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XII Obert d'Escacs de Llinars del Valles - Grup B Code: 184668

Última actualización09.06.2018 21:20:30, Propietario/Última carga: Carlos Gimenez Cañadas

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Martin Capitan Jesus 50b1 30w0 59b1 48w1 40b1 37w½ 47b1 6w16,54382935,5
2David Xapelli Antoni 51w½ 90b½ 61w0 65b1 44w1 39b½ 91w- -03,55731,523,528,5
3Martinez Torras Pol 52b1 34w1 25b1 24w1 12b1 26w0 50b0 91w16543,532,539,5
4Ridao Gimeno Oscar 53w1 31b½ -0 -0 57w½ 64b0 -0 -0288342531
5Jimenez Paez Jaime 54b0 74w1 63b½ 49w½ 48b0 73w1 45w1 53b152133,52630,5
6Farre I Benseny Miquel 55w1 33b½ 47w1 -0 87b1 54w1 37b1 1b05,511372733,5
7Bosch Ricart Joan 56b1 40w1 26b0 50w0 49b½ 51w1 32b1 37w04,52537,527,534
8Vendrell Roncero Carlos 58w1 35b1 27w1 26b0 28w1 23b0 -0 -043642,53238,5
9Maria Medina Joan Josep 59b1 -0 51w½ 63w1 30b1 47w0 39b1 80b½520342631,5
10Giro Castellet Esteve 60w1 37b0 65w1 51b½ 45w1 31b½ 80w0 48w15173727,533,5
11Bordas Galobardes Miquel A. 61b1 41w1 28b0 53w1 50b0 42w1 31w0 -043938,52834,5
12Garcia Encinas Pau 62w1 43b1 29w1 28b1 3w0 35b1 24w1 26b1714031,537,5
13Saborit Verdaguer Roger 63b1 42w1 30b½ 31w0 47b- -0 -0 -02,5793626,532,5
14Robert Sancho Albert 64w0 -0 85b0 72b- 60b½ 75w1 98b- -01,51012418,522,5
15Garcia Gallardo Victor 67b1 44w½ 49b1 37w0 54b0 68w1 89b1 47w15,51432,52429,5
16Rodriguez Sorribes Jose Antoni 69w1 49b½ 90w1 39b½ 35w0 48b0 61w0 63b036933,52530,5
17Guerrero Prieto Arnau 70b1 -0 67w1 61b1 39w1 50w0 34b½ 54w15,5133526,533
18Casanovas Barniol Gerard 71w1 64b0 68w½ 47b0 63w½ 53b0 -0 -02923022,527
19Sanchez Parare Loresmar Karina 72b½ 91w0 99b½ 66w1 52b0 74w½106w½ 64b-37429,52428,5
20Gallego Andres Carles -0 -0 76w1 67b1 90w1 52b1 84w1 24b0522322329
21Marabajan Navas Saul 73w0100b0 92w1 69b1 53b½ 49w1 54b0 87w14,53329,52226,5
22Gallardo Gonzalez Rafael -0 71b0 95w+ 70w1 59b+ 99w1 87b1 31b0524302228
23Salinas Tomas Daniel 74b1 48w1 37b½ 30w1 31b1 8w1 26b½ 50w½6,52433238,5
24Cruz Medina Julia 76w1 73b1 64w1 3b0 80w1 84b1 12b0 20w167382835
25Aleksanyan Israilyan Nicolas 77b1 54w1 3w0 64b1 84w0 80b0 -0101w½3,55334,52632
26Diaz Rendon Nicoll 78w1 84b1 7w1 8w1 37b½ 3b1 23w½ 12w06641,531,538,5
27Lazaro Valls Xavier 79b1 99w1 8b0 -0 61w1 87w0 56b½ 68w14,529332530
28Vacas Arno Gabriel 80w1 88b1 11w1 12w0 8b0 91b0 63w1 61b15153727,534,5
29Bordas Galobardes Pere 81b1106w1 12b0 54w½ 51b1 -0 38w0 -03,5523726,533,5
30Miro Arbelaes Aleix 82w1 1b1 13w½ 23b0 9w0 46b1 53w½ 84b15163727,534
31Sierra Macias Adan 83b1 4w½ 44b1 13b1 23w0 10w½ 11b1 22w1683525,532
32Feria Prust Ethan Wade 84w0 75b½ 72w1 68b0 85w1 90b1 7w0 74b+4,5352519,524
33Guiu Mesa Jordi 85b1 6w½ 91b½ 87w0 97b½ 89w0 68b0 65b13,56030,522,528,5
