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Campeonatos Individuales Estatales de Ajedrez Zacatecas 2018 CategorĂ­a Absoluta

Last update 16.04.2018 18:23:35, Creator/Last Upload: IA Tizoc Haro

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

1Hernandez De Leon Juan Fr2015MEX 22w1 7b1 5w1 6b1 8w1 3b½5,5
2Davila Serrano Diana1784MEX 26w1 21b1 3w½ 8b½ 6w1 11b15
3Salazar Muro Jose Antonio1953MEX 23b1 4w½ 2b½ 17w1 14b1 1w½4,5
Sarmiento Torres Mauro1406MEX 11w1 3b½ 8w0 5b1 13b1 9w14,5
5Ibarra Avila David1839MEX 16b1 9w1 1b0 4w0 17b1 14w14
6Giorgetti Cyril1934FRA 19w1 13b1 20w1 1w0 2b0 8b½3,5
Valdez Gaytan Jose1445MEX 10w1 1w0 14b½ 22b1 11w0 16w13,5
Raudales Jacobo Oziel Yozi1424MEX 25b½ 27w1 4b1 2w½ 1b0 6w½3,5
Paredes Torres Juan Manue1358MEX 28w1 5b0 21w½ 18b1 12w1 4b03,5
Roque Salazar Ivan1213MEX 7b0 15w½ 23b0 25w1 21b1 18w13,5
Pacheco Almaraz Jose Rodolfo1188MEX 4b0 23w1 15b1 13w½ 7b1 2w03,5
12Vazquez Lopez Diana Elizab1387MEX 20b0 17w½ 27b1 21w1 9b0 13w½3
Nungaray Corpus Roberto1384MEX 24w1 6w0 16b1 11b½ 4w0 12b½3
Beltran Carrillo Juan Ant1372MEX 17b½ 25w1 7w½ 20b1 3w0 5b03
Monsivais Blancas Hibis Ya1350MEX -0 10b½ 11w0 28b1 22w½ 24b13
Vazquez Lopez Hector Eduar1263MEX 5w0 28b1 13w0 19b1 20w1 7b03
Femat Rocha Edgar0MEX 14w½ 12b½ 19w1 3b0 5w0 22b13
18Rodriguez Cervantes Luis1700MEX 27b½ 20w0 26b1 9w0 24w1 10b02,5
Quinones Carrillo Jose Emmanuel1276MEX 6b0 24w1 17b0 16w0 23b½ 25w12,5
Navarro Herrera Diego1180MEX 12w1 18b1 6b0 14w0 16b0 23w½2,5
Nava Velazco EnelĂș Montserrath0MEX -1 2w0 9b½ 12b0 10w0 28b12,5
22Pinales Mejia Jose Angel1351MEX 1b0 26w½ 25b1 7w0 15b½ 17w02
Guerrero Velazquez Daniel Isaac1307MEX 3w0 11b0 10w1 24b0 19w½ 20b½2
Garcia Sandoval Francisco Javier1164MEX 13b0 19b0 28w1 23w1 18b0 15w02
25Del Real Marin Javier1203MEX 8w½ 14b0 22w0 10b0 28w1 19b01,5
26Garcia Felix Greta Valeria1260MEX 2b0 22b½ 18w0 -0 -0 -00,5
Duenas Garcia Rene Rolando1222MEX 18w½ 8b0 12w0 -0 -0 -00,5
28Mendez Martinez Emiliano0MEX 9b0 16w0 24b0 15w0 25b0 21w00