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Festivalul International de Sah Trofeul Litoralului (Seacoast Trophy) ed.XXVIII

Last update 27.06.2018 18:16:46, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 10 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1GMGrigore George-GabrielROU 45b1 23w1 30b1 3w½ 10b1 2w½ 13b½ 4w½ 12b1 6b1853,566,552,002484
2GMManolache MariusROU 46w1 37b1 17w1 14b1 3w½ 1b½ 5w½ 13b1 6w½ 4b½7,554,56849,252480
3GMIstratescu AndreiROU 34w1 36b1 32w1 1b½ 2b½ 19w1 4b½ 6w½ 7b1 5w½7,55467,548,752498
4FMStoleriu GeorgeROU 69w1 28b1 5w½ 9b½ 16w1 47b1 3w½ 1b½ 8b1 2w½7,553,56647,252457
5GMKharitonov AlexandrRUS 43b1 38w1 4b½ 10w½ 12b½ 21w1 2b½ 32w1 22b1 3b½7,551,564,546,752416
6FMSchitco IvanMDA 95w1 16b½ 50w1 24b1 9w1 8b½ 14w1 3b½ 2b½ 1w0752,56442,002370
7FMTomici StefanROU 61b1 26w1 12b½ 22w½ 18b0 42w1 10w1 17b1 3w0 28b1749,561,541,252280
8IMSoltanici RuslanMDA 33w1 24b½101w1 16b½ 20w1 6w½ 32b½ 14b1 4w0 15b1749,56141,252244
9IMPeptan Corina-IsabelaROU 57w1 31b1 4w½ 6b0 39w1 23b1 12w0 26b1 22w174860,540,752198
10FMIleana GeorgeROU 72w1 20b1 47w1 5b½ 1w0 15w1 7b0 16b1 13w½ 11b½6,551,563,538,252281
11IMItkis BorisROU 62b1 21w1 22b½ 12w½ 23b1 13w0 15b½ 27w1 18b½ 10w½6,5516239,502176
12CMCiorgovean IustinROU 71w1 48b1 7w½ 11b½ 5w½ 24b½ 47w1 9b1 1w0 17b½6,550,562,537,752297
13Chircu VadimMDA 56w1 25b0 72w1 39b1 40w1 11b1 1w½ 2w0 10b½ 18w½6,5496137,002204
14IMBargan SergiuMDA 58b1100w1 25b1 2w0 22b1 18w1 6b0 8w0 39b½ 42w16,548,56136,752216
15Glavan PavelMDA 55w1 32b0 82w1 33b1 17w1 10b0 11w½ 37b1 19b1 8w06,547,558,536,252172
16FMFluerariu Radu-CristianROU 94b+ 6w½ 63b1 8w½ 4b0 27w½ 73b1 10w0 43b1 41w16,5475932,502136
17CMZubcu Vlad-GeorgeROU 87b1 39w1 2b0 48w1 15b0 40w1 26b1 7w0 47b1 12w½6,5475833,752150
18NMCiobanu Viorel-AdrianROU 51w1 53b½ 64w1 32b½ 7w1 14b0 34w½ 33b1 11w½ 13b½6,5465635,002144
19WIMDragomirescu AngelaROU 59w1 47b0 53w1 25w1 26b1 3b0 36w½ 34b1 15w0 39b16,5455735,252109
20WCMBucur Denisa-AndreeaROU 89b1 10w0 97b1 70w1 8b0 29w½ 48b½ 62w1 23b½ 32w16,54151,529,502069
21CMGeorgescu CristianROU 75w1 11b0 71w1 52b½ 67w1 5b0 33w0 64b1 35w1 34b16,540,55129,001963
22Ceres DragosMDA 90b1 40w1 11w½ 7b½ 14w0 28b1 24w1 36b1 5w0 9b06506133,252232
23CMSenetia TeodorROU 82w1 1b0 59w1 34b1 11w0 63b1 9w0 48b1 20w½ 27b½6465830,002047
24NMNeagu LiviuROU 60b1 8w½ 73b1 6w0 64b1 12w½ 22b0 61w1 32b½ 25w½644,554,529,002098
25WFMLehaci Miruna-DariaROU 92b1 13w1 14w0 19b0 49b½ 81w1 41b1 29w½ 37w½ 24b½644,55429,752044
26IMiloi Pavel-DanROU 91w1 7b0 56w1 76b1 19w0 65b1 17w0 52b1 9w0 50b16445427,001996
27IFilip Andrei (L.)ROU -0 92b1 60w1 16b½ 38w1 11b0 36w1 23w½64352,532,252084
28IGalatanu Iulian-MarinicaROU 74b1 4w0 67b½ 60w1 63b½ 22w0 49b1 51w1 29b1 7w0642,55429,001946
29Maximov OlegRUS 33w0 71b1 76w1 20b½ 35w1 25b½ 28w0 47b1642,55330,251958
30CMCiorica Mihai-VladROU 81b1 42w1 1w0 40b0 33w½ 35b0 70b1 45w½ 52w1 48b1641,55328,501908
31CMBonte ArghirROU 66b1 9w0 81b½ 35w½ 59b½ 50w0 91b1 72w1 49w1637,547,526,001824
32FMCalin AlexandruROU 49b1 15w1 3b0 18w½ 61b1 41w1 8w½ 5b0 24w½ 20b05,550,562,531,252145
33IBonciu DavidROU 8b0 94w1 29b1 15w0 30b½ 66w1 21b1 18w0 42b0 62w15,5465728,501997
34CMNicolescu IlieROU 3b0 54w1 57b1 23w0 85b1 38w1 18b½ 19w0 66b1 21w05,545,55727,251939
35IIChiheri Alexandru-VirgilROU 38b1 47w0 31b½ 30w1 29b0 44w1 21b0 68w15,5445529,502069
36FMDragomirescu CalinROU 67b1 3w0 61b0 54w1 62b1 43w1 19b½ 22w0 27b0 66w15,5435527,251914
37Shtefyrtsa VsevolodMDA 54b1 2w0 62b1 61w½ 47b0 64w1 44b1 15w0 25b½ 40w½5,542,55326,001934
38WCMAciu Malina-AndreeaROU 77w1 5b0 35w0 82b1 50w1 34b0 27b0 54w1 45b½ 51w15,54253,525,751818
39NMTufa MihaiROU 79w1 17b0 83w1 13w0 97b1 9b0 72w1 50b1 14w½ 19w05,54252,522,751987
40Dergausov DenisMDA 96w1 22b0 55w1 30w1 13b0 17b0 59w0 75b1 71w1 37b½5,541,550,524,251904
41IGurnov CristianROU 65w½ 86b1 52w1 32b0 25w0 56b1 59w1 16b05,540,549,524,751820
42CMTusu Nicolae-DanROU 99w1 30b0 84w½ 51b1 65w½ 7b0 63w1 59b½ 33w1 14b05,54048,522,751832
43ICotruta Alexandru-MihaiROU 5w0 82b0 91w1 55b1 84w1 36b0 71w½ 60b1 16w0 63b15,53747,522,501807
44CMMarinica MarinROU 97w½ 70b0 75b1 59w½ 56b1 37w0 35b0 81w1 60b15,5364523,501724
45Chirpii AlexandruMDA 1w0 91b½ 88w1 65b0 86w½ 60b½ 77w1 30b½ 38w½ 59b15,535,546,523,001741
46ILinca IonelROU 2b0 60w0 94b1 74w1 70b½ 49w½ 51b0 83w1 62b½ 67w15,535,546,522,751712
47NMKutnik Alexandru-FranciscROU 65w1 19w1 10b0 35b1 37w1 4w0 12b0 76b1 17w0 29w0547,559,526,502052
48CMAnuta Elefterie-LaurentiuROU 88w1 12w0 66b1 17b0 81w½ 77b1 20w½ 23w0 61b1 30w0541,551,521,501827
49Scurtu AlexandrMDA 32w0 65b0 80w1 88b1 25w½ 46b½ 28w0 55b1 53w1 31b0541,55123,251742
50CMMilea FlorianROU 86w1 6b0 85w½ 38b0 78w1 31b1 39w0 73b1 26w0540,550,522,001825
