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I Torneo Intersemilleros de Manizales - Villamaria

Last update 25.04.2018 05:26:35, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Pacheco Juan Diego1746CAL 26b1 4w1 3b1 10w1 2b1 8w16,53560
2Guevara Acosta Brahian Alejandro1419CAL 45w1 22b1 28w+ 15w1 9b1 1w0 3b½5,532,540
3Beltran Daniel1451CAL 32b1 42w1 16b1 1w0 7w1 8b1 2w½5,530,550
4Rincon Gonzalez Rafael1263CAL 29w1 1b0 40w1 43b1 27w1 9b15,528,550
5Ramirez Arias Jacobo1406CAL 48b1 6w0 33b1 16w1 15b½ 25w1 11b15,526,550
6Giraldo Aristizabal Marlon1822CAL 46w1 5b1 9w0 20b1 8w0 26b1 15w+52940
7Giraldo Gallego Mateo1571CAL 34b1 19w1 15b0 26w1 3b0 23w1 17b1528,550
8Montoya Ricardo1571CAL 40w1 44b1 18w1 6b1 3w0 1b04,53040
9Gomez Manuela1543CAL 47w1 17b1 6b1 2w0 10b1 4w04,529,540
10Guayara Miguel Angel1510CAL 51w1 36b1 25w1 1b0 9w0 27b14,52740
11Pineda Ramirez Esteban1558CAL 53w1 31b1 -0 41b1 19w1 5w04,52640
12Pena Camargo Ivan Dario0CAL 15b0 21w0 29b1 30w1 31b1 28w14,52540
13Valenzuela Aguilar Jairo Antonio0CAL 20w0 39b1 49b+ 27b0 41w1 25b+4,523,520
14Tamayo Mateo0CAL 52w1 18b0 44w1 25b0 43w1 34b14,52140
15Quintero Cortes Santiago1527CAL 12w1 41b1 7w1 2b0 5w½ 21b½ 6b-431,530
16Dabraccio Guillermo1620CAL 39w1 20b1 3w0 5b0 26w½ 42b+ 19b½42920
17Martinez Gabriela1262CAL 23b1 9w0 40b½ 38w1 18b1 7w0426,530
18Munoz Lopez Sebastian1352CAL 50w1 28b½ 14w1 8b0 23b½ 17w0 32b+426,520
19Jamioy Mestre Shinye Gunney1282CES 38w1 7b0 42w1 28b½ 22w1 11b0 16w½425,530
20Ceballos Castellanos Isabela1340CAL 13b1 16w0 35b1 6w0 34b1 28w½ 21w½424,530
21Molina Luisa Fernanda1564CAL 36w- 12b1 41w0 47b1 35w1 15w½ 20b½42430
22Zapata Jorge David0CAL 35b1 2w0 31w1 19b0 36w½ 33b142330
23Vivas Noguera Wilmer Alexander0CAL 17w0 47b1 52b1 18w½ 7b0 36w142230
24Ramirez Andres0CAL 37b0 26w0 50b0 -1 49w+ 46w1 35b142120
25Marulanda Rodriguez Sebastian1553CAL 33b1 37w1 10b0 14w1 5b0 13w-3,52930
26Benavides Arteaga Miguel Angel0CAL 1w0 24b1 48w1 7b0 16b½ 6w0 42b13,52730
27Ortiz Cano Sara Liliana1521CAL 40b0 32w1 34b1 13w1 4b0 10w03,526,530
28Barahona Urrego Lenier David1605CAL 49b+ 18w½ 2b- 19w½ 37b+ 20b½ 12b03,52500
29Cardona Escobar Santiago Alejandro0CAL 4b0 30w- 12w0 -1 51b1 43w13,52420
30Infante Duque Juan Pablo1528CAL 42b0 35w0 29b+ 32w½ 12b0 49w1 41b13,521,520
31Burbano España Eyber Fernando0CAL 55w+ 11w0 22b0 50w+ 12w0 40b+3,521,500
32Rios Oviedo Michael Estivens0CAL 3w0 27b0 39w1 30b½ 33w½ 37b1 18w-32520,5
33Jojoa Buchell Manuel Alejandro0CAL 25w0 50b1 5w0 32b½ 48b1 22w032520,5
34Giraldo Galeano Maria Jose0CAL 7w0 45b1 27w0 48b1 20w0 38b1 14w032430
35Lopez Ospina Miguel Angel0CAL 22w0 30b1 20w0 49b1 21b0 44w+ 24w032420
36Gomez Lopez Jesus Andres0CAL 21b+ 10w0 43b- 40b+ 22b½ 23b0322,500
37Diaz Jorge Eduardo0CAL 24w1 25b0 38b½ 28w- 32w0 47b1321,520
38Verdugo Toro Anderson Arley0CAL 19b0 -1 37w½ 17b0 34w0 51w132110
39Cardona Claros Juan Jose0CAL 16b0 13w0 32b0 52w1 51w½ 45b½ 48w131820
40Piraban Achagua Efren0CAL 27w1 8b0 17w½ 4b0 36w- 50w+ 31w-2,526,510
41Gallego Cobaleda Cristian David0CAL 43b1 15w0 21b1 11w0 13b0 30w02,52520
42Miramag Cordoba Cristian Andres0CAL 30w1 3b0 19b0 44w+ 16w- 26w02,523,510
43Ospina Guevara Luisa1600CAL 41w0 53b1 36w+ 4w0 14b0 29b02,52210
44Ospina Garcia Miguel Angel1216CAL 56w+ 8w0 14b0 42b- 35b- 50w+2,521,500
45Rodriguez Beltran Juan Carlos0CAL 2b0 34w0 47w0 52b1 39w½ 46b½2,51910
46Bañol Portilla Jaime Andres0CAL 6b0 48w0 51b½ 47w1 24b0 45w½2,517,510
47Lopez Osman Adrian0CAL 9b0 23w0 45b1 21w0 46b0 52w+ 37w022310
48Suarez Sanchez Sara0CAL 5w0 46b1 26b0 34w0 53b1 33w0 39b0222,520
49Coronado Garcia Juan David0CAL 28w- 51b1 13w- 35w0 24b- 30b0 53w+21910
50Toro Gaviria Julio Alexander0CAL 18b0 33w0 24w1 31b- 40b- 44b-1,521,510
51Ramirez Lopez Pedro Antonio0CAL 10b0 49w0 46w½ 39b½ 29w0 38b01,520,500
52Arroyave Juan Esteban0CAL 14b0 23w0 39b0 45w0 47b- -11,518,500
53Arroyave Shantal0CAL 11b0 43w0 -0 48w0 -1 49b-1,51700
54Zapata Campos Jorge David0CAL -1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0124,500
55Sanchez Romero Luis Alejandro1522CAL 31b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,524,500
Lopez Carlos Andres0CAL 44b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,524,500

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)