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2018 Capablanca Swiss D

Last update 27.04.2018 16:30:00, Creator: Hendrik du Toit,Last Upload: Anneline Reyneke

Player overview for moz

10CMPaiva Donaldo2300MOZ111101½106,5222932021,00RR Master
4Vasco Mateus Felizardo Viageiro1935MOZ0001½00012,5916894031,60RR B

Results of the last round for moz

Rd.Bo.No. NameBdldGrFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameBdldGrFEDRtg No.
IMOatlhotse ProvidenceMasMasBOT2260 1 - 0 CMPaiva DonaldoMasMasMOZ2300
Marais DanielBBRSA1994 0 - 1 Vasco Mateus Felizardo ViageiroBBMOZ1935

Player details for moz

CM Paiva Donaldo 2300 MOZ Rp:2293 Pts. 6,5
11FMPon Matt2248RSA5s 10,550,45209,00
26CMBouah Lyndon2177RSA2,5w 10,630,37207,40
32FMFawole John Oyeyemi2211NGR2,5s 10,500,502010,00
47WIMFebruary Jesse Nikki2047RSA3,5w 10,860,14202,80
53Luanja Geoffrey2276ZAM7,5s 00,41-0,4120-8,20
68FMOberholzer Francois2157RSA3,5w 10,700,30206,00
74CMMwale Joseph2265MAW4,5s ½0,500,00200,00
89Du Plessis Heinco2105RSA3,5w 10,770,23204,60
95IMOatlhotse Providence2260BOT6s 00,53-0,5320-10,60
Vasco Mateus Felizardo Viageiro 1935 MOZ Rp:1689 Pts. 2,5
17WIMBouah Denise1909RSA3w 00,23-0,2340-9,20
28Obanuta David Ovie1982NGR3,5s 00,09-0,0940-3,60
39Masiya Mfundo2017RSA7w 00,11-0,1140-4,40
41Maredi Alex1906RSA5s 10,270,734029,20
52WFMFisher Michelle M1904RSA2,5w ½0,300,20408,00
63Nel Andre1886RSA6,5s 00,20-0,2040-8,00
710PMNene Themba2025RSA3,5w 00,12-0,1240-4,80
85FMBeukes Dante M1964NAM7w 00,25-0,2540-10,00
96Marais Daniel1994RSA4,5s 10,140,864034,40