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15º OPEN da ARRENTELA 2018

Last update 30.07.2018 19:19:21, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 55)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rp
1Mendes Modeste2015POR 45w1 15b1 27w1 9b1 2w1 3b0 7b1612229,52144
2FMUlyanovskyy Viktor2193UKR 55w+ 13b1 21w1 10w1 1b0 4w1 3b16024332193
3NMFidalgo André Neves NM2075POR 35b1 14w1 4b½ 12w1 10b1 1w1 2w05,5024332067
4NMMorais Vitor Mestre1897POR 29w1 23b1 3w½ 11b1 9w1 2b0 13w15,5023322025
5Fidalgo Daniel Neves1914POR 37w1 20b0 45w1 23b1 18w1 6b½ 11w15,5019,526,51868
6Jesus João Pedro Mendes De1927POR 34b1 16w½ 7b½ 24w1 8b½ 5w½ 17w1502129,51796
7Figueiredo Mario1917POR 43b½ 54w+ 6w½ 25b1 19w1 21b1 1w0502028,51751
8Goncalves Gabriel Sobral1862POR 36w1 30b1 9w0 20b1 6w½ 17b½ 18w15019,5271804
9Naranjo Zolotov Mijail2000ECU 31b1 26w1 8b1 1w0 4b0 35w1 10b½4,5022,531,51821
10Amaro Cristiano Guilherme Da1917POR 19w1 25b1 20w1 2b0 3w0 23b1 9w½4,502231,51839
11Almeida Manuel Da Silva1907POR 50b1 24w1 12b½ 4w0 43b1 14w1 5b04,5020,527,51682
12Alves Luis Miguel Guerreiro1686POR 47b+ 18b1 11w½ 3b0 30w1 13b0 28w14,502028,51861
13Teixeira Filinto Alberto Ferr1754POR 46b1 2w0 32b1 17w½ 44b1 12w1 4b04,501926,51617
14Parreira Luís Miguel Castela1748POR 49w1 3b0 38w1 30b½ 28w1 11b0 21w14,5018,5261710
15Pintor Pedro Filipe Ragageles1680POR 56w+ 1w0 31b1 19b0 38w1 29b½ 30w14,5017,526,51479
16Cavadas José Manuel Gonçalves1561POR 48w+ 6b½ 28w0 43w0 50b1 33b1 27w14,501622,51448
17Korotkyi Daniyil1411POR 58w+ 21b0 52w1 13b½ 25w1 8w½ 6b04020,5261674
18Peixoto António Pedro Balsa G2040POR 32b1 12w0 43b1 27w1 5b0 20w1 8b04020281643
19Antunes Ana Maissa1236POR 10b0 39w1 26b1 15w1 7b0 22w0 35b1402027,51689
20Fortunato António Eduardo Con1559POR 59b1 5w1 10b0 8w0 34b1 18b0 29w1402026,51634
21Fernandes Alvaro Manuel Teixeira1863POR 52b1 17w1 2b0 35w1 22b1 7w0 14b04020261724
22Silva Flavio Artur Cardoso Da1973POR 38w1 27b0 40w1 28b1 21w0 19b1 -0401825,51618
23Lopes António Pedro Moreira1533POR 44b1 4w0 50b1 5w0 36b1 10w0 41b14018251466
24Moura Andryno1552POR 41w1 11b0 37w1 6b0 29w0 31b1 39w14017,525,51398
25Antunes Andre Rafael1563POR 39b1 10w0 34b1 7w0 17b0 37w1 36b14017241437
26Oliveira Fernando Alves1586POR 53w1 9b0 19w0 29b0 51w1 48b1 34w14015201277
27Goncalves Samuel Jesus Pereir1625POR 42b1 22w1 1b0 18b0 31w½ 32w1 16b03,5019,528,51628
28Goncalves Carlos Manuel M.1530POR 33w½ 40b1 16b1 22w0 14b0 43w1 12b03,5018,525,51502
29Martins Nuno Gonçalo Alves1104POR 4b0 44w0 53b1 26w1 24b1 15w½ 20b03,5018,524,51468
