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Campeonato Nacional Femenino 2018

Last update 18.03.2018 18:43:07, Creator/Last Upload: ChessEcuador

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1WIMRomero Echeverria Abigail2047ECU 16b1 10w0 8b½ 17w1 20b1 6w1 2b½ 7w1 3b1720,53849,5
2WFMOrtiz Verdesoto Anahi1979ECU 17w0 12w1 16b1 11b1 5w1 7b1 1w½ 3w1 6b½710,538,549
3WFMRuiz Mishell1904ECU 18b0 24w1 17w1 14b1 8w½ 10b1 5w1 2b0 1w05,5603747,5
4Bedoya Ramos Andrea1786ECU 19w1 11b0 21w1 7b0 28w1 15b0 14b1 16w1 8b0510033,543
5Penafiel Mendoza Josselyne1771ECU 20b1 13w1 9b1 6w½ 2b0 8w1 3b0 15w1 7b½64037,549
6WFMSarmiento Robles Paula1717ECU 21w1 15b1 11w1 5b½ 7w½ 1b0 10w1 17b1 2w½6,5303950,5
7Jaramillo Samantha1672ECU 22b1 14w1 10b½ 4w1 6b½ 2w0 15b1 1b0 5w½5,55038,549,5
8Pincay Coloma Daniela1666ECU 23w1 17b½ 1w½ 10w1 3b½ 5b0 16w½ 11b½ 4w15,5803646
9Nunez Giler Fanny1643ECU 24b1 18w1 5w0 15b0 19w½ 16b0 27b1 20w1 17w04,516031,540
10Guazumba Cantuna Leslie1626ECU 25w1 1b1 7w½ 8b0 15w1 3w0 6b0 21b0 24w14,514036,547
11Oleas Vanegas Micaela1604ECU 26b1 4w1 6b0 2w0 16b½ 20w½ 22b1 8w½ 21b½59035,546,5
12WCMCata Pallo Alejandra Nicole1594ECU 27w½ 2b0 25w½ 19b½ 21w1 17b0 24w½ 28b0 29w½3,525128,538
13Acosta Gabriela1594ECU 28b1 5b0 19w½ 20w0 26b1 18w1 17w0 25b½ 16b½4,51703140,5
14Villafuerte Macas Angie1555ECU 29w1 7b0 23w1 3w0 18b½ 19b½ 4w0 24b½ 25w14,518028,537
15Ayala Rosero Ariana Marcela1537ECU 30b1 6w0 18b1 9w1 10b0 4w1 7w0 5b0 19w1511033,540
16Pacheco Jimenez Yesenia1536ECU 1w0 27b1 2w0 23b1 11w½ 9w1 8b½ 4b0 13w½4,515034,544
17Guaicha Encalada Jennifer1534ECU 2b1 8w½ 3b0 1b0 25w1 12w1 13b1 6w0 9b15,5703747,5
18Bohorquez Canizares Maria1507ECU 3w1 9b0 15w0 27b1 14w½ 13b0 21w0 30w1 26b½42003035,5
19Santacruz Gonzalez Natalia1483ECU 4b0 26w1 13b½ 12w½ 9b½ 14w½ 20b0 22w1 15b0419031,540
20Zhingri Dutan Vanessa Estefania1464ECU 5w0 25b½ 29w1 13b1 1w0 11b½ 19w1 9b0 28w1512031,541,5
21Iza Mendoza Nefthys Sayde1451ECU 6b0 28w1 4b0 26w½ 12b0 23w1 18b1 10w1 11w½51303039,5
22Quimi Gonzales Susan Yamille1359ECU 7w0 29b½ 27w½ 25b0 23w1 28b1 11w0 19b0 30w142302530,5
23Artieda Berru Ariadna Amely1345ECU 8b0 30w1 14b0 16w0 22b0 21b0 29w1 26w0 27b1327127,533
24Tuarez Jimenez Keyssie Janelle1341ECU 9w0 3b0 28w0 30b1 27w½ 25b1 12b½ 14w½ 10b03,5241,52732,5
25Miranda Vargas Analia Karen1318ECU 10b0 20w½ 12b½ 22w1 17b0 24w0 30b1 13w½ 14b03,5260,529,535
26Alvarez Dominguez Hellen1278ECU 11w0 19b0 30w1 21b½ 13w0 29b1 28w0 23b1 18w½422027,532,5
27Guaicha Encalada Dayanna1148ECU 12b½ 16w0 22b½ 18w0 24b½ 30b1 9w0 29b0 23w02,529025,530
28Caicedo Loor Keyra1139ECU 13w0 21b0 24b1 29w1 4b0 22w0 26b1 12w1 20b0421029,537,5
29Salas Ona Leslie Tatiana1123ECU 14b0 22w½ 20b0 28b0 30w1 26w0 23b0 27w1 12b½328025,530,5
30Ruiz Tipantasig Grettis0ECU 15w0 23b0 26b0 24w0 29b0 27w0 25w0 18b0 22b003002532,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)