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Campeonato Nacional Absoluto 2018

Last update 18.03.2018 18:42:43, Creator/Last Upload: ChessEcuador

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMZambrano Junior2074ECU 36b1 21w1 20b1 13w½ 12b½ 6b1 3w½ 4w½ 5b½6,5040,551,5
2FMNoboa Kevin2288ECU 16b1 11w1 12b½ 6b0 17w1 7b0 25w1 22w1 19b16,503949,5
3FMMunoz Sanchez Jhon2232ECU 27w1 15b½ 44w1 7b1 6w½ 25b1 1b½ 5w½ 10b½6,503949
4IMMunoz Sanchez Miguel2260ECU 26w1 17b1 13w0 11b1 18w½ 44b1 7w½ 1b½ 14w16,5038,548,5
5IMPazos Gambarrotti Plinio2222ECU 40b½ 37w1 25b½ 32w1 13b1 12w½ 6b1 3b½ 1w½6,5036,547
6Jaramillo Arce David2034ECU 53b1 35w1 8b1 2w1 3b½ 1w0 5w0 15b1 9w½604150,5
7Martinez Maya Steven2115ECU 28b1 22w½ 29b1 3w0 30b1 2w1 4b½ 12w½ 8b½6038,549,5
8FMGuerrero Fuentes Carlos2127ECU 45w1 31b1 6w0 15b1 25w0 18b1 13w1 9b½ 7w½6037,547
9IMSantos Flores Alberto2247ECU 37b½ 40w1 18b½ 21w½ 22b1 19w1 12b½ 8w½ 6b½6036,546,5
10Meza Ponce Jerry2180ECU 46w½ 38b1 15w½ 17b½ 29w1 13b½ 14w½ 21b1 3w½6035,545
11Chang Suarez Andres1974ECU 57w1 2b0 45w1 4w0 27b1 26b½ 16w½ 31b1 12w16034,543,5
12Reinoso Daniel2042ECU 52w1 23b1 2w½ 14b1 1w½ 5b½ 9w½ 7b½ 11b05,5041,551
13Requelme Romero Jose2049ECU 39b1 32w1 4b1 1b½ 5w0 10w½ 8b0 16w½ 30b15,5039,550
14Saltos Velez Adrian2139ECU 34b1 29w½ 22b1 12w0 21b½ 37w1 10b½ 20w1 4b05,503646,5
15CMMendoza Criollo Carlos David1948ECU 43b1 3w½ 10b½ 8w0 34b1 45w½ 32b1 6w0 28b15,503646
16Aguirre Burgos Flavio Jose1626ECU 2w0 47b1 35w1 20w½ 19b0 29w1 11b½ 13b½ 25w15,5035,545,5
17Aspiazu Marlon1977ECU 55b1 4w0 28b1 10w½ 2b0 30w1 45b1 19w0 27b15,503543,5
18Jarrin Cobos Jose2094ECU 33w1 44b½ 9w½ 31b1 4b½ 8w0 21b0 45w1 23w15,5034,544,5
19Escobar Lauro2060ECU 38w0 48b1 27w1 30b½ 16w1 9b0 44w1 17b1 2w05,5033,543,5
20Narvaez Carvajal Jose2012ECU 47w1 30b1 1w0 16b½ 44w0 46b1 26w1 14b0 33w15,5031,541
21Wong Juan1773ECU 50w1 1b0 33w1 9b½ 14w½ 28b½ 18w1 10w0 22b½503746,5
22Menes Aguirre Ivan1777ECU 58w1 7b½ 14w0 48b1 9w0 33b1 28w1 2b0 21w½503542
23Dillon Iperti Miguel Jack1759ECU 56b1 12w0 39b½ 37w½ 28b0 47w1 34b1 32w1 18b05030,537,5
24Abadie Romero Jonathan2006ECU 35b0 55w1 34b0 53w1 37b0 36w1 27b0 39w1 26w15028,535
25Quishpe Vaca Andres1983ECU 48w½ 46b1 5w½ 26b1 8b1 3w0 2b0 27w½ 16b04,503746,5
26Lopez Casigna Edgar1626ECU 4b0 43w1 42b1 25w0 38b1 11w½ 20b0 29w1 24b04,503444,5
27Silva Chifla Paul1608ECU 3b0 51w1 19b0 55w1 11w0 35b1 24w1 25b½ 17w04,503442,5
28Chuquira Rivera Pablo Ismael1461ECU 7w0 41b1 17w0 47b1 23w1 21w½ 22b0 44b1 15w04,5033,543
29Sanchez Uriguen Michael Edinson1893ECU 41w1 14b½ 7w0 34w1 10b0 16b0 49w1 26b0 45w14,5033,542,5
