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Festival Interescolar de Xadrez - FIX 2018 - Sub 09 Feminino - Etapa Bispo

Last update 19.05.2018 22:10:10, Creator/Last Upload: Mearas Escola de Xadrez

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Ranking crosstable after Round 5

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Loricchio Leticia FigueiraIDL 14b1 15w1 21b1 2w1 3b15013,51616,00
2Bezerra Maria Julia FernandesSGM 11w1 23b1 5w1 1b0 17w1401517,512,50
3Moraes Clarice Miura B.MEA 29b1 30w1 9w1 4b1 1w040151712,00
4Werner Luiza BarrosMEA 27b1 10w1 8b1 3w0 12b1401416,512,50
5Silva Leticia Emanuelle D.MEA 19b1 6w1 2b0 29w1 13b140141612,00
6Katagiri Laura Yukari CostaMEA 44w1 5b0 28w1 31b1 7w14012128,00
7Pereira Anita MonteiroLDV 32b1 39w1 12b1 13w1 6b04011,5128,00
Duarte Lara ManzurLDV 28w1 38b1 4w0 22b1 11w14011,5128,00
9Cardoso Lara Rodrigues Da Gama-RosaMRT 37b1 40w1 3b0 16w1 10b1401111,57,50
10Souza Bruna Furtado DeLDV 18w1 4b0 24w1 23b1 9w03013,5168,00
11Lauffer Betine Luisa AssumpçãoLDV 2b0 14w1 30b1 21w1 8b03013,515,57,50
12Bastos Sofia Ribeiro AlvesSES 24w1 36b1 7w0 18b1 4w03013,5157,00
13Principe Julia Lima De M.MRT 31w1 34b1 17w1 7b0 5w03013157,00
14De Lemos Vithoria Martins VieiraMRT 1w0 11b0 32w1 25b1 28w1301213,55,50
15Beltrao Sofia CasesMEA 47w+ 1b0 25w½ 24b½ 29w13011,513,56,25
16Araujo Ana Laura TavaresLAC 36w½ 20b1 34w1 9b0 21w½3011,5137,00
17Da Silva Sofia RauppLDV 35b1 33w1 13b0 26w1 2b03011,5136,00
18Nogueira Mariana C. S.LDV 10b0 32w1 19b1 12w0 30b1301112,56,50
19Gomes Eloah Lauanna SousaORI 5w0 44b1 18w0 34b1 31w13011114,00
20Lacerda Leticia SanchesLDV 22w0 16w0 37b1 42b1 35w1308,593,50
21Beltrao Sara CasesMEA 26w1 22b1 1w0 11b0 16b½2,5013,5166,50
22Gontijo Mariana AlmeidaDP2 20b1 21w0 36b1 8w0 27b½2,501213,55,75
23Rodrigues Ana Beatriz De Jesus B.CSR 25b1 2w0 40b1 10w0 26b½2,5011,5123,75
24Bragança Valentina TiveronMEA 12b0 35w1 10b0 15w½ 37b12,5010,511,54,25
25Fasolo Maria BeatrizSGM 23w0 -1 15b½ 14w0 36b12,509,5114,25
26Portela Camila CarvalhoLDV 21b0 37w1 33b1 17b0 23w½2,509,510,53,75
27Gori Luma Gomes De OliveiraLDV 4w0 28b0 43w1 39b1 22w½2,509,5102,75
28de Araújo Julia Gontijo MourãoLAC 8b0 27w1 6b0 33w1 14b02013,5154,00
29Portela Sofia Mota CarneiroORI 3w0 43b1 38w1 5b0 15b02011,5121,50
30De Souza Gabrielly SoaresCSR 43w1 3b0 11w0 40b1 18w0201111,51,50
31Garbim Maite Porto PeixotoLDV 13b0 42w1 39b1 6w0 19b02010,5111,00
Marques Yasmin Rabelo de OliveiraDP2 7w0 18b0 14b0 -1 42w12010,5111,00
33Moraes Luisa Sinhori BastosLDV 46b+ 17b0 26w0 28b0 40w1209,5102,50
34Silva Alice Giarola A.ORI 42b1 13w0 16b0 19w0 39w1209,5101,00
35Soares Natasha Thais GuedesLAC 17w0 24b0 44w1 38b1 20b020990,50
36Silva Heloisa MoraesAVR 16b½ 12w0 22w0 43b1 25w01,5010,511,52,50
37França Nicole VicentineLDV 9w0 26b0 20w0 44b1 24w01012120,00
38Gertrudes Ana Beatriz MesquitaMRT -1 8w0 29b0 35w0 41b01011132,00
39De Oliveira Giovanna CarvalhoDP2 45b+ 7b0 31w0 27w0 34b01010,512,52,00
40Rodrigues Ana Clara DiasLAC 41b+ 9b0 23w0 30w0 33b01010,5122,00
41Vieira Paola Nogueira SaLDV 40w- -0 -0 -0 38w11099,50,50
42Mendes Leticia Macedo S. O.LDV 34w0 31b0 -1 20w0 32b0108,59,51,00
43Abreu Natalia Sanchez B.FLDV 30b0 29w0 27b0 36w0 44b110880,00
44De Souza Julia PereiraAVR 6b0 19w0 35b0 37w0 43w00010110,00
45E Araujo Helena MoraesLDV 39w- -0 -0 -0 -0009100,00
Bona Bianca SilveiraLDV 33w- -0 -0 -0 -0009100,00
Rodrigues Maria Clara De OliveiraLAC 15b- -0 -0 -0 -0009100,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable