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Last update 21.06.2018 08:03:42, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1IMJuarez Flores Carlos A.2355GUA 58w1 14b1 6w1 27b1 4b1 7w160632316
2Juarez Flores Roberto2088GUA 10b1 41w1 3b1 4w0 32b1 17w150532416
3Sosa Martinez Jorge Luis1778GUA 45w1 66b1 2w0 23b1 38w1 18b150531913
4Villatoro Christopher1877GUA 25w1 62b1 31w+ 2b1 1w0 11w150522315,5
5Villela Emilio1400GUA 66w0 45b1 49w1 34b1 12w1 16w150521712
6Cruz Vargas Francisco J.1917GUA 11b1 33w1 1b0 9w½ 19b1 22w14,504224,515,5
7Lossi C. Cyrano Jose1937GUA 8b½ 47w1 20b1 24w1 28b1 1b04,50422314,5
8Lajuj Camargo Bryan1722GUA 7w½ 69b1 22b0 43w1 29b1 24w14,50421813
9Juarez B. Samuel G.1847GUA 31w0 55b1 66w1 6b½ 42w1 27b+4,504116,511
10Morales Nery1750GUA 2w0 59b1 29b1 28w0 33b1 34w140431912
11Gramajo Lepe Virgilio R.1703GUA 6w0 68b1 14w1 52b1 13w1 4b040422115
12Romero C. Juan Carlos1753GUA 36b1 15w0 37b1 50w1 5b0 35w1404220,513
13De Leon Rudy1780GUA 53b1 35w1 15b0 25w1 11b0 32w1404119,513,5
14Vela Alonzo Luis A.1774GUA 55w1 1w0 11b0 53b1 58w1 40b+40411911
15CMBlanco Gramajo Cesar Augusto2025GUA 23w1 12b1 13w1 -0403120,513,5
16Palencia Julio1775GUA 30b1 44w1 19w1 5b040312012,5
17Jui Marlow1705GUA 65b1 42w1 27w1 2b0403118,512
18Samayoa Gomez Maria Rene1558GUA 44b½ 48w1 50b½ 47w1 31w+ 3w040301810,5
19Juarez Garcia Josue1475GUA 63w1 51b1 52w½ 16b0 6w0 44b13,503217,511,5
20Corado Adrian Mauricio1417GUA 61b1 7w0 44b0 56w1 47b13,503216,510
21Gonzalez S. Mauricio Antonio1696GUA 47b0 44w0 67b1 59w1 50b1 25w½3,5032149,5
22Kohler Salazar Johannes1860GUA 39b1 8w1 31b0 44w1 6b03,503120,513,5
23Aguirre B. Justo Enrique1741GUA 15b0 36w1 54b1 3w0 26b½ 48w13,50312013
24Estrada P. Victor A.1687GUA 67b1 29w1 7b0 39w1 8b03,50311913,5
25Bianchi Azurdia Gerardo1680GUA 4b0 72w+ 46w1 13b0 52w1 21b½3,503017,512,5
26Gonzalez B. Debora Elizabeth1416GUA 73b1 52w½ 38b0 23w½ 46b13,502214,511
27Vidaurre B. Fernando1871GUA 37b1 34w1 28b1 1w0 17b0 9w-303223,514,5
28Giron David2091GUA 40w1 46b1 27w0 10b1 7w0 38b-30322013
29Pineda Wilson1934GUA 32w1 24b0 10w0 56b1 8w0 53b130321912,5
30Juarez Pablo1485GUA 16w0 60b1 62w1 42b0 34w0 58b1303215,510
31FMReyes Najera Carlos A.2128GUA 9b1 54w1 4b- 22w1 18b- -030312215
32Piedrasanta Miguel Eduardo1710GUA 29b0 67w1 41b1 33w1 2w0 13b030311913
33Jop Aspuac Ronald Samuel1621GUA 57w1 6b0 56w1 32b0 10w0 59b1303117,511
34CMAragon Ricardo1507GUA 71w1 27b0 53w+ 5w0 30b1 10b030311712
Juarez Garcia Daniela1192GUA 60w1 13b0 38w0 68b1 36w1 12b030311712
36Arenales Jose1400GUA 12w0 23b0 63w1 61b1 35b0 54w130311610,5
37Dubon M. Carlos G.1632GUA 27w0 57b1 12w0 66b1 46w½ 42b½302215,510,5
38Morales R. Enio De Jesus1451GUA 35b1 26w1 3b0 28w-302120,512,5
39Zuñiga Willy1576GUA 42b½ 22w0 45b1 51w1 24b0 41w½30211812
40Reyes Francisco1813GUA 28b0 61w1 54b1 14w-30211711
41Perez De Leon David Eduardo1706GUA 68w1 2b0 32w0 64b1 39b½302116,510,5
42Lopez Oseas Daniel1804GUA 39w½ 70b+ 17b0 30w1 9b0 37w½30201813
43Gonzalez B. Jhostin Jose1632GUA 52b0 73w1 8b0 47w½ 57w1302014,510
44Meoño Junior1427GUA 18w½ 21b1 16b0 20w1 22b0 19w02,50212214,5
45Reyes Gaitan Edgar Ariel1528GUA 3b0 5w0 39w0 63b1 68w1 52b½2,50211812
46Garcia Eddy1772GUA 64b1 28w0 25b0 48w1 37b½ 26w02,50211712
47Carballo Lopez Nestor G.1400GUA 21w1 7b0 58w1 18b0 43b½ 20w02,502020,514
48Aceituno Ramirez Stebe Josue1409GUA 18b0 65w1 46b0 49w1 23b02,50201711,5
49Rose Sven1569GER 50w0 5b0 69w+ 48b0 60w+2,502015,510
50Sepe Ricardo1486GUA 49b1 18w½ 12b0 21w0 51b½2,501119,513
51Vasquez Orellana Hector1857GUA 56b1 19w0 39b0 50w½2,50111711,5
52Gramajo V. Juan Carlos1871GUA 43w1 26b½ 19b½ 11w0 25b0 45w½2,50102013,5
53Ramos G. Augusto Harold1549GUA 13w0 63b1 34b- 14w0 67b1 29w0202216,511,5
54Pelaez M. Salvador E.1763GUA 59w1 31b0 23w0 55b1 40w0 36b0202116,511
55Carballo Victor1433GUA 14b0 9w0 57b1 54w0 60b0 64w120211610
56Zamora Victor1600GUA 51w0 71b+ 33b0 29w0 20b0 68b12021139,5
57Linares Orellana. Hector Jose1400GUA 33b0 37w0 55w0 73b1 65w1 43b0202112,59,5
58Santos Sagastume Paolo Andres1052GUA 1b0 64w1 47b0 60w1 14b0 30w020201911,5
59Samayoa Gomez Melanie L.1405GUA 54b0 10w0 71b+ 21b0 66w1 33w0202013,59,5
60Rivas Santiago1400GUA 35b0 30w0 -1 58b0 55w1 49b-201015,510,5
61Anzueto M. Carlos Enrique1405GUA 20w0 40b0 36w0 63b½ 67w120101510,5
62Diaz Reyes Dario1485GUA 72b1 4w0 30b0 -0 -01,50111712
63Palomo Torres Eduardo1400GUA 19b0 53w0 36b0 45w0 61w½ 66b11,5011149,5
64Jop Aspuac Laura Elizabeth1423GUA 46w0 58b0 72w+ 41w0 55b01,501012,59,5
65Palomo Luis1400GUA 17w0 48b0 67w0 57b0 73w+1,501012,58,5
66Montes Andrei1400GUA 5b1 3w0 9b0 37w0 59b0 63w010112114,5
67Esposito Andres1400GUA 24w0 32b0 21w0 65b1 53w0 61b0101115,510,5
68Cruz Balcarcel Sofia1400GUA 41b0 11w0 73b1 35w0 45b0 56w0101114,510,5
69Abarca Ochoa Bryan R.1400GUA 8w0 70b- 49b- -0 -00,500016,511,5
70Jimenez Luis David1521GUA 42w- 69w- -0 -0 -00,500015,512
71Omeani Rafael1400GUA 34b0 56w- 59w- -0 -0 -000001611
72Omeani Samuel1400GUA 62w0 25b- 64b- -0 -0 -0000015,510,5
73Rivas Camila1400GUA 26w0 43b0 68w0 57w0 -0 65b-0000149,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break5: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)