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2018 Steinitz Chess Festival Open

Last update 25.03.2018 14:42:21, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 82)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Dhevcharran Kahill1487RSA 78w1 49b1 14w1 10b1 19w1 2b1 5w½6,5033,52430,75
2Salem Abdarahim1483RSA 50b1 35w1 26b1 20w1 4b1 1w0 18b1603423,527,50
3Mncwabe Minenhle Junior1447RSA 67w1 40b1 4w0 55b1 23w1 16b1 8w1602920,523,50
4Witbooi Lee-Roy1276RSA 96w1 54b1 3b1 9w1 2w0 19b½ 22w15,503223,523,50
5Gallied Stephen1571RSA 46b½ 43w1 13b½ 28w1 32b1 36w1 1b½5,5031,521,524,00
6Mangoro Richard1488RSA114b+ 44w½ 34b1 13w1 21b1 8b0 20w15,5029,521,524,75
7Brown Shaun1527RSA -0 46w1 48b1 37w1 26b1 20b½ 12w15,50292022,75
8Willenberg Glen1677RSA 60b1 97w1 23b1 21w½ 22b½ 6w1 3b050312220,50
9Wolff Ulrich1374RSA 61w1 27b1 16w1 4b0 18w0 55b1 29w15029,52119,00
10CMThakersee Rishay1305RSA 63b1 51w1 31b1 1w0 -0 38b1 27w15029,520,518,00
11Palmer Reegan1202RSA104w1 17b1 15w1 19b0 44w1 12b0 33w+50292219,00
12Samuels Kieran1298RSA 53w1 -0 76b1 80w1 30b1 11w1 7b050292018,50
13Nyamazana Archford1104RSA 64w1 56b1 5w½ 6b0 45w1 29b½ 23w150282018,00
14Boshoff Chris1288RSA 62b1 85w1 1b0 50w0 47b1 34w1 24b+502818,518,00
15Louw Carlo1382RSA 76b1 37w1 11b0 31w1 20b0 28w1 36b15027,519,518,50
16Lee Joshua1266RSA 88b1 95w1 9b0 41w1 24b1 3w0 30b15025,51914,50
17Willenberg Tristan1453RSA118b+ 11w0 44b0 69w1 31b1 40w1 26b15025,518,519,00
18Kedama Sandiso1084RSA103b1 23w0 82b1 77w1 9b1 21w1 2w05024,517,515,50
19Willenberg Shaun1418RSA 65b1 28w1 36b1 11w1 1b0 4w½ -04,50332318,25
20Moore Darren1278RSA 73b1 79w1 30b1 2b0 15w1 7w½ 6b04,503022,516,00
21Van Schaik Migael1355RSA 52w1 38b1 59w1 8b½ 6w0 18b0 48w14,50302217,50
22Fisher Howard1511RSA 48w1 29b½ 45w1 44b1 8w½ -0 4b04031,522,515,75
23Coetzee Philip1295RSA120w+ 18b1 8w0 59b+ 3b0 59w1 13b04031,522,515,00
24Blaauw Gavin1417RSA 83w1 45b½ 25w½ 27b1 16w0 35b1 14w-4030,52216,00
25Olkers Lleyton1371RSA 41b1 34w½ 24b½ 47w1 -0 -0 44b1402920,515,25
26Hlakula Thando1278RSA 72w1 58b1 2w0 54b1 7w0 64b1 17w040292012,50
27Voigt Karl1152RSA124w+ 9w0 85b1 24w0 71b1 32w1 10b04028,52014,00
28Waldeck Les1164RSA122b+ 19b0 61w1 5b0 54w1 15b0 65w1402819,513,00
29De Wit Stephan1238RSA 81b1 22w½ -0 58b1 77w1 13w½ 9b040272012,75
30Sinden Reginald1481RSA117w+ 55b1 20w0 49b1 12w0 56b1 16w040271912,50
31Makwatie Deon1089RSA102w+ 33b1 10w0 15b0 17w0 79b1 56w14026,519,512,00
32Daniels George1327RSA119w- 96b1 67w1 39b1 5w0 27b0 58w14026,518,513,50
33Gordon Eugene1347RSA 94b1 31w0 78b1 51w1 36b0 37w1 11b-40261913,50
34Ohlson Liam1110RSA 87w1 25b½ 6w0 74b½ 81w1 14b0 70w140261912,75
35CMBaruch Liam1223RSA 99w1 2b0 -0 82w1 41b1 24w0 50b14025,518,511,00
36Nkosana Luvuyo1265RSA 57w1 84b1 19w0 79b1 33w1 5b0 15w04025,518,510,00
Barbosa Tiago1161RSA 98w1 15b0 52w1 7b0 65w1 33b0 63w14025,518,510,00
38Fortune Ivan1151RSA105b1 21w0 79b- 57b1 52w1 10w0 62b14025,517,511,50
39Van Der Vyver Braam1136RSA 42w1 -0 62b1 32w0 -0 53b1 57w140251812,00
40De Wit Petrie1191RSA101b1 3w0 -0 72b1 58w1 17b0 67w1402417,59,50
