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Obert Delegació Lleida 2018

Last update 02.06.2018 21:06:18, Creator/Last Upload: Xavier Valios Blanco

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Badia Mas Jordi2130 18w1 5b1 32w1 3b1 16w1 2b½ 7b½ 6w1741,531,538
2Masague Artero Guerau2164 38w1 55b1 8w1 9b1 1w½ 4b½ 7w16,541,53138
3Sole Gonzalez Edgar2142 33w1 26b1 1w0 8b1 19b½ 14w1 10b1638,52835
4Angles Roca Joel2070 29b1 35w1 -0 31b1 23w1 10b½ 2w½ 17w16382834,5
5Palau Barrufet Vinyet1915 45b+ 1w0 15b1 11b1 19w1 7w0 12b1 9w½5,54231,538,5
6MKCampos Olaya Israel2332 42b1 12w1 -0 37b1 10w½ 18b1 13w1 1b05,53929,536,5
7Ribera Pane Jaume2203 -0 63b1 30w1 14b1 39w1 5b1 1w½ 2b05,538,52936
8Degracia Burgues Jose A.2091 58w+ 21b1 17w½ 2b0 3w0 23b1 19w1 18b15,538,528,535
9MKMonell Camarasa David2337 23w1 55b½ 20w1 17b1 2w0 16b1 10w½ 5b½5,5372733,5
10Arno Bendicho Arnau2211 25w1 37b1 11w1 16b½ 6b½ 4w½ 9b½ 3w05393036,5
11Giribet Cunat Joan Ramon2062 36w1 31b1 10b0 5w0 17w1 39b1 24w1 -0536,52733
12Subarroca Blanch Francesc1980 57w1 6b0 -0 58w1 28b1 25b1 5w0 24b153324,530,5
13Andres Magri Josep M.1963 -0 64b1 23w0 29b+ 41b1 21w1 6b0 28w1532,524,530,5
14Raga Lleida Roman1917 60w1 16b- 25b1 7w0 49b1 15w1 3b0 29w15322531
15Becerra Gomez Juan Jose1791 16w0 54b1 5w0 60b1 37w1 14b0 31w1 26b+52821,527
16Verdes Nadal Ramon2174 15b1 14w+ 19w1 10w½ 1b0 9w0 17b0 32w14,538,52835
17Biosca Lacasa Jordi2002 56b1 24w1 8b½ 9w0 11b0 33w1 16w1 4b04,536,52834,5
18Torrent Minguet Joan1776 1b0 48w1 40b1 55w½ 33b1 6w0 27b1 8w04,535,52633
19Granados Tello Roman2032 51b1 39w1 16b0 28w1 5b0 3w½ 8b0 33w14,534,525,531,5
20Sanuy Moncasi Albert2119 43b1 26w½ 9b0 33w0 30w1 40b½ 23w1 21b½4,533,524,530
21Estruch Andreu Lluc1908 62b1 8w0 -0 56b1 43w1 13b0 25w1 20w½4,532,525,530,5
22Montoliu Torne Domenec1989 38b0 50w1 28b0 26w½ 40b0 58w1 35b1 42w14,530,52327
23Montagut Gonzalez Joan1834 9b0 45w1 13b1 27w1 4b0 8w0 20b0 38w143928,535
24Cots Valls Jordi1857 46w1 17b0 -0 45w1 55b1 27w1 11b0 12w043526,532
25Cabestany Serra Xavier1792 10b0 62w+ 14w0 38b+ 26b1 12w0 21b0 40w1434,52631,5
26Cardona Marin Wilson1914 54w1 20b½ 3w0 22b½ 25w0 36b1 43w+ 15w-43324,530,5
27Estruch Andreu Guim1997 53w1 28b1 -0 23b0 31w1 24b0 18w0 41b143324,530
28Querol Zamora Ivan1838 49b1 27w0 22w1 19b0 12w0 53b1 40w1 13b04322530,5
29Vendrell Lara Gerard1743 4w0 47b1 -0 13w- 57w1 37b1 30w1 14b04322329,5
30Mir Carnice Jordi1878 59b1 32w0 7b0 44w1 20b0 51w1 29b0 43w+430,52329
31Semionovich Zurashvili Zurab1890 48b1 11w0 51b1 4w0 27b0 38w1 15b0 34w½3,535,526,533