30Ortiz Omar1691ECU 42b1 20w0 53b1 19w½ 7w0 17b0 48w1 46b1 13w04,5032,541,5
31Alomia Aldaz Fernando1797ECU 51b1 8w0 36b1 18w0 45b0 38w1 37b1 11w0 34b½4,503241,5
32Moreno Viteri Oscar1704ECU 54w1 13b0 38w1 5b0 33w½ 39b1 15w0 23b0 47w14,503240,5
33Antich Cajeca Jefferson1456ECU 18b0 56w1 21b0 49w1 32b½ 22w0 41b1 37w1 20b04,503138
34Espinoza Supe Christian Javie1549ECU 14w0 57b1 24w1 29b0 15w0 50b1 23w0 49b1 31w½4,5030,538,5
35Criollo Rolan0ECU 24w1 6b0 16b0 36w1 46b0 27w0 51b+ 47b½ 44w14,5029,538,5
36Orrala Ariel1433ECU 1w0 58b1 31w0 35b0 48w1 24b0 42w½ 50b1 46w14,502734
37Ramos Baya David Santiago1623ECU 9w½ 5b0 46w1 23b½ 24w1 14b0 31w0 33b0 50w14033,543
38Paute Arizaga Angel Samuel1396ECU 19b1 10w0 32b0 42w1 26w0 31b0 50w0 56b1 51w14029,537
39Ortiz Salazar Enrique1367ECU 13w0 50b1 23w½ 44b0 41w1 32w0 40b½ 24b0 49w1402937,5
40Borja Izquierdo Diego1599ECU 5w½ 9b0 48w0 41b½ 57w1 49b0 39w½ 54b1 43b½4027,536
41Jara Guillen Egbert Moises0ECU 29b0 28w0 56b1 40w½ 39b0 53w1 33w0 42b½ 52w1402733
42Torres Tomala Jeffrey0ECU 30w0 52b1 26w0 38b0 55b1 43w0 36b½ 41w½ 54b14026,533
43Herrera Vargas Juan Carlos0ECU 15w0 26b0 54w½ 46b- 58b1 42b1 46w0 48b1 40w½402531
44Velasco Isaac1773ECU 49b1 18w½ 3b0 39w1 20b1 4w0 19b0 28w0 35b03,5035,545
45Viscaino Yanez Jhonny Cesar1529ECU 8b0 49w1 11b0 51w1 31w1 15b½ 17w0 18b0 29b03,503544
46Naranjo Pacheco Irwin1596ECU 10b½ 25w0 37b0 43w+ 35w1 20w0 43b1 30w0 36b03,5031,540,5
47Carrion Larriva Luis Francisco0ECU 20b0 16w0 58b1 28w0 51b1 23b0 52w1 35w½ 32b03,503036
48Gonzabay Vidal Nick0ECU 25b½ 19w0 40b1 22w0 36b0 54w1 30b0 43w0 55b13,502936,5
49Ottati Sanchez Alberto Andrey0ECU 44w0 45b0 57w1 33b0 52b1 40w1 29b0 34w0 39b0302734
50Reyes Zambrano Byron Samuel0ECU 21b0 39w0 55b0 58w1 53b1 34w0 38b1 36w0 37b0302631,5
51Lainez Tomala Joffre Alex0ECU 31w0 27b0 52w1 45b0 47w0 57b1 35w- 55w1 38b0302531,5
52Tomala Parrales Widinson1225ECU 12b0 42w0 51b0 54b1 49w0 55w1 47b0 53w1 41b0302330,5
53Cajeca Yata Josue Daniel0ECU 6w0 54b1 30w0 24b0 50w0 41b0 56w1 52b0 58b1302329,5
54Sevilla Lita Fernando Sebastian0ECU 32b0 53w0 43b½ 52w0 56b1 48b0 57w+ 40w0 42w02,5024,530,5
55Guerrero Cajeca Matias Israel0ECU 17w0 24b0 50w1 27b0 42w0 52b0 58w1 51b0 48w02026,532,5
56Sarango Saavedra Dayron Xavier0ECU 23w0 33b0 41w0 57b0 54w0 58w1 53b0 38w0 -1202126,5
57Guevara Ulloa Jheremy Mateo0ECU 11b0 34w0 49b0 56w1 40b0 51w0 54b- -0 -01022,530
58Moreno Ollague Christian Matias0ECU 22b0 36w0 47w0 50b0 43w0 56b0 55b0 -1 53w0102227,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)