41Palmer Neil Justin909RSA 25w0 98b1 56w1 16b0 35w0 84b1 55w14022,516,58,00
42Mabika Bheka0RSA 39b0 94w1 46b0 76w0 73b1 75w1 59b+4022,515,511,00
43Simons Duke1573RSA 54w0 5b0 86b-100w1 88b1 52b1 64w14021,514,510,00
44Solomon William1232RSA 89w1 6b½ 17w1 22w0 11b0 74b1 25w03,5027,52111,00
45Fisher Luke1157RSA 91b1 24w½ 22b0 46w1 13b0 -0 61w13,5026,519,510,75
46Pasensie Terence1011RSA 5w½ 7b0 42w1 45b0 61w0 93b1 74w13,5026,518,510,75
47Prent Shane1068RSA126w+ -0 53w1 25b0 14w0 81b1 49w½3,5025,518,510,25
48Milner Julian1010RSA 22b0 81w1 7w0 86b1 49w1 61b½ 21b03,5025,517,59,00
49Jacobs Brandon Lee1227RSA 92b1 1w0 63b1 30w0 48b0 85w1 47b½3,5024,5169,25
50Blomerus Kian971RSA 2w0 89b1 74w1 14b1 -0 -0 35w03028,5218,50
51Olkers Declan1049RSA 66w1 10b0 71w1 33b0 -0 -0 90w1302618,58,50
52Booysen Louis900RSA 21b0 91w1 37b0 66w1 38b0 43w0 81b1302518,57,50
53Olkers Caitlyn824RSA 12b0 68w1 47b0 97w+ -0 39w0 89b13025187,50
54Gyiana Walter1017RSA 43b1 4w0 75b1 26w0 28b0 62w0 88b1302517,59,00
55Thompson Themba1217RSA100b1 30w0 69b1 3w0 63b1 9w0 41b0302517,56,50
56CMThakersee Akshay1248RSA 82b1 13w0 41b0 62w1 80b+ 30w0 31b03024177,50
57Van Schaik Kayla682RSA 36b0 80w0 91b1 38w0 93w1 78b+ 39b03024176,50
58Nonco Lwazi1055RSA 75b1 26w0 95b1 29w0 40b0 71w1 32b03023,518,56,00
59Ndimande Nqobani1114RSA 68b1 77w1 21b0 23w- 79w1 23b0 42w-3023,517,57,50
60Ariefdien Dominique1019RSA 8w0 90b1 -0 -0 86w1 87b1 -03023166,50
61Schnabel Stephan917RSA 9b0101w1 28b0 75w½ 46b1 48w½ 45b03022,5177,00
62Eaton Morgan783RSA 14w0102b1 39w0 56b0 98w1 54b1 38w03022,516,56,00
63Chang Nelson864RSA 10w0 87b1 49w0 84b1 55w0 77b+ 37b03022,515,56,50
64Prent Justin1090RSA 13b0 -0 99w1 89b1 87w1 26w0 43b03022165,00
65De Wit Marnus948RSA 19w0 99b1 -0 95w1 37b0 68w1 28b0302115,54,50
66Van Tonder Charl0RSA 51b0 73w1 -0 52b0 -0 82w1 94b+3021158,50
67Zenzile Amahle949RSA 3b0 92w1 32b0 81w0 95b1 89w1 40b0302114,54,00
68Majija Achumile0RSA 59w0 53b0 90w1 83b0 72w1 65b0 79w13020,5156,50
69Van Schaik Neil845RSA 77b0105w+ 55w0 17b0 99w1 70b0 86w13020,5155,50
70Moyo Sibabalwe1294RSA -0 -0 -0101w1 82b1 69w1 34b03019,5155,00
71Pfaff Darius817RSA -0103w1 51b0 93b1 27w0 58b0 87w+3019,514,56,00
72Palmer Jesse760RSA 26b0 75w0100b1 40w0 68b0 95w1 92b13018134,00
73Van Heerden Ethan Joel709RSA 20w0 66b0 98w0104b1 42w0 99b1 84w13016,5114,00
74Mchontsi Ayabonga1299RSA 85b0 88w1 50b0 34w½ 75b1 44w0 46b02,5122,516,56,50
75Tredoux Etienne0RSA 58w0 72b1 54w0 61b½ 74w0 42b0 96b12,5020,514,57,00
76Williams Brett921RSA 15w0104b1 12w0 42b1 -0 -0 -02026195,00
77Sawyer Byrone1303RSA 69w1 59b0 83w1 18b0 29b0 63w- -0202618,56,00
78Willenberg Keagan1009RSA 1b0 86w1 33w0 98b1 -0 57w- -02024,5173,00
79Londt Juvan811RSA 93w1 20b0 38w+ 36w0 59b0 31w0 68b0202417,53,50
80Solomons Keegan1040RSA 84b- 57b1 84w1 12b0 56w- -0 -02024174,00
81Rabkin Samantha637RSA 29w0 48b0102w1 67b1 34b0 47w0 52w02023,5175,00
82Dicks Drake659RSA 56w0 93b1 18w0 35b0 70w0 66b0 98w12023173,00
83Willis Cronan931RSA 24b0100w1 77b0 68w1 -0 -0 -02022,516,54,50
84van Heerden Ashley John0RSA 80w+ 36w0 80b0 63w0 94b1 41w0 73b02022,516,53,50
85Rossouw Jan841RSA 74w1 14b0 27w0 -0 91b1 49b0 -02022,5164,50
