonesta Gongora Jordi 32w0 56b1 29w0 68b1 30w0 34b0 58w0 73b1 55w03373530
64Vives Faig Miquel 18b0 53w0 76b1 62w1 40b0 44w0 71b1 33w0 58w033432,527
65Sabria Mestras Jordi 10w0 68b0 56w0 71b1 58b1 32w0 74b1 45w0 57b03343226
66Plademunt Albo Rosa 33b0 71w1 27b0 22b0 68w0 70w1 53b0 74w1 56b0333,531,526
67Amelkin Artem 13b0 44w0 41b0 75w1 53b0 55w0 76b1 71w1 49w033230,524,5
68Gallardo Rosas Oriol 43b0 65w1 46b0 63w0 66b1 54w0 50b0 72w1 52b03312925
69Prats Vila Victor 3b0 48w0 77b1 41w0 62b0 71w0 75b1 49b0 74w132928,521,5
70Ribas Garcia Jan 21w0 47b0 60w0 51b0 -1 66b0 49w0 77b1 73w1328,52822,5
71Audet Furque Santino 34w0 66b0 61w0 65w0 77b1 69b1 64w0 67b0 -132625,520,5
72Vila Alba Lluc 25w0 58b1 38w0 74b0 73w1 56b0 55w0 68b0 61b02323025
73Rueda Medina David 16w0 59b0 51w1 48b0 72b0 76w1 33b0 63w0 70b0231,53024
74Carrasco Taberner Laia 28b0 75w1 40b0 72w1 42w0 59b0 65w0 66b0 69b0230,52924
75Figueres Vaqué Montserrat 5w0 74b0 58w0 67b0 54b0 -1 69w0 76b1 62w022927,520,5
76Audet Furque Tobias 35w0 52b0 64w0 -1 50b0 73b0 67w0 75w0 77b1225,52520
77Gonzalez Garcia Maria Carmen 12w0 57b0 69w0 42b0 71w0 58b0 -1 70w0 76w01292822

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)