51WCMAnghel MariaROU 18b0 93w1100b½ 42w0 68w½ 79b1 46w1 28b0 76w1 38b05404920,751821
52IAxin AndreiROU 84b½ 98w1 21w½ 41b0 70w½ 54b1 26w0 30b0 75b15394720,001730
53IBaibarac NiculaeROU 93b1 18w½ 19b0 63w0 83b½ 54w0 57b1 74w1 49b0 78w1537,546,520,501624
54IStan Luciana-GabrielaROU 37w0 34b0 96w1 36b0 99w1 53b1 52w0 38b0 80w1 72b15374417,001763
55IICiorba MihaiROU 15b0 58w1 40b0 43w0 87b1 97w1 61b0 49w0 83b1 89w15364619,001742
56IKaunz WernerROU 13b0 99w1 26b0 93w1 73b½ 44w0 85b1 41w0 78b½ 74w15364416,251668
57IICostescu Mihnea-ConstantinROU 68w1 9b0 34w0 59b0 82w½ 86b1 53w0 77b½ 91w1 71b1534,544,518,501741
58CMCornea AlexandruROU 14w0 55b0 75w0 78b0 94b1 92w1 74b0 96w1 79b1 70w1531,540,517,001497
59ICristian CodrutROU 19b0 92w1 23b0 57w1 44b½ 31w½ 40b1 42w½ 41b0 45w04,544,55422,001794
60IILungu AlexandruROU 24w0 46b1 68w1 28b0 27b0 45w½ 81b1 43w0 69b1 44w04,5435320,751819
61IDumitrascu DanielROU 7w0 75b1 36w1 37b½ 32w0 91b½ 55w1 24b0 48w0 65b½4,5415121,001829
62IMortu AdrianROU 11w0 80b1 37w0 79b1 36w0 75b1 65w1 20b0 46w½ 33b04,5415118,751752
63IIComan Andrei-AlexandruROU102b1 16w0 53b1 28w½ 23w0 42b0 78w½ 85b1 43w04,54148,518,001733
64CMCovaci StefanROU -1 18b0100w+ 24w0 37b0 82w+ 21w0 67b0 82w14,540,55113,001628
65IIRadulescu Vlad-AndreiROU 47b0 49w1 41b½ 45w1 42b½ 26w0 62b0 87w1 68b0 61w½4,54049,521,751801
66IICotoros EduardROU 31w0 69b1 48w0 72b½101w1 33b0 67w1 68b1 34w0 36b04,5394919,501806
67IMatasaru StephanieROU 36w0 96b1 28w½101b1 21b0 73w0 66b0 89w1 64w1 46b04,536,545,516,001742
68ICraciun GheorgheROU 57b0 77w1 60b0 83w½ 51b½ 85w½ 89b1 66w0 65w1 35b04,5354418,251495
69IManate LaureanROU 4b0 66w0 74b0 94w1 77w0 88b1 84w½ 80b1 60w0 81b14,5324316,751540
70ITamba DumitruROU 44w1 20b0 46w½ 52b½ 30w0 72b0 95w1 58b04415119,251779
71IIonita AngelROU 12b0 78w1 21b0 29w0 92b1 74w1 43b½ 73w½ 40b0 57w044150,516,001683
72IIDragomir SorinROU 10b0 74w1 13b0 66w½ 78b½ 83w1 39b0 70w1 31b0 54w0439,549,515,751647
73CMFugulyan GrigoreROU 78b1 24w0 84b½ 56w½ 67b1 16w0 71b½ 50w0 -043948,520,001653
74Durucay EthemTUR 28w0 72b0 69w1 46b0 88w1 71b0 58w1 53b0 77w1 56b043746,517,001629
75WCMMaria Lia-AlexandraROU 21b0 61w0 58b1 44w0 93b1 62w0 97b1 40w0 87b1 52w04374614,501668
76IAlbescu NicolaeROU 83b½ 79w1 26w0 29b0 84b1 91w1 47w0 51b0 -0436,545,516,751690
77IPorumb AlecuROU 38b0 68b0 78w½ 89w1 69b1 48w0 45b0 57w½ 74b0 93w14364415,001545
78IIMavrodin MarinROU 73w0 71b0 77b½ 58w1 72w½ 50b0102w1 63b½ 56w½ 53b043642,515,251611
79IIonita GheorgheROU 39b0 87w1 76b0 62w0 90b1 51w0 83b0 97w+ 58w0 95b143341,512,001592
80CMHlinschi MihaiROU100b0 62w0 49b0 87w0102b1 93w1 90b1 69w0 54b0 96w143137,510,001463
81IBruma IoanROU 30w0 89b1 31w½ 48b½ 25b0 60w0 82w1 44b0 69w03,54049,515,251677
82IIIsac TeodorROU 23b0 43w1 15b0 38w0 57b½ 95w1 64b- 81b0 86w1 64b03,53746,517,001682
83IPorcoleanu Doina-OlgaROU 76w½ 39b0 68b½ 53w½ 72b0 79w1 46b0 55w0 86b½3,53745,514,501573
84CMSimion NicolaeROU 52w½ 42b½ 73w½ 43b0 76w0 69b½ 85w0 93b½ 87w½3,536,544,515,251588
85IIonita IoanROU101b0102w1 50b½ 34w0 68b½ 56w0 84b1 63w0 -03,5364314,501603
86IIMitran MarinROU 50b0 95w+ 41w0 45b½ 57w0 87b0 90w1 82b0 83w½3,535,544,512,501454
87IRomosan CristianROU 17w0 79b0 92w0 80b1 55w0 96b1 86w1 65b0 75w0 84b½3,530,539,511,251365
88IIParaschiv Alexandru-StefanROU 48b0 90w1 45b0 49w0 74b0 69w0 95b½ 98w1 89b0 99b13,530,537,58,251479
89IIGalupa VasileROU 20w0 95b½ 81w0 77b0 98w1 99b1 68w0 67b0 88w1 55b03,530388,251444
90ICitra Anton-ValeriuROU 22w0 88b0 99b0 96w1 79w0 98b1 80w0 86b0 92w½ 91b13,52431,58,501226
91IIMitrea Sorin-IoachimROU 26b0 45w½ 43b0102w1 95b1 61w½ 76b0 31w0 57b0 90w033845,510,001553
92IIBaciu Mihnea-IustinROU 25w0 59b0 87b1 27w0 71w0 58b0 98w1 95b0 90b½ 94w½334428,751501
93IIStan Robert-DanielROU 53w0 51b0 -1 56b0 75w0 80b0 94w½102b1 84w½ 77b033339,57,001284
94Gofstein BorisRUS 16w- 33b0 46w0 69b0 58w0 -0 93b½ 99w1 98b1 92b½330,537,510,001405
95CMMoldoveanu NiculaeROU 6b0 89w½ 86b- 99b1 91w0 82b0 88w½ 92w1 70b0 79w0329,53810,501397
96FCBogdan-Mihalescul Marcel-IoanROU 40b0 67w0 54b0 90b0 -1 87w0 99w1 58b0102w1 80b0329,536,54,251287
97Triboi AlexanderMDA 44b½ 20w0 98b1 39w0 55b0 75w0 79b- -0 -0235,543,512,001392
98FCRatcu CristianROU 52b0 97w0 89b0 90w0 92b0 88b0 94w0102b+231375,50730
99IIBornaz Alexandru-StefanROU 42b0 56b0 90w1 95w0 54b0 89w0 96b0 94b0 -1 88w0230,537,54,251268
100IBudur CostelROU 80w1 14b0 51w½ 64b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,534,543,520,501801
101ICiubotariu MaricelROU 85w1 8b0 67w0 66b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,53342,515,251558
102FCMardan Andrei-OvidiuROU 63w0 85b0 91b0 80w0 -1 78b0 93w0 96b0 98w-1,52734,55,00663

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break4: Performance (variable with parameter)