86Vorster Milla553RSA -0 78b0 43w+ 48w0 60b0 91w1 69b0202215,54,00
87Maruma Katlego0RSA 34b0 63w0 88b1 94w1 64b0 60w0 71b-2021,5154,00
88Perkins Ryan704RSA 16w0 74b0 87w0102b1 43w0 98b1 54w02020,514,53,00
89Van Beeck Trinity606RSA 44b0 50w0103b1 64w0 97b+ 67b0 53w02020152,50
90Afonso Isabella649RSA 97b0 60w0 68b0 91w0101b1100w1 51b02019142,00
91Harding Jamie0RSA 45w0 52b0 57w0 90b1 85w0 86b0 99w12017,512,53,00
92Du Plooy Heino550RSA 49w0 67b0 93w0 -0103b1102w+ 72w02016,5123,00
93Gcuze Khanya1296RSA 79b0 82w0 92b1 71w0 57b0 46w0 95b12015112,50
94Willenberg Meeka891RSA 33w0 42b0104w½ 87b0 84w0101b1 66w-1,5016,511,51,25
95Du Plooy Melandi500RSA112b+ 16b0 58w0 65b0 67w0 72b0 93w01022,515,50,50
96Aziz Tazkia707RSA 4b0 32w0101b1 -0 -0 -0 75w01022160,50
97Louw Frederik1247RSA 90w1 8b0 -0 53b- 89w- -0 -01022152,00
98De Koker Chad0RSA 37b0 41w0 73b1 78w0 62b0 88w0 82b01021,515,53,00
99Van Heerden Hannah Rose537RSA 35b0 65w0 64b0103w1 69b0 73w0 91b0102014,51,00
100Nel Aiden517RSA 55w0 83b0 72w0 43b0104w1 90b0103w-1019,513,51,50
101Badenhorst Klara Mari500RSA 40w0 61b0 96w0 70b0 90w0 94w0 -11018,5140,50
102Pitts Keanu0RSA 31b- 62w0 81b0 88w0 -1 92b- -01016,511,52,00
103Solomons Jethro0RSA 18w0 71b0 89w0 99b0 92w0 -1100b-10159,51,00
104Padayachy Shreya512RSA 11b0 76w0 94b½ 73w0100b0 -0 -00,5018121,00
105Kula Liyabona0RSA 38w0 69b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0001812,50,00
106Ngwayishe Bembelela1428RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Kungwayo Mbasa1405RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Kalala Alladean1383RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Gqoboka Lihle1266RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Mkentane Lutho1238RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Mqikela Kamvalethu1190RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Barnard Brendon1175RSA 95w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Sololo Hlela1047RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Chiriya Takudzwa1009RSA 6w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Sololo Chumani1009RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Marepula Lihle1008RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Sithole Anoona968RSA 30b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Van Der Westhuizen Francois968RSA 17w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Steyn Natasha884RSA 32b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Meyer Peter801RSA 23b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Moses Babalo774RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Chimutashu Phillip0RSA 28w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Gqagqa Asanda0RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Holland Roberto0RSA 27b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Ngudle Mandisi0RSA -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00
Thompson Zane0RSA 47b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00017,512,50,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable