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I Torneo Intersemilleros de Manizales - Villamaria

Last update 25.04.2018 05:26:35, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Giraldo Aristizabal Marlon1822CAL 28w1 19b1 11w0 21b1 7w0 29b1 13w+562940
2Pacheco Juan Diego1746CAL 29b1 23w1 17b1 16w1 18b1 7w16,513560
3Dabraccio Guillermo1620CAL 31w1 21b1 17w0 19b0 29w½ 42b+ 22b½4162920
4Barahona Urrego Lenier David1605CAL 33b+ 20w½ 18b- 22w½ 34b+ 21b½ 43b03,5282500
5Ospina Guevara Luisa1600CAL 35w0 27b1 37w+ 23w0 50b0 32b02,5432210
6Giraldo Gallego Mateo1571CAL 36b1 22w1 13b0 29w1 17b0 54w1 24b15728,550
7Montoya Ricardo1571CAL 44w1 25b1 20w1 1b1 17w0 2b04,583040
8Molina Luisa Fernanda1564CAL 37w- 43b1 35w0 39b1 41w1 13w½ 21b½4212430
9Pineda Ramirez Esteban1558CAL 27w1 30b1 -0 35b1 22w1 19w04,5112640
10Marulanda Rodriguez Sebastian1553CAL 38b1 34w1 16b0 50w1 19b0 52w-3,5252930
11Gomez Manuela1543CAL 39w1 24b1 1b1 18w0 16b1 23w04,5929,540
12Infante Duque Juan Pablo1528CAL 42b0 41w0 32b+ 47w½ 43b0 33w1 35b13,53021,520
13Quintero Cortes Santiago1527CAL 43w1 35b1 6w1 18b0 19w½ 8b½ 1b-41531,530
14Sanchez Romero Luis Alejandro1522CAL 30b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,55524,500
15Ortiz Cano Sara Liliana1521CAL 44b0 47w1 36b1 52w1 23b0 16w03,52726,530
16Guayara Miguel Angel1510CAL 46w1 37b1 10w1 2b0 11w0 15b14,5102740
17Beltran Daniel1451CAL 47b1 42w1 3b1 2w0 6w1 7b1 18w½5,5330,550
18Guevara Acosta Brahian Alejandro1419CAL 48w1 55b1 4w+ 13w1 11b1 2w0 17b½5,5232,540
19Ramirez Arias Jacobo1406CAL 49b1 1w0 38b1 3w1 13b½ 10w1 9b15,5526,550
20Munoz Lopez Sebastian1352CAL 51w1 4b½ 50w1 7b0 54b½ 24w0 47b+41826,520
21Ceballos Castellanos Isabela1340CAL 52b1 3w0 41b1 1w0 36b1 4w½ 8w½42024,530
22Jamioy Mestre Shinye Gunney1282CES 53w1 6b0 42w1 4b½ 55w1 9b0 3w½41925,530
23Rincon Gonzalez Rafael1263CAL 32w1 2b0 44w1 5b1 15w1 11b15,5428,550
24Martinez Gabriela1262CAL 54b1 11w0 44b½ 53w1 20b1 6w041726,530
25Ospina Garcia Miguel Angel1216CAL 40w+ 7w0 50b0 42b- 41b- 51w+2,54421,500
26Arroyave Juan Esteban0CAL 50b0 54w0 31b0 48w0 39b- -11,55218,500
27Arroyave Shantal0CAL 9b0 5w0 -0 49w0 -1 33b-1,5531700
28Bañol Portilla Jaime Andres0CAL 1b0 49w0 46b½ 39w1 45b0 48w½2,54617,510
29Benavides Arteaga Miguel Angel0CAL 2w0 45b1 49w1 6b0 3b½ 1w0 42b13,5262730
30Burbano España Eyber Fernando0CAL 14w+ 9w0 55b0 51w+ 43w0 44b+3,53121,500
31Cardona Claros Juan Jose0CAL 3b0 52w0 47b0 26w1 46w½ 48b½ 49w13391820
32Cardona Escobar Santiago Alejandro0CAL 23b0 12w- 43w0 -1 46b1 5w13,5292420
33Coronado Garcia Juan David0CAL 4w- 46b1 52w- 41w0 45b- 12b0 27w+2491910
34Diaz Jorge Eduardo0CAL 45w1 10b0 53b½ 4w- 47w0 39b133721,520
35Gallego Cobaleda Cristian David0CAL 5b1 13w0 8b1 9w0 52b0 12w02,5412520
36Giraldo Galeano Maria Jose0CAL 6w0 48b1 15w0 49b1 21w0 53b1 50w03342430
37Gomez Lopez Jesus Andres0CAL 8b+ 16w0 5b- 44b+ 55b½ 54b033622,500
38Jojoa Buchell Manuel Alejandro0CAL 10w0 51b1 19w0 47b½ 49b1 55w03332520,5
39Lopez Osman Adrian0CAL 11b0 54w0 48b1 8w0 28b0 26w+ 34w02472310
40Lopez Carlos Andres0CAL 25b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,55624,500
41Lopez Ospina Miguel Angel0CAL 55w0 12b1 21w0 33b1 8b0 25w+ 45w03352420
42Miramag Cordoba Cristian Andres0CAL 12w1 17b0 22b0 25w+ 3w- 29w02,54223,510
43Pena Camargo Ivan Dario0CAL 13b0 8w0 32b1 12w1 30b1 4w14,5122540
44Piraban Achagua Efren0CAL 15w1 7b0 24w½ 23b0 37w- 51w+ 30w-2,54026,510
45Ramirez Andres0CAL 34b0 29w0 51b0 -1 33w+ 28w1 41b14242120
46Ramirez Lopez Pedro Antonio0CAL 16b0 33w0 28w½ 31b½ 32w0 53b01,55120,500
47Rios Oviedo Michael Estivens0CAL 17w0 15b0 31w1 12b½ 38w½ 34b1 20w-3322520,5
48Rodriguez Beltran Juan Carlos0CAL 18b0 36w0 39w0 26b1 31w½ 28b½2,5451910
49Suarez Sanchez Sara0CAL 19w0 28b1 29b0 36w0 27b1 38w0 31b024822,520
50Tamayo Mateo0CAL 26w1 20b0 25w1 10b0 5w1 36b14,5142140
51Toro Gaviria Julio Alexander0CAL 20b0 38w0 45w1 30b- 44b- 25b-1,55021,510
52Valenzuela Aguilar Jairo Antonio0CAL 21w0 31b1 33b+ 15b0 35w1 10b+4,51323,520
53Verdugo Toro Anderson Arley0CAL 22b0 -1 34w½ 24b0 36w0 46w13382110
54Vivas Noguera Wilmer Alexander0CAL 24w0 39b1 26b1 20w½ 6b0 37w14232230
55Zapata Jorge David0CAL 41b1 18w0 30w1 22b0 37w½ 38b14222330
56Zapata Campos Jorge David0CAL -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -015424,500

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)