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XEQUE-MATEmática5 2018

Last update 21.06.2018 10:27:25, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 40)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Pires Emanuel Joao Robarts2078POR 32b1 30w1 18b1 21w1 2b1 4w1 9b170730,5
2Cruz Paulo2045POR 25w1 22b1 3w1 10b½ 1w0 15b1 14w15,50533
3Silva Tiago Alexandre Pinho D1713POR 38w1 19b+ 2b0 42b1 22w1 8b1 5w½5,50530
4NMMorais Vitor1972POR 20b1 27w1 14b½ 49w1 31b1 1b0 12w15,50529
5Guia Artur Solovyov Eloy1708POR 23b1 41w1 55b1 6w½ 9b½ 21w1 3b½5,50427,5
6Guerreiro Paulo Jorge Leitao1851POR 61b1 33w½ 37b+ 5b½ 30w½ 17w1 24b+5,50426
7Ochoa Roberto Ruiz Goncalves1636POR 34w- 57w1 23b1 19w0 43b+ 25b+ 27b150524,5
8Rente Helder1627POR 57b1 34w1 31b0 36w1 19b1 3w0 21b150524
9Reis Luis Simoes1837POR 45w1 17b1 51w½ 40b1 5w½ 10b1 1w050430
10NMSantos Julio1891POR 26b1 12w1 35b1 2w½ 14b1 9w0 11w½50430
11Rebelo Pracas Antonio Fernande1647POR 43b1 35w0 61b1 12w½ 33w1 30b+ 10b½50425,5
12Oliveira Fernando Alves1578POR 13w1 10b0 29w1 11b½ 16w+ 31w1 4b04,50429
13Castro Vitor Duarte0POR 12b0 26w1 16b0 45w+ 42w+ 36w1 19b½4,50427,5
14Marques Afonso Mendes Pereira1536POR 58b1 52w+ 4w½ 51b1 10w0 49b+ 2b04,50427
15Mendes Alberto Correa1646POR 51w0 16b+ 45b1 18w1 17b½ 2w0 37b14,50426
16Alves Fernando Pereira Ribeir1716POR 28b½ 15w- 13w1 32w1 12b- 51b1 22w14,50426
17Nunes Adelino Vitor1515POR 71w+ 9w0 34b1 55w+ 15w½ 6b0 31b14,50426
18Azinheira Andre1548POR 46b1 66w+ 1w0 15b0 51w1 20b½ 34w14,50425,5
19Monteiro Nuno Miguel Vasco1466POR 60b1 3w- 65w1 7b1 8w0 40b1 13w½4,50424,5
20Honorio Fernando1405POR 4w0 62b1 67w+ 27w½ 49b½ 18w½ 30b+4,50325
21Maciel Rafael Figueiredo Cast1432POR 50b1 67w+ 24w1 1b0 52w+ 5b0 8w040432
22Lages Duarte Jorge Da Silva1612BRA 56b1 2w0 43b1 35w1 3b0 41w1 16b040427,5
23Lanca Luis1192POR 5w0 47b1 7w0 50b1 55w+ 27w0 41b140426
24Carvalho Joao Alexandre1757POR 65b1 36w1 21b0 31w0 44b1 35w1 6w-40423
25Mouquinho Jose Francisco B1428POR 2b0 56w1 30b- 59b1 39w+ 7w- 44w140422
26Vieira Vitor1366POR 10w0 13b0 54b1 43w0 60w1 57b1 46w140420,5
27Azevedo Manuel Roque1605POR 62w1 4b0 53w1 20b½ 40w½ 23b1 7w040324
28Dong Rafael1238POR 16w½ 51b0 68w1 52b0 29w½ 56b1 42w140323
29Dong Fabio1279POR 52b0 58w1 12b0 34w½ 28b½ 48w1 49w+40322
30Moreira Simao Chaves1615POR 59w1 1b0 25w+ 41w1 6b½ 11w- 20w-3,50328
31Goncalves Carlos M Marques1656POR 72w1 40b½ 8w1 24b1 4w0 12b0 17w03,50327,5
32Maria Antonio Jose Conceicao1429POR 1w0 59b1 52w½ 16b0 61w1 34b0 53w13,50326
33Sirgado Carlos Manuel Ferreira1545POR 39w1 6b½ 40w0 37b+ 11b0 37w0 54b+3,50326
34Canelas Miguel1119POR 7b+ 8b0 17w0 29b½ 45w+ 32w1 18b03,50325
35AFMCorreia Pedro Mourao Soares1441POR 64w1 11b1 10w0 22b0 56w1 24b0 38w½3,50324,5
