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Last update 21.04.2018 23:51:08, Creator/Last Upload: fpxaveiro

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Bernardo Daniel Madureira2020POR 23b1 9w1 6b1 3w1 4b15015,517,5
2Carvalho Vitor Hugo De Pina S1847POR 29b1 13w1 21b1 8w½ 16b14,5011,513,5
3Andrade Carlos Jorge Da Silva1966POR 20w1 25b1 10w1 1b0 8b1401517
4Furtado Dinis Galvão1793POR 18w1 11b1 22w1 12b1 1w0401416
5Martins António Miguel Gonçal1532POR 14w- 15b1 18w1 11b1 17w+401215
6Rodrigues José Pedro Da Costa1506POR 38w1 24b1 1w0 22b1 19w1401213
7Ribeiro Gustavo Martins Santo1390POR 27w1 21b- 23b1 13w1 15b1401012
8Ferreira António Luis Campos2029POR 19w1 17b1 12w1 2b½ 3w03,5014,517,5
9Oliveira Beatriz Correia1312POR 34w1 1b0 24w1 10b½ 25w13,5012,513,5
10Camacho Diogo Fernandes Brito1391POR 30b1 35w1 3b0 9w½ 28b13,5011,512,5
11Cunha Alexandre Almeida1297POR 37b1 4w0 14b1 5w0 24b1301314
12Dolores Barbara Daniela Azeve1521POR 32b1 14w1 8b0 4w0 30w13012,514,5
13Camacho Filipa Fernandes Brit1277POR 33w1 2b0 26w1 7b0 27w13012,514,5
14Almeida João Pedro Dias0POR 5b+ 12b0 11w0 33b1 22w1301214
15Farias David Nuno Moita Estev1133POR 26b1 5w0 32b1 28w+ 7w0301214
16Ribeiro Rodrigo Martins Santo1593POR 31b1 22w- 20w1 25b1 2w03011,513,5
17Borges Rafael Peres1380POR 40b1 8w0 29b1 21w1 5b-3011,511,5
18Campenhe Cláudio Conceição1044POR 4b0 37w1 5b0 36w1 21b1301112
19Veleirinho Tomás Carvalho1097POR 8b0 40w1 35b1 23w1 6b03010,510,5
20Chipelo Tomás Miguel Da Silva1091POR 3b0 36w1 16b0 34w1 26b1301011
21Silva Miguel Maria Pires Marq0POR -1 7w+ 2w0 17b0 18w02014,517
22Coelho Gonçalo Cavaz1133POR 39w1 16b+ 4b0 6w0 14b0201415
23Luz David Melnic Barros1092POR 1w0 27b1 7w0 19b0 34w1201415
24Luz Lucas Melnic Barros0POR 28b+ 6w0 9b0 31w+ 11w02012,514,5
25Santos Tiago Vieira1313POR 36b1 3w0 31b1 16w0 9b02012,513,5
26Silva Maria Leonor Pires Marq0POR 15w0 -1 13b0 32w+ 20w02011,513,5
27Ferreira Eduardo José Fernand0POR 7b0 23w0 37b1 29w1 13b0201112
28Sarabando Rodrigo Andias1348POR 24w- 38b1 30w1 15b- 10w02010,511,5
29Dolores Ines Filipa Azevedo1060POR 2w0 34b1 17w0 27b0 39w12010,511,5
30Conde Gonçalo Padrão0POR 10w0 41b+ 28b0 35w1 12b0209,59,5
31Justino Francisco Cortês Sant1010POR 16w0 33b1 25w0 24b- 37b120910
32Brites Francisco Andrade0POR 12w0 39b1 15w0 26b- 35b120910
33Ribeiro Bruno Ferreira0POR 13b0 31w0 40b1 14w0 36b12099
34Martins André Ricardo Gonçalv0POR 9b0 29w0 38w1 20b0 23b01010,511,5
35Santos Gonçalo Manuel Gamelas0POR 41w+ 10b0 19w0 30b0 32w01010,510,5
36Maia Vasco Ribas Guimarães Lo0POR 25w0 20b0 39w1 18b0 33w0101011
37Orfão Inês Maria Ramos0POR 11w0 18b0 27w0 38b1 31w0101011
38Camacho Francisca Fernandes B0POR 6b0 28w0 34b0 37w0 40b11088
39Santos Luís Gabriel Alves Dos0POR 22b0 32w0 36b0 40w1 29b01077
40Louzado João Simões0POR 17w0 19b0 33w0 39b0 38w000910
41Santana Mariana Peixoto1166POR 35b- 30w- -0 -0 -00033

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)