32Rodon Balcells Jaume2005 64w1 30b1 1b0 39w0 35w½ 16b03,532,523,530,5
33Badia Torra Jaume1942 63w½ 3b0 60w1 20b1 18w0 17b0 37w1 19b03,5302329
34Sole Chimeno Joan1788 -0 -0 54w1 49b- 52b1 45w+ 39w- 31b½3,5302327,5
35Lopez Minguella Armand1904 61w1 4b0 -0 51w1 32b½ -0 22w0 44b+3,53022,529
36Garcia Gine Antonio1720 11b0 -0 61w1 40w½ 58b½ 26w0 50b½ 52w13,52922,528
37Ponsarnau Marquilles Jaume1936 52b+ 10w0 41b1 6w0 15b0 29w0 33b0 57w133425,531,5
38Vendrell Lara Marc1655 22w1 2b0 -0 25w- 46w1 31b0 45w1 23b033424,531
39Sole Castane Jaume1885 47w1 19b0 49w1 32b1 7b0 11w0 34b- -0332,52531
40Coria Gonzalez Pedro1936 -0 53b1 18w0 36b½ 22w1 20w½ 28b0 25b033224,529
41Cano Rodriguez Daniel1827 -0 57b1 37w0 53b1 13w0 44b1 -0 27w0330,52328
42Duro Sole Ramon1798 6w0 60b0 63w1 -0 50b1 -0 46w1 22b0328,521,527,5
43Perez Castells Quim1756 20w0 61b1 -0 46w1 21b0 49w1 26b- 30b-3282227
44Coria Gonzalez Joaquim1672 -0 -0 47w1 30b0 62w+ 41w0 48b1 35w-3282125,5
45Gasso Gonzalez Gloria1581 5w- 23b0 64w1 24b0 56w1 34b- 38b0 49w1326,520,525
46Clua Aparicio Hugo1411 24b0 51w0 57w1 43b0 38b0 61w1 42b0 56w1325,52024,5
47Ionescu Ioan Adrian1479 39b0 29w0 44b0 -1 53w0 56b1 59w1 -0325,51924
48Conde Chijeb Alexis1533 31w0 18b0 56w0 57b0 54w1 60b1 44w0 58b+32216,521
49Puig-Gros Munte Andreu1377 28w0 -1 39b0 34w+ 14w0 43b0 53w½ 45b02,53122,528
50Torres Marsol Jordi1653 55w0 22b0 -0 63b1 42w0 54b1 36w½ -02,5282125,5
51Benseny Martinez Guerau1708 19w0 46b1 31w0 35b0 60w1 30b0 52b½ -02,52721,526
52Domenech Gomis Arnau1635 37w- -0 -0 61b1 34w0 59b1 51w½ 36b02,526,520,525,5
53Vidal Guardiola Teresa1667 27b0 40w0 59b1 41w0 47b1 28w0 49b½ -02,525,519,524
54Prim Moran Clara1563 26b0 15w0 34b0 59w½ 48b0 50w0 61b1 60w12,5231722
55Ripoll Galvez Guerau1958 50b1 9w½ 2w0 18b½ 24w0 -0 -0 -023525,532
56Garriga Bericua Antonio1676 17w0 -0 48b1 21w0 45b0 47w0 58b+ 46b0227,52126
57Altisent Carulla Daniel1654 12b0 41w0 46b0 48w1 29b0 -0 60w1 37b0226,52025,5
58Abellana Viladrich Albert1747 8b- 59w1 -0 12b0 36w½ 22b0 56w- 48w-1,5302328,5
59Niubo Parramon Edgar1478 30w0 58b0 53w0 54b½ 63w+ 52w0 47b0 -01,5241822
60Carnice Gatius Elisa Justa1598 14b0 42w1 33b0 15w0 51b0 48w0 57b0 54b01282025,5
61Benseny Lorenzo Carlos1535 35b0 43w0 36b0 52w0 -1 46b0 54w0 -0125,519,524
62Jitaru Sebastian1548 21w0 25b- -0 64b1 44b- -0 -0 -0125,518,523,5
63Bermudez Monlleo Rodrigo1643 33b½ 7w0 42b0 50w0 59b- -0 -0 -00,52618,524,5
64Pinol Romero Xavier1695 32b0 13w0 45b0 62w0 -0 -0 -0 -0023,517,522,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)