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I Torneo Dia das Letras Galegas Espacio Xove de Carballo

Last update 18.05.2018 18:28:34, Creator/Last Upload: FEDRACIÓN GALLEGA DE AJEDREZ (108)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Mira Perez Pablo1954ESP 28w1 14b1 8w½ 11w1 49b0 20b1 12w½58025,527,5
2Larranaga Leturia Gurutz1952ESP 29b1 15w1 9b0 21w1 12b1 7w1 3b½5,5302831
3Pose Garcia Jose Manuel1829ESP 30w1 16b1 10w1 7b1 5w1 49b1 2w½6,5103034
4Raposo Rama Esteban1795ESP 31b1 17w1 11b0 22w1 15b1 9w1 5b16202626,5
5Teijeira Lastres Rodrigo1748ESP 32w1 18b1 19w1 9b1 3b0 10w1 4w055028,530
6Gonzalez Eiris Daniel1738ESP 33b1 19w0 12w½ 50b1 8w0 53b1 26w14,515021,522,5
7Lema Garcia Ramiro1599ESP 34w1 20b1 54w1 3w0 16b1 2b0 8w154029,531,5
8Diaz Garcia Juan Manuel1564ESP 35b1 24w1 1b½ 49w0 6b1 11w1 7b04,51302831
9Fondo Busto Oscar1542ESP 36w1 26b1 2w1 5w0 17b1 4b0 49w15602830,5
10Gonsalves Cunha Anthony1489ESP 37b1 48w1 3b0 24w1 19b1 5b0 20w15702830,5
11Gonzalez Varela Eloy Jesus1357ESP 38w1 52b1 4w1 1b0 20w0 8b0 35w1419025,528,5
12Mella Franco Salvador1318ESP 39b1 49w½ 6b½ 26w1 2w0 27b1 1b½4,514026,529
13Castro Martinez Sergio1225ESP 40w1 54b0 30w0 44b1 35w1 26b1 24w0422023,525,5
14Pose Novo Manuel1210ESP 41b1 1w0 27b0 53w1 39b0 42b1 40w1425020,522,5
15Vazquez Loureiro Roi1198ESP 42w1 2b0 36w1 30b1 4w0 29b1 54w0417027,529,5
16Teixeira Pazos Javier1177ESP 43b1 3w0 33b1 27w1 7w0 30b0 41w1423023,524,5
17Mira Remuinan Martin1174ESP 44w1 4b0 40w1 52b1 9w0 54b0 46w142002527
18Quintela Garcia Sabela1145ESP 45b1 5w0 41b0 39w0 53b0 51w0 33b1244019,520,5
19Fraga Martinez Daniel1112ESP 46w1 6b1 5b0 41w1 10w0 40b1 30w0418025,528,5
20Manana Pedreira Mario1077ESP 47b1 7w0 42b1 54w1 11b1 1w0 10b041602830
21Varela Fondo Ramon1065ESP 48w0 23w1 45b1 2b0 30w0 41b0 53w133102325
22Rama Rodriguez Alejandro1038ESP 49b0 39w1 47b1 4b0 40w0 37w1 52b1421024,527
23Pose Castro Julia1034ESP 50w½ 21b0 53w0 51w1 37b0 32b1 25w13,5280,516,518
24Barderas De Almeida Juan Carlos1026ESP 51b1 8b0 46w1 10b0 41w1 39w1 13b1511023,526,5
25Agrelo Castro Carmen0ESP 52w0 50b0 35w0 34b1 43w1 46b0 23b024701819
26Amado Fernandez Nicolas0ESP 53b1 9w0 48b+ 12b0 42w1 13w0 6b033002426
27Antelo Paredes Pablo0ESP 54w0 38b1 14w1 16b0 47w1 12w0 39b0329025,528,5
28Blanco Garcia Lara0ESP 1b0 41w0 39b0 37w0 31b1 45w1 51b0245019,520
29Calvino Garcia Alvaro0ESP 2w0 40b0 38w1 46b1 52w1 15w0 47b0333022,525,5
30Calvino Garcia Jacobo0ESP 3b0 43w1 13b1 15w0 21b1 16w1 19b159025,526,5
31Cerviño Garcia Mateo0ESP 4w0 42b0 44w0 38b0 28w0 -1 34b0154018,520,5
32Chao Rama Tesfaye0ESP 5b0 45w0 43b1 42w0 44b0 23w0 -124801819
33Doldan Vazquez Carla0ESP 6w0 44b1 16w0 40b0 46w0 50b0 18w015302022
34Doldan Vazquez Mateo0ESP 7b0 47w0 51b0 25w0 -1 43b½ 31w12,543018,519
35Dominguez Cambre Axel0ESP 8w0 46b0 25b1 45w1 13b0 44w1 11b0338019,521,5
36Faya Mancebo Laureano0ESP 9b0 51w1 15b0 47w0 45b1 52w0 44b133502123
37Hermida Garcia Oskar0ESP 10w0 53b½ 52w0 28b1 23w1 22b0 50w02,541021,523,5
38Herrador Segade Hugo0ESP 11b0 27w0 29b0 31w1 51b1 47b0 42w133901919,5
39Lema Rodriguez Francisco0ESP 12w0 22b0 28w1 18b1 14w1 24b0 27w1424022,524,5
40Marrozos Loureiro Uxia0ESP 13b0 29w1 17b0 33w1 22b1 19w0 14b033202324
41Mira Remuinan Roi0ESP 14w0 28b1 18w1 19b0 24b0 21w1 16b033402224
42Pombo Rodriguez Eloy0ESP 15b0 31w1 20w0 32b1 26b0 14w0 38b024601919,5
43Pose Castro Gabriel0ESP 16w0 30b0 32w0 -1 25b0 34w½ 45b01,551018,520
44Puga Puente Maria0ESP 17b0 33w0 31b1 13w0 32w1 35b0 36w0249016,517
45Puga Puente Miguel0ESP 18w0 32b1 21w0 35b0 36w0 28b0 43w1250014,515,5
46Puga Rama Roi0ESP 19b0 35w1 24b0 29w0 33b1 25w1 17b033602122
47Quintans Trillo Ivan0ESP 20w0 34b1 22w0 36b1 27b0 38w1 29w142602022
48Rey Figueira David0ESP 21b1 10b0 26w- -0 -0 -0 -015202224,5
49Rodriguez Facal Jesus Antonio0ESP 22w1 12b½ 50w1 8b1 1w1 3w0 9b04,512029,533
50Rosa Vilarino Lucia0ESP 23b½ 25w1 49b0 6w0 54b0 33w1 37b13,5270,52223
51Suarez Alvarez Ivan0ESP 24w0 36b0 34w1 23b0 38w0 18b1 28w1340018,520,5
52Taibo Tasende Diego0ESP 25b1 11w0 37b1 17w0 29b0 36b1 22w0337020,522,5
53Viaño Costa Alberto0ESP 26w0 37w½ 23b1 14b0 18w1 6w0 21b02,54202022
54Vilacoba Casal Sergio0ESP 27b1 13w1 7b0 20b0 50w1 17w1 15b1510024,527,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)