34Ceruelo Santiveri Oscar 86w1 3b0 69w1 80b0 64w1104b1 17w½ 38b15,51235,526,532,5
35Moles Benali Joan 87b1 8w0 66b1 91w1 16b1 12w0 -0 99w1518372734
36Garcia Encinas Jan 88w0 76b1 71w1 84b0 91w0 67b1 64w1104b045128,521,526
37Casares Bonals Asier 89b1 10w1 23w½ 15b1 26w½ 1b½ 6w0 7b15,5943,533,540
38Armengou Bernal Pere 90w0 78b+ 81b½ 99w½101b½ 97w1 29b1 34w04,5303123,529
39Cutura Sole Alexandre 91b½101w1100b1 16w½ 17b0 2w½ 9w0 76b14,528342531
40Salvany Guiu Jorge 92w1 7b0 73w1106b1 1w0 -0 -0 81b036834,52531,5
41Lobo Pereira Arami 93b+ 11b0 80w0 71b1104w0 79b1 -0 73w14473223,529
42Egea Pascual Guillem 95w1 13b0 84w0 73b1106w1 11b0104w- -03713224,529
43Espada Espanol Tura 97b1 12w0 87b0 82w1 99b0 -0 88w1 83w144929,520,527,5
44Berbel Gutierrez J. Guillermo 98w+ 15b½ 31w0 81w½ 2b0 76w½ 74b0 88b13,5543425,531,5
45Vicente Perales Manel 99b0 77w½ 83b1100w1 10b0101w1 5b0 89w14,53230,52328
46Altomonte Castilla Alex100w½ 51b0 75w1 90b0 72b1 30w0 76b0 92w-2,58724,518,523,5
47Martin Roldan Adam101b½ 72w1 6b0 18w1 13w+ 9b1 1w0 15b04,52735,52834,5
48Rodriguez Gonzalez Gerard104w1 23b0 88w1 1b0 5w1 16w1 -0 10b043838,529,536
49Bautista Sarmiento Joel105b1 16w½ 15w0 5b½ 7w½ 21b0 90w1100w14,53130,52429,5
50Muntal Corrales Arnau 1w0103b1104w1 7b1 11w1 17b1 3w1 23b½6,5340,53238,5
51Funes Ostos Aitor 2b½ 46w1 9b½ 10w½ 29w0 7b0 -0 95b-2,58034,52631,5
52Alcantara Ruiz Natalia 3w0 80b0 96w1 88b1 19w1 20w0 99b0 86b14433324,530,5
53Fernandez Climent Albert 4b0 79w1 89b1 11b0 21w½ 18w1 30b½ 5w044532,524,529,5
54Quiros Garcia Luis 5w1 25b0105w1 29b½ 15w1 6b0 21w1 17b04,52636,529,535,5
55Asensio Diaz Miguel 6b0 81w0 94b1 85w½ 89b0 78w1101b0 97w13,5652719,525,5
56Collazo Casals Marc 7w0 82b0 -0 93w+ 77w1 81b1 27w½106b03,56328,521,526,5
57Navajas Alvarez Antoni -0 83w½101b½ 89w½ 4b½ 88b½ -0 98w13,564282125,5
58Martinez Gueldos Ferran 8b0 85w1106b- 97b- -0 -0 -0 -01102272025
59Lopez Oliva Luis 9w0 86b1 1w0105b1 22w-106b0 71w0 90b02893123,530
60Villa Tornero Alex 10b0 87w0 -0 92b½ 14w½ 77b1 -0 70w1377272025
61Martinez Suarez Alex 11w0 92b1 2b1 17w0 27b0 83w1 16b1 28w0442342531
62Salvany Alonso Artur 12b0 89w0 98b1101w0 76b0 -0 -0103w+29526,518,525,5
63Garcia Encinas Nil 13w0 93b1 5w½ 9b0 18b½ 86w1 28b0 16w144632,52429,5
64Puente Fernandez Lucas 14b1 18w1 24b0 25w0 34b0 4w1 36b0 19w+444332430
65Guerrero Moreno Ainoha -0 94w1 10b0 2w0 78b½ 85b1100w- 33w02,58328,52227
66Fernandez Raya Santi -0 95b1 35w0 19b0 79w0 -0 94b1105w13782619,525
67Municio Soto Aaron 15w0 96b1 17b0 20w0 82b1 36w0 73b0 79w13703324,530,5
68Casas Vinas Arthur -0 97w1 18b½ 32w1 -0 15b0 33w1 27b03,55632,52530,5
69Herrera Grande Placid 16b0 98w1 34b0 21w0 83b0 82w1 86b- -0293282025,5
70Marti De Toro Xavi 17w0104b0103w1 22b0 88w0 92b1 81w0 60b0290312329
