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Aberto do Brasil STD 2018 101 anos Clube de Xadrez de Blumenau

Last update 29.05.2018 02:55:48, Creator/Last Upload: Kaiser Luiz Mafra

Player overview for ba

Results of the last round for ba

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
AGMBoth Vinicius Andre19873 1 - 03 Pereira Fo Hildebrando Apolonio1601

Player details for ba

Pereira Fo Hildebrando Apolonio 1601 BRA Rp:1380 Pts. 3
185Machado Isadora Santos001,5- 1K
27Filgueiras Nathan Felipe209921394s 00,11-0,1120-2,20
364Thurow Richard Ariel018002,5w ½
461Feller Isadora Cristina Vicente117516952s ½0,89-0,3920-7,80
567Campagnolo Bruna017402w 1
613AGMBoth Vinicius Andre198720674s 00,11-0,1120-2,20