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I IRT Xeque Mate U2200

Last update 04.06.2018 16:54:37, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Starting rank

1Labussiere Victor4390321831292052U14Goiania
2Galindo Vinicius Lemos755321074062017Trindade
3De Souza Sa Apolo472393242253901910U18Goiania
4Rosa Paulo Estevao3010321260361885Aparecida de Goiania
5Felix Raimundo Nascimento3778221428991874S50Distrito Federal
6Labussiere Yago4390221869691862U14Goiania
7Santos Abel Cardoso Dos4048221594731737Associacao Anapolina de Xadrez
8Felix Luiza De Oliveira4140421681621584U16Distrito Federal
9Valente Fernando Cesar Pereira2210821255101521S50Goiania
10De Moura Bruno Dias54060227426031512U18Trindade
11Di Simoni Rafaela Moura3592721389131497U18Goiania
12De Faria Joao Vitor Rodrigues52614227296401327U10Goiania
13Machado Luis Miguel Gouveia51210227248000U16Jatai
14Ferraz Michel Liah538770U16Goiania