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Republičko školsko takmičenje u šahu - devojčice 2. razred

Last update 19.05.2018 19:20:11, Creator/Last Upload: Belgrade Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Jaukovic Teodora990SRB 23b1 27w1 11b1 12w1 2b1 5w1 6b1721,507
2Jankovic Tamara980SRB 24b1 4w1 10b1 8w1 1w0 9b1 7w½5,52305
3Jovanovic Nadja980SRB 30b1 20w1 5b1 21w½ 6b0 10w1 8b15,520,505
4Stevanovic Mara1151SRB 7w1 2b0 13w1 16b1 11w0 25b1 12w152105
5Mladenovic Masa990SRB 39w1 15b1 3w0 13b1 22w1 1b0 11w152105
6Stoimenov Jana990SRB 28w1 22b1 8w0 14b1 3w1 11b1 1w0520,505
7Vulin Lana990SRB 4b0 24w1 15b1 20w1 12b1 8w½ 2b½520,504
8Mihailovic Selena900SRB -1 16w1 6b1 2b0 21w1 7b½ 3w04,52303
9Lecic Ema990SRB 33b1 14w1 12b0 25w1 10b½ 2w0 19b14,51904
10Duricic Ema910SRB 37w1 26b1 2w0 34b1 9w½ 3b0 24w14,518,504
11Bajovic Dunja950SRB 18w1 32b1 1w0 31b1 4b1 6w0 5b0421,504
12Sredanovic Anika940SRB 36w1 34b1 9w1 1b0 7w0 21b1 4b042004
13Mandic Visnja970SRB 41b1 21w1 4b0 5w0 20b1 17w1 16b042004
14Pavlik Dunja970SRB 40w+ 9b0 18w1 6w0 23b1 16w1 17b042003
15Avramovic Emilija960SRB 17b1 5w0 7w0 18b0 32w1 34b1 25w1418,504
16Filipovic Dunja980SRB 26w1 8b0 32w1 4w0 27b1 14b0 13w1417,504
17Savicevic Visnja990SRB 15w0 39b1 28w1 22b0 29w1 13b0 14w141704
18Stajcic Nadja990SRB 11b0 33w1 14b0 15w1 25b0 27w1 26b1416,504
19Milojevic Vesna980SRB 20b0 30w1 21b0 35w1 34w1 22b1 9w041504
20Ljubicic Ana990SRB 19w1 3b0 29w1 7b0 13w0 28b1 22w½3,519,503
21Milosavljevic Masa990SRB 29w1 13b0 19w1 3b½ 8b0 12w0 30b13,51903
22Milosevic LIna930SRB 35b1 6w0 38b1 17w1 5b0 19w0 20b½3,518,503
23Jovanovic Mia980SRB 1w0 31b0 26w1 28b1 14w0 30w½ 34b13,514,503
24Gnjatovic Una990SRB 2w0 7b0 36w1 33b- 33b1 35w1 10b031803
25Ostovic Jelica980SRB 34w0 37b1 31w1 9b0 18w1 4w0 15b031703
26Bastovanov Milana990SRB 16b0 10w0 23b0 39w1 36w1 29b1 18w0316,503
27Grbatinic Emilija970SRB 31w1 1b0 34w0 32b1 16w0 18b0 36w131503
28Naumov Branislava950SRB 6b0 35w1 17b0 23w0 38b1 20w0 37w131503
29Misic Mila980SRB 21b0 41w1 20b0 30w1 17b0 26w0 35b1314,503
30Jovanovic Natalija990SRB 3w0 19b0 37w1 29b0 31w1 23b½ 21w02,516,502
31Poljakovic Iva990SRB 27b0 23w1 25b0 11w0 30b0 33w½ 38b12,51502
32Markovic Janja990SRB 38b1 11w0 16b0 27w0 15b0 36b½ 41w12,514,502
33Maksimovic Neva980SRB 9w0 18b0 41b1 24w- 24w0 31b½ 39b12,514,502
34Milovanovic Tijana990SRB 25b1 12w0 27b1 10w0 19b0 15w0 23w0218,502
35Vukadinovic Andrea990SRB 22w0 28b0 39w1 19b0 37w1 24b0 29w021502
36Subotin Nadja990SRB 12b0 38w½ 24b0 41w1 26b0 32w½ 27b0213,501
37Vukelic Teodora990SRB 10b0 25w0 30b0 38w1 35b0 39w1 28b021202
38Milovanovic Mila980SRB 32w0 36b½ 22w0 37b0 28w0 41b1 31w01,51201
39Saric Milica980SRB 5b0 17w0 35b0 26b0 41w1 37b0 33w011401
40Ruman Mihaela990SRB 14b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,500
41Recevic Sara990SRB 13w0 29b0 33w0 36b0 39b0 38w0 32b001200

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)