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Վերջին արդիացում28.04.2018 17:55:42, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Վերջնական աղյուսակ 7 տուրից հետո

ՏNameRtgՖեդ.1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdՄ TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Estrada P. Victor A.1671GUA 37b1 44w1 14b1 26w1 8b1 4w0 6b16064
2Aguirre B. Justo Enrique1717GUA 60w+ 7b0 32w1 15b1 9w1 21b1 10w16062
3Peralta Luis1655GUA 38w½ 27b1 11b1 23w1 12w1 4b16053
4Masaya Alejandro1400GUA 31w+ 18w½ 29b1 19w1 6b1 1b1 3w05,5053
5Rodriguez Castillo Roberto1615GUA 47w1 41b1 18w1 12b0 30w1 13b15,5052
6Jop Aspuac Ronald Samuel1658GUA 59w1 21b1 11w1 9b1 4w0 22b1 1w05053
7Che German1661GUA 61b1 2w1 24b1 8w0 21b0 37w1 22b15053
8Juarez Monzon Juan Carlos1528GUA 22w1 20b1 13w1 7b1 1w0 10b½ 19w½5042
9Zuñiga Willy1569GUA 49b1 16w1 12b1 6w0 2b0 27w½ 30b14,5043
10Samayoa Gomez Maria Rene1674GUA 27b1 15w0 52b1 14w1 31b1 8w½ 2b04,5043
11Juarez Garcia Josue1530GUA 51b1 19w1 6b0 3w0 24b1 26w1 14b½4,5042
12Gonzalez S. Mauricio Antonio1601GUA 50w1 33b1 9w0 20b1 5w1 3b0 15w½4,5042
13Vela Alonzo Luis A.1700GUA 30w½ 53b+ 8b0 28b1 41w1 16b1 5w04,5042
14Garcia Eddy1699GUA 32w1 54b1 1w0 10b0 42w1 23b1 11w½4,5042
15Echeverria Franklin1577GUA 57w1 10b1 26w- 2w0 39b1 38w1 12b½4,5042
16Juarez Pablo1400GUA 28w1 9b0 54w½ 53b+ 18b1 13w0 29b14,5042
17Garcia Gerardo1562GUA 21w0 39w½ 58b+ 43b0 28b1 40w1 27b14,5042
18Juarez Garcia Daniela1629GUA 56w1 4b½ 30w1 5b0 16w0 41b1 21w14,5041
19Gramajo V. Juan Carlos1686GUA 35w1 11b0 37w1 4b0 25w1 31b+ 8b½4,5040
20Corado Adrian Mauricio1630GUA 52b1 8w0 45b1 12w0 38b0 51w1 35b14043
21Hinestroza Douglas1400GUA 17b1 6w0 44b1 29w+ 7w1 2w0 18b04042
22Arevalo Chea Daniel1560GUA 8b0 49w1 38b1 24w1 26b1 6w0 7w04042
23Gonzalez B. Jhostin Jose1543GUA 25w1 26b0 51w1 36b1 3b0 14w0 38b14042
24Perez Eduardo1664GUA 48b1 55w+ 7w0 22b0 11w0 50b1 34w14042
25Mendez Emilio1465GUA 23b0 34w0 56b1 45w1 19b0 39w1 33b14042
26Mazariegos Paul1622GUA 34b1 23w1 15b+ 1b0 22w0 11b0 37w14041
27Batres Lopez Armando1475GUA 10w0 56b1 3w0 49b1 36w1 9b½ 17w03,5032
28Rubio Steven1400GUA 16b0 48w½ 40b1 13w0 17w0 52b1 43w13,5032
29Jimenez Luis David1585GUA 39b½ 58w+ 4w0 21b- 54b+ 43b1 16w03,5031
30Morales Enio1506GUA 13b½ 40w1 18b0 44w1 43w1 5b0 9w03,5030
31Anton Ricardo1539GUA 4b- 46w1 39b1 33b1 10w0 19w- -03032
32Reyes Gonzalez Antonio1411GUA 14b0 42w1 2b0 39w0 44b1 35w0 51b13032
33Gonzalez B. Debora Elizabeth1486GUA 42b1 12w0 34b1 31w0 37b0 49w+ 25w03032
34Carballo Victor1434GUA 26w0 25b1 33w0 42b0 56w1 36b1 24b03032
35Arevalo C. Luis Rolando1486GUA 19b0 36w0 49b- 48w1 46b1 32b1 20w03032
36Zamora Victor1625GUA -0 35b1 55w+ 23w0 27b0 34w0 49b13032
37Ramos G. Augusto Harold1487GUA 1w0 59b1 19b0 46w1 33w1 7b0 26b03031
38Saavedra William1400GUA 3b½ 22w0 50b1 20w1 15b0 23w03021
39Santos Elvin1400GUA 29w½ 17b½ 31w0 32b1 15w0 25b0 50w13021
40Morales Beyugo Marco A.1632GUA 41w½ 30b0 28w0 47b1 51w1 17b0 42w½3021
41Giron Lima Marlon1419GUA 40b½ 43w+ 5w0 54b+ 13b0 18w0 44b½3020
42Hernandez Gabriel1400GUA 33w0 32b0 59w+ 34w1 14b0 47w½ 40b½3020
43Diaz Reyes Dario1594GUA 41b- 47b1 17w1 30b0 29w0 28b02,5021
44Santos Sagastume Paolo A.1497GUA 45w1 1b0 21w0 30b0 32w0 57b1 41w½2,5021
45Garcia Eduardo1400GUA 44b0 61w+ 20w0 25b0 50w0 48w½ 57b12,5021
46Garcia Bonifacio1400GUA 54w0 31b0 57w1 37b0 35w0 56b1 47w½2,5021
47Conde Eduardo1490GUA 5b0 43w0 40w0 59b+ 42b½ 46b½2,5010
48Guzman Gabriela1405GUA 24w0 28b½ 53w0 35b0 57w½ 45b½ 56w12,5010
49Aceituno Ramirez Stebe Josue1402GUA 9w0 22b0 35w+ 27w0 52b1 33b- 36w02021
50Arenales Jose1430GUA 12b0 51w- 61w+ 38w0 45b1 24w0 39b02021
51Garcia Fiorella1400GUA 11w0 50b+ 23b0 52w1 40b0 20b0 32w02020
52Samayoa Gomez Melanie L.1409GUA 20w0 57b1 10w0 51b0 49w0 28w0 -12011
53Aguilar Alonzo Otto R.1569GUA 13w- 48b1 16w- -0 -0 -01,5011
54Perez Neal Samuel A.1569GUA 46b1 14w0 16b½ 41w- 29w- -0 -01,5011
55Escaler Jose Luis1400GUA 62w1 24b- 36b- -0 -0 -0 -01010
56Carballo Nestor1406GUA 18b0 27w0 25w0 -1 34b0 46w0 48b01000
57Garcia Ignacio1400GUA 15b0 52w0 46b0 59w½ 48b½ 44w0 45w01000
58Ortega Zelada Victor A.1667GUA 29b- 17w- -0 -0 -0 -00,5000
59Vasquez Emerson1404GUA 6b0 37w0 42b- 57b½ 47w- -0 -00,5000
60Macs Josue A.1400GUA 2b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00000
61Zarceño Emerson1445GUA 7w0 45b- 50b- -0 -0 -0 -00000
62Juarez Francisco1400GUA 55b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00000

Լրացուցիչ ցուցանիշներ:
TB1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
TB2: Greater number of victories/games variable
TB3: Greater number of victories/games variable