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Ekurhuleni South D6 Individual Finals U15 Boys & Girls

Last update 21.05.2018 07:22:26, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 95)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Vorster Tyrone1239RSA 17b1 16w0 24b1 14b1 18w1420416,5
2Hlongwane Blessing1225RSA 18w1 24b1 14w½ 28b1 16b03,560,5318,5
3Ayabulele Sikempele0RSA 19b1 21w1 16b0 44w1 28b0390316,5
4Bonginkosi Khalishwayo0RSA 20w1 26b1 28w0 22b1 30w0380317
5Dlamini Sboniso0RSA 21b0 23w1 26b1 19w0 27b13110313,5
6Fortuin Teraldo0RSA 22w1 28b0 30w0 41b1 26w02210216,5
7Gunguthwa Anathi0RSA 23b- 37b- -0 -0 -00440010
8Japtha Gumede0RSA -0 20b0 32w½ 43b1 41w01,5310112,5
9Jeremiah Mohoboko Moduka0RSA 35b1 27w1 44b1 16w0 19b03120313
10Kamohelo Morabe0RSA -0 22b0 33w0 17b0 35w-0430010,5
11Khoza Thabiso0RSA 27b0 25w½ 41w0 32b0 43w11,5330110
12Ledwaba Julius0RSA 28w0 30b0 23b0 35w1 45w12240212,5
13Makdala Tebogo0RSA 29b- 33w1 27b1 20b0 31w13170311,5
14Mandela Booi0RSA 30w1 39b1 2b½ 1w0 20w13,570,5315,5
15Mbatha Gift0RSA -0 34w0 35b1 38w0 33b-1370110,5
16Mncube Ntokozo0RSA 31w1 1b1 3w1 9b1 2w1510515,5
17Mokhele Neo0RSA 1w0 31b0 45b0 10w1 42w1229029,5
18Mokwatedi Tefo0RSA 2b0 35w1 31b1 21w1 1b03150312
19Molefi Tsoanyane0RSA 3w0 32b1 38w1 5b1 9w1430414
20Montjane Bokang0RSA 4b0 8w1 34b1 13w1 14b03100315
21Mothapo Tshediso0RSA 5w1 3b0 39w1 18b0 34w02230213
22Mpheroaws Lindokuhle0RSA 6b0 10w1 42b1 4w0 38b1318039
23Ndlovu Thokozani0RSA 7w- 5b0 12w1 34w0 39b12250212
24Nkosi Sinothile0RSA 33b1 2w0 1w0 39b1 44b13160311,5
25Nyamatheo Thapelo0RSA 40w0 11b½ 43w1 30b0 32w01,5320112,5
26Phathize Mofokeng0RSA 34b1 4w0 5w0 33b1 6b13130312,5
27Pheello Motaung0RSA 11w1 9b0 13w0 42b1 5w02260212
28Phoshane Karabo0RSA 12b1 6w1 4b1 2w0 3w1440413,5
29Phoshane Karabo0RSA 13w- -0 -0 -0 -00450010
30Rampisi Andile0RSA 14b0 12w1 6b1 25w1 4b1450412
31Schutte Rohan0RSA 16b0 17w1 18w0 45b1 13b02220215
32Haripersad Ashil0RSA -0 19w0 8b½ 11w1 25b12,5190212
33Koopmon Tyrise0RSA 24w0 13b0 10b1 26w0 15w+2280211,5
34Solomons Kethon0RSA 26w0 15b1 20w0 23b1 21b13140312,5
35Swarts Duwayne0RSA 9w0 18b0 15w0 12b0 10b+1380110
36Mambingwa Ovayo0RSA 37w½ 40b- -0 -0 -00,5400011,5
37Ngozi Yamkela0RSA 36b½ 7w- -0 -0 -00,5410011,5
38Mbinda Sanele0RSA 39w0 45w1 19b0 15b1 22w02270211,5
39Litelo Alfred0RSA 38b1 14w0 21b0 24w0 23w01340113
40Krantshini Ludewe0RSA 25b1 36w- -0 -0 -01350112,5
41Unati Balyla0RSA 44w0 11b1 6w0 8b12,520029,5
42Mosnaba Lungelo0RSA 43b½ 22w0 27w0 17b01390010,5
43Mpumelelo Mtshali0RSA -0 42w½ 25b0 8w0 11b00,542009
44Khoza Malwaldla0RSA -1 41b1 9w0 3b0 24w02300113,5
45Kganyago Basetsane0RSA -0 38b0 17w1 31w0 12b01360111

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)