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Emparceiramento última sessão dia 26 de junho (3.ª feira): alguns jogos alterados (abaixo da mesa 6)

Campeonato Distrital Individual Absoluto da AXL 2017/2018

Last update 27.06.2018 02:20:42, Creator/Last Upload: fpxlisboa

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Pires Emanuel Joao Robarts2078POR 13b1 6w1 4b1 2w1 5b½ 10w1 8b16,503228
2NMCarneiro Carlos2089POR 12w1 11b1 8w1 1b0 3w½ 14b1 4w15,5032,528,5
3Elias Ruben Joel Monteiro1807POR 15w1 9b0 16w1 20b+ 2b½ 6w½ 10b+5028,525,5
4Santos Isabel Maria C Pereira1762POR 27b1 31w1 1w0 28b1 8w1 5w1 2b0502725,5
5NMMorais Vitor Mestre1972POR 30b1 34w1 9b½ 10w1 1w½ 4b0 12w15026,525,5
6Guia Artur Solovyov Eloy Da1708POR 29w+ 1b0 33w1 12b½ 9w1 3b½ 11w½4,502725,5
7Aguiar Carlos Alberto Branco1751POR 9w0 15b1 23w1 21b1 14w0 11b½ 16w14,5025,522,5
8Rocha Manuel Fernando1836POR 19b1 18w1 2b0 9w1 4b0 23w1 1w0403128
9Costa Raul David Andrade1359POR 7b1 3w1 5w½ 8b0 6b0 18w½ 23b14029,526,5
10NMFernandes Alberto Manuel2067POR 16w1 20b1 28w1 5b0 11w1 1b0 3w-402927
11Alves Luis Miguel Guerreiro1729POR 22b1 2w0 18b1 29w1 10b0 7w½ 6b½402725
12Bartolo Filipe Diogo Correia1581POR 2b0 27w1 14b½ 6w½ 29b1 20w1 5b04026,524,5
13Pinto Antonio Manuel Fontelas1580POR 1w0 25b1 26w1 -0 20b½ 21b1 14w½402522,5
14Guerreiro Paulo Jorge Leitao1851POR 26w+ 28b0 12w½ 34b+ 7b1 2w0 13b½4023,522,5
15AFMCorreia Pedro Mourao Soares1441POR 3b0 7w0 22b1 32w1 17b½ 25w1 18b½4023,522
16Martins Abilio Morgado1544POR 10b0 22w1 3b0 25w½ 24b1 17w1 7b03,5025,523
17Lages Duarte Jorge Silva1612POR 21w0 -0 24b1 27b1 15w½ 16b0 22w13,5022,520
18Azevedo Manuel Roque1605POR 35w+ 8b0 11w0 33b1 21w½ 9b½ 15w½3,5020,520,5
19Fernandes Jose F V Palma1443POR 8w0 33b0 25w- 24w½ 31b1 32w1 25b13,5016,515
20Goncalves Carlos M Marques1656POR 24b1 10w0 31b1 3w- 13w½ 12b0 21w½3024,523
21Maissa Susana Flora Cesana1190POR 17b1 35w+ -0 7w0 18b½ 13w0 20b½302222
22Dong Yingfan Fabio1279POR 11w0 16b0 15w0 -1 32b1 29w1 17b0302220,5
23Castro Rodrigo Guedes Simas1455POR -0 32w1 7b0 31w1 28b1 8b0 9w0302119,5
24Dong Yufan Rafael1238POR 20w0 26b½ 17w0 19b½ 16w0 33b1 30w+3019,518
25Martins Domingos Antonio1293POR -0 13w0 19b+ 16b½ 27w1 15b0 19w02,5024,522
26Reis Antonio Mario Correia1457POR 14b- 24w½ 13b0 30w0 -0 -1 31b12,5021,520
27Fonseca Rene Gil Bakker1437POR 4w0 12b0 30b1 17w0 25b0 31w½ 29b12,5020,519
28Fortunato Antonio1617POR 32b1 14w1 10b0 4w0 23w0 -0 -02024,523
29Lixa Alberto Joaquim Pisco1257POR 6b- 30w1 34b+ 11b0 12w0 22b0 27w0202120
30Campos Carlos Alberto Viegas1507POR 5w0 29b0 27w0 26b1 33w1 -0 24b-202018,5
31Ferreira Cristina Isabel Martins1100POR -1 4b0 20w0 23b0 19w0 27b½ 26w01,502320,5
32Lopes Jose Espirito S Correia1224POR 28w0 23b0 -1 15b0 22w0 19b0 33w½1,5020,519
33Oliveira Sergio Machado1233POR 34b0 19w1 6b0 18w0 30b0 24w0 32b½1,501918
34Galinha Otelo Nuno Da Rosa1643POR 33w1 5b0 29w- 14w- -0 -0 -0102321,5
35Lima Paulo Alexandre De Jesus2126POR 18b- 21b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0002421

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)