71Al-Badwan Mendieta Nabih 18b0 22w1 36b0 41w0 86b0103w1 59b1 -03762720,525
72Molina Barbancho Serafin 19w½ 47b0 32b0 14w+ 46w0100b0 92w0 85b01,5992619,523,5
73Vallejo Ferreira Enric 21b1 24w0 40b0 42w0105w1 5b0 67w1 41b037231,524,530,5
74Garcia Silvan Lara 23w0 5b0 -0 94w1103b1 19b½ 44w1 32w-3,56129,521,528
75Cabrera Gallego Alejandro Nic -0 32w½ 46b0104b0 92w0 14b0 96w0 -11,510025,520,525
76Contijoch Montpart Roger 24b0 36w0 20b0 95w+ 62w1 44b½ 46w1 39w03,559312329
77Ponsa Alcubierre Gemma 25w0 45b½ -0 83w½ 56b0 60w0103b½ 78w-1,59827,52125,5
78Rodriguez Fenoy Didac 26b0 38w- -0 98w1 65w½ 55b0 95w0 77b+2,58428,52127
79Toquero Gracia Laura 27w0 53b0 -0102w1 66b1 41w0 -0 67b029130,522,527,5
80Lara Cabrera Toni 28b0 52w1 41b1 34w1 24b0 25w1 10b1 9w½5,510392935
81Alonso Gimenez Diego 29w0 55b1 38w½ 44b½ -0 56w0 70b1 40w14502922,527
82Garcia Lopez Ferran 30b0 56w1 -0 43b0 67w0 69b0105w- 94w129427,52126
83Municio Angel Alfredo Ramon 31w0 57b½ 45w0 77b½ 69w1 61b0 85w1 43b037331,52329
84Oliva Troses Josep 32b1 26w0 42b1 36w1 25b1 24w0 20b0 30w0437392935
85Sanchez Rios Hilario 33w0 58b0 14w1 55b½ 32b0 65w0 83b0 72w12,585262125
86Rodriguez-Manzaneque Trejo Erick 34b0 59w0 -0 96b1 71w1 63b0 69w+ 52w0375282025,5
87Basallote Berenguera Enric 35w0 60b1 43w1 33b1 6w0 27b1 22w0 21b044037,52834
88Lambert Paul Michael 36b1 28w0 48b0 52w0 70b1 57w½ 43b0 44w02,58131,524,529,5
89Apinyan Mark 37w0 62b1 53w0 57b½ 55w1 33b1 15w0 45b03,55533,525,531
90Ramirez Cortes Izan 38b1 2w½ 16b0 46w1 20b0 32w0 49b0 59w13,55831,52329
91Sanchez Aguilar Arnau 39w½ 19b1 33w½ 35b0 36b1 28w1 2b+ 3b051936,52733
92Rodriguez Lopez Xavier 40b0 61w0 21b0 60w½ 75b1 70w0 72b1 46b+3,56723,51822,5
93Royo Madolell Diego 41w- 63w0 -0 56b- -0 -0 -0 -001062216,521
94Vazquez Viladrosa Victor -0 65b0 55w0 74b0 -0 -1 66w0 82b0110326,52125,5
95Gay Xandre David 42b0 66w0 22b- 76b- 98b½ 96w1 78b1 51w+3,5662518,522,5
96Romero Aso Lluis -0 67w0 52b0 86w0102b- 95b0 75b1 -0110424,518,523
97Sison Rius Sergio 43w0 68b0 -1 58w+ 33w½ 38b0 -0 55b02,58229,522,527
98Vinuesa Sueiras Oriol 44b- 69b0 62w0 78b0 95w½105b1 14w+ 57b02,58624,51923,5
99Argemi Chinchilla Erik 45w1 27b0 19w½ 38b½ 43w1 22b0 52w1 35b044135,526,532
100Ramirez Cortes Aaron 46b½ 21w1 39w0 45b0 -0 72w1 65b+ 49b03,5622923,528
101Lambert Pont Michael 47w½ 39b0 57w½ 62b1 38w½ 45b0 55w1 25b½44831,524,529
102Espada Espanol Lledo -0 -0 -0 79b0 96w+ -0 -0 -01105241822,5
103Badosa Ferreiro Genis -0 50w0 70b0 -1 74w0 71b0 77w½ 62b-1,5972819,526
104Doblado Garcia Asier 48b0 70w1 50b0 75w1 41b1 34w0 42b+ 36w152331,523,530
105Trullas Buesa Arnau 49w0 -1 54b0 59w0 73b0 98w0 82b+ 66b029625,519,524
106Lambert Pont James -1 29b0 58w+ 40w0 42b0 59w1 19b½ 56w14,534292226,5

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)