36Voges Guilherme1466POR 63w1 24b0 38w1 8b0 53w1 13b0 40w½3,50323,5
37Martins Domingos Antonio M1293POR 69w1 49b½ 6w- 33w- 62w1 33b1 15w03,50323
38Antunes Ana1203POR 3b0 60w1 36b0 46w1 41b0 47w1 35b½3,50322,5
39Ganhao Pedro Alexandre Ant0POR 33b0 61w0 63b1 54w1 25b- 53b½ 51w13,50318
40Costa Fabio Filipe1238POR 70b+ 31w½ 33b1 9w0 27b½ 19w0 36b½3,50226,5
41Fernandes Jose Palma1443POR 47b+ 5b0 44w1 30b0 38w1 22b0 23w030325,5
42Bartolo Filipe Diogo Correia1581POR 54b1 55w0 48b1 3w0 13b- 43b+ 28b030325
43Gomes Tiago1164POR 11w0 64b1 22w0 26b1 7w- 42w- 59b130323
44Maissa Susana Flora Cesana1190POR 67b0 50w1 41b0 47w+ 24w0 55w+ 25b030323
45Lixa Alberto1257POR 9b0 71w+ 15w0 13b- 34b- 63b1 56w130321
46Dias Sofia Ribeiro0POR 18w0 53b0 72w1 38b0 50w1 61b+ 26b030321
47Silva Bruno0POR 41w- 23w0 57b1 44b- 59w1 38b0 62w130319
48Dias Leonardo1124POR 49w0 72b1 42w0 53b0 63w1 29b0 60w130317,5
49Galinha Otelo1643POR 48b1 37w½ 66w+ 4b0 20w½ 14w- 29b-30228,5
50Valente Guilherme0POR 21w0 44b0 -1 23w0 46b0 58b1 57w130215,5
51Pina Tiago1150POR 15b1 28w1 9b½ 14w0 18b0 16w0 39b02,50230
52Pais Ricardo Emanuel Pereira P1867POR 29w1 14b- 32b½ 28w1 21b- -0 -02,50227,5
53Costa Raul David Andrade1359POR 66b0 46w1 27b0 48w1 36b0 39w½ 32b02,50224,5
54Barbosa Luis Antonio Valentim0POR 42w0 68b½ 26w0 39b0 72b+ 62b1 33w-2,50220
55Turta Stelian1946POR 68w1 42b1 5w0 17b- 23b- 44b- -020226
56Martins Duarte Manuel B1007POR 22w0 25b0 64w1 65b+ 35b0 28w0 45b020223,5
57Boleo David1089POR 8w0 7b0 47w0 68b+ 64b1 26w0 50b020223
58Li Dongqi Kevin0POR 14w0 29b0 59w0 64b0 68b+ 50w0 61b+20214,5
59Maciel Laura1011POR 30b0 32w0 58b1 25w0 47b0 -1 43w020122,5
60Marques Rafael Alexandre And0POR 19w0 38b0 62w0 -1 26b0 64w1 48b020120
61Bartolo Diogo1264POR 6w0 39b1 11w0 62b½ 32b0 46w- 58w-1,50123,5
62Martins Lourenco Manuel B1003POR 27b0 20w0 60b1 61w½ 37b0 54w0 47b01,50122,5
63Milne Francisco Coutinho0POR 36b0 65w- 39w0 72b+ 48b0 45w0 64b½1,50120,5
64Valente Francisco Lopes Costa0POR 35b0 43w0 56b0 58w1 57w0 60b0 63w½1,50114,5
65Baptista Americo1254POR 24w0 63b+ 19b0 56w- -0 -0 -010123
66Marques Rui Filipe Pereira1880POR 53w1 18b- 49b- -0 -0 -0 -010122
67Santos Ruben Jose Melo1687POR 44w1 21b- 20b- -0 -0 -0 -010121,5
68Machado Carlos Augusto G1385POR 55b0 54w½ 28b0 57w- 58w- -0 -00,50019,5
69NMLavrador Rodolfo M Mascar1877POR 37b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000018
70Alves Luis Miguel1729POR 40w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000017,5
Geraldo João Pedro Mendes0POR 17b- 45b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000017,5
72Xu Victor0POR 31b0 48w0 46b0 63w- 54w- -0 -000016

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)