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"World`s Youth Stars" Vanya Somov's Memorial - 3 stage European Youth Grand Prix

Last update 26.05.2018 15:58:50, Creator/Last Upload: Ilgar Bajarani

Starting rank list of players

7GMShevchenko Kirill14129574UKR2569
6GMHakobyan Aram13306677ARM2542
8IMLobanov Sergei24183750RUS2515
1IMSargsyan Shant13306766ARM2489
5IMZarubitski Viachaslau13509373BLR2435
10IMPultinevicius Paulius12809390LTU2402
9Nesterov Arseniy24198455RUS2395
2FMKacharava Nikolozi13611860GEO2392
12FMShubin Kirill34119962RUS2317
3FMMurzin Volodar44155573RUS2302
11FMGharibyan Mamikon13308300ARM2269
4Kuznetsov Dmitriy34244751RUS0