30Guerreiro José Velho1516POR 51b1 8w0 36b1 14w½ 12b0 44w1 15b03,5017,524,51435
31Nunez Alberto Pereira1351POR 9w0 53b1 15w0 47b1 27b½ 24w0 44b13,5016,521,51415
32Duque Raquel Dos Santos1358POR 18w0 47b1 13w0 52b1 33w½ 27b0 43w13,5016211384
33Rocha Andre Filipe Martins0POR 28b½ 43w0 44b½ 42w1 32b½ 16w0 46b13,5015211251
34Martins Domingos António Melã1248POR 6w0 48b1 25w0 41b1 20w0 40b1 26b03017,5251383
35Silva Jose Antonio Duarte1402POR 3w0 49b1 51w1 21b0 39w1 9b0 19w03017,5251411
36Ulyanovskyy Vadim1069POR 8b0 55w+ 30w0 45b1 23w0 38b1 25w03017241398
37Bondarenko Daniel1146POR 5b0 59w1 24b0 39w0 47w1 25b0 48w1301622,51246
38Silva Artur Francisco Lopes D1310POR 22b0 42w1 14b0 46w1 15b0 36w0 50b13016221342
39Gama Joao Tiago0POR 25w0 19b0 49w1 37b1 35b0 50w1 24b0301621,51245
40Henriques Vasco Otelo Coutinh1396POR 54b+ 28w0 22b0 44w0 46b1 34w0 49b1301420,51185
41Martins Henrique Gonçalves0POR 24b0 50w0 42b1 34w0 52w1 45b1 23w03013,5181232
42Cabral Guilherme1101POR 27w0 38b0 41w0 33b0 53w1 52b1 45w13012161145
43Pina Tiago Miguel Catalão Lop1150POR 7w½ 33b1 18w0 16b1 11w0 28b0 32b02,5019,527,51514
44Pontes Hugo Filipe Respeita0POR 23w0 29b1 33w½ 40b1 13w0 30b0 31w02,5018251277
45Santos Pedro Miguel Faleiro1355POR 1b0 46w1 5b0 36w0 49b1 41w0 42b02016241158
46Kovalev Secrieru Egor Jorge1057POR 13w0 45b0 48w1 38b0 40w0 47b1 33w0201420,51108
47Gina Dhanik1045POR 12w- 32w0 59b1 31w0 37b0 46w0 52w1201317,51039
Gina Harshil Joao Soares0POR 16b- 34w0 46b0 53w1 59b1 26w0 37b0201317,51048
49Freitas Matheus Malpique De1054POR 14b0 35w0 39b0 59w1 45w0 53b1 40w02011,516,51114
50Rekashov Maksym1115POR 11w0 41b1 23w0 51b½ 16w0 39b0 38w01,50,51723,51100
51Goncalves Dinis0POR 30w0 -1 35b0 50w½ 26b0 -0 -01,50,514,5201083
52Maissa Susana Flora Cesana1072POR 21w0 58b+ 17b0 32w0 41b0 42w0 47b01015,522496
53Cardoso Alexandre M Sousa0POR 26b0 31w0 29w0 48b0 42b0 49w0 -11014,518,5399
54Martins Andre Goncalo Gomes Bri2058POR 40w- 7b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00012,517,50
Machado Tiago Cândido Leitão1404POR 2b- 36b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00012,517,50
Roque Mariana Gonçalves1014POR 15b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00012,517,50
Rodrigues Maria Manuela Pinto0POR -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00012,517,50
Silva Salvador Guerreiro Da0POR 17b- 52w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00012,517,50
59Goncalves Beatriz M A C Nunes0POR 20w0 37b0 47w0 49b0 48w0 -0 -00011,516,5361

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)