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2nd JCI Weekend Practice Tournament, 2018 (Only 49 Partcipants, Send Message Through WApp Kirti Sharma 9872274817)

Last update 20.05.2018 18:09:10, Creator/Last Upload: Jalandhar Chess Association

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Rotating Player2000IND 25w1 14b1 7w0 11b1 8w145012,513,5
2Amanpreet Singh1715IND 26b+ 15w1 11b1 12b1 28w151011,513,5
3Kirti Sharma1677IND 27w1 16b1 12w0 17b1 9w½3,510012,514,5
4Suraj Parkash1431IND 28b- 21w1 22b1 32w0 20b131901011,5
5Aditya Jain1351IND 29w1 18b1 28w0 16b1 12w14601112,5
6Dhirain Vij1287IND 30b1 19w1 24b½ 13w1 10b03,5901314
7Vidit Jain1265IND 31w1 20b1 1b1 28w0 32b144012,514,5
8Divye Kapoor1262IND 32b1 24w0 26b1 40w1 1b031501213,5
9Amitesh Sharma1245IND 33w1 28b0 29w1 20b1 3b½3,51101111,5
10Tanmay Mittal1232IND 34b½ 46w1 47b1 24w1 6w14,52011,514
11Tiya Setia1201IND 35w+ 41b1 2w0 1w0 27b1314012,514,5
12Ayaan Sabharwal1196IND 36b1 49w1 3b1 2w0 5b031201617
13Aastha1192IND 37w1 47b½ 45w1 6b0 36b02,52101314
14Neeraj Mehta1161IND 38b1 1w0 32b0 30w1 40b131701112
15Akshit Tohani1159IND 39w1 2b0 -0 -0 -0137012,514,5
16Manthan Arora1134IND 40b1 3w0 38b1 5w0 47b½2,52301214
17Anahita Verma1116IND 41w- 33b1 31w1 3w0 38b1318010,511
18Shresthi Gupta1064IND 42b1 5w0 46b½ 36w0 34b01,53401314,5
19Vani Dutta1047IND 43w1 6b0 36w0 29b1 31w1316011,513
20Aarav Singla0IND 44b1 7w0 49b1 9w0 4w022701213
21Aarika Kapoor0IND 45w½ 4b0 40b0 49w½ 30b123209,510,5
22Amaira Mittal0IND 46b0 35w+ 4w0 31b0 26w123109,511
23Anahita Kapoor0IND 47w0 36b0 -0 -0 -004601011
24Arjunveer Singh0IND 48b+ 8b1 6w½ 10b0 46w13,58013,515,5
25Arshia Madaan0IND 1b0 38w0 34b0 -0 -004701011
26Atharv Verma0IND 2w- 37b1 8w0 38w0 22b014209,510,5
27Bhavya Rai0IND 3b0 40w0 42b1 44w1 11w023309,510,5
28Bhupinder Singh Narula0IND 4w+ 9w1 5b1 7b1 2b04301618
29Dhanishka Jain0IND 5b0 42w1 9b0 19w0 33b122801212,5
30Diya Setia0IND 6w0 39b0 37w1 14b0 21w013801112
31Hardik Gupta0IND 7b0 44w1 17b0 22w1 19b022601213
32J.S. Cheema0IND 8w0 43b1 14w1 4b1 7w0313013,515
33Mannan Gupta0IND 9b0 17w0 44b0 42w½ 29w00,545010,511,5
34Mannat Aggarwal0IND 10w½ 45b0 25w1 46b0 18w12,525011,512,5
35Marinder Singh0IND 11b- 22b- -0 -0 -00490910
36Muneesh Thapar0IND 12w0 23w1 19b1 18b1 13w14701011,5
37Muskaan Rai0IND 13b0 26w0 30b0 -1 -0144077,5
38Nakul Jindal0IND 14w0 25b1 16w0 26b1 17w0230010,511,5
39Parina Jain0IND 15b0 30w1 -0 -0 -014101011
40Pranjal Malhotra0IND 16w0 27b1 21w1 8b0 14w0229010,512,5
41Prisha Sikka0IND 17b+ 11w0 -0 -0 -014001012
42Sameep Khanna0IND 18w0 29b0 27w0 33b½ 44b11,53606,57
43Samira Jain0IND 19b0 32w0 -0 -0 -004809,510,5
44Sanan Khanna0IND 20w0 31b0 33w1 27b0 42w014307,58
45Savi Julka0IND 21b½ 34w1 13b0 47w½ 49b132009,510,5
46Simran Rode0IND 22w1 10b0 18w½ 34w1 24b02,524011,513
47Suvibhu Sharma0IND 23b1 13w½ 10w0 45b½ 16w½2,522012,514
48Vanya Gupta0IND 24w- -1 -0 -0 -0139010,512
49Dhruv Kanda0IND -1 12b0 20w0 21b½ 45w01,53501012

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)