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Estonian Youth U10 Championships

Last update 20.05.2018 13:50:39, Creator/Last Upload: Eesti Maleliit

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Rychagov AntonEST 19b1 12w1 7b1 3w½ 2b0 10b1 9w04,56030,526,5
2Dudakov AndreiEST 20w1 13b1 9w1 5b½ 1w1 3b0 19w15,5213026
3Dukov VladimirEST 21b1 14w1 11b1 1b½ 10w1 2w1 5b16,51028,524
4Kaldmaa JanisEST 22w0 29b1 19w0 26b1 15w1 14b0 24w0321023,520,5
5Aleksejev ArtjomEST 23b1 15w1 17b1 2w½ 14b1 19b½ 3w054028,525
6Sizov LevEST 24w1 17b0 20b1 14w0 35b1 16w1 18b15502320,5
7Hudilainen MihhailEST 25b1 16w1 1w0 10b0 21w1 17b0 22w141402320
8Martirosian TigranEST 26w½ 28b1 10w0 18w1 16b½ 24b1 14w½4,51102521
9Mertins OstapEST 27b1 18w1 2b0 16w½ 11b1 12w1 1b15,53025,522,5
10Pomaznjov AlekseiEST 28w½ 26b1 8b1 7w1 3b0 1w0 15w14,5702723,5
11Maesalu OliverEST 29b1 22w1 3w0 15b½ 9w0 21b1 17w14,59025,522,5
12Maapalu RalfEST 30w1 1b0 21w1 19b0 36w1 9b0 26w032002421,5
13Bondartshuk MaksimEST 31b1 2w0 22b1 17w0 20b1 18w0 23b141602219,5
14Koosel Hans-GeorgEST 32w1 3b0 23w1 6b1 5w0 4w1 8b½4,58026,524
15Kivi AkiraEST 33b1 5b0 24w1 11w½ 4b0 20w1 10b03,519023,521
16Pallum RasmusEST 34w1 7b0 36w1 9b½ 8w½ 6b0 29w1415022,521
17Ott Karl EricEST 35b1 6w1 5w0 13b1 19w0 7w1 11b041202723
18Karis FrediEST 36w1 9b0 34w1 8b0 22w1 13b1 6w041302422
19East MarekEST 1w0 30b1 4b1 12w1 17b1 5w½ 2b04,51002522
20Snitsarenko IljaEST 2b0 31w+ 6w0 34b1 13w0 15b0 36w1322022,520,5
21Serzhant AleksandrEST 3w0 32b1 12b0 25w1 7b0 11w0 27b1323022,520,5
22Laane GregorEST 4b1 11b0 13w0 27w1 18b0 35w1 7b0324021,519,5
23Aus AndreasEST 5w0 33b1 14b0 35w0 28b+ 36b1 13w0325019,517,5
24Andrejev ArseniEST 6b0 35w1 15b0 28w1 25b1 8w0 4b141702118,5
25Valijev AlekseiEST 7w0 34b0 33w1 21b0 24w0 32b½ 35b12,526016,515
26Cherentsov MikhailEST 8b½ 10w0 28b½ 4w0 27b1 33w1 12b1418019,517,5
27Pimashin AleksandrEST 9w0 36b0 32w1 22b0 26w0 34b1 21w0228019,517,5
28Lehes Ott OskarEST 10b½ 8w0 26w½ 24b0 23w- -0 -0134022,520
29Ivanichenko GlebEST 11w0 4w0 35b0 36b0 32w1 -1 16b0230017,515,5
30Linberg Karl MartinEST 12b0 19w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0035016,515
31Lillemaa RaimondEST 13w0 20b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0036016,515
32Veski Uku RudolfEST 14b0 21w0 27b0 33w1 29b0 25w½ 34b½23201513,5
33Kompus Karl ErikEST 15w0 23w0 25b0 32b0 34w1 26b0 -123101614,5
34Hajanen OliverEST 16b0 25w1 18b0 20w0 33b0 27w0 32w½1,53301715
35Reisner Frank RasmusEST 17w0 24b0 29w1 23b1 6w0 22b0 25w022702118,5
36Aasma SanderEST 18b0 27w1 16b0 29w1 12b0 23w0 20b022901816

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)