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Last update 28.04.2018 17:55:42, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Gramajo V. Juan Carlos1686GUA 35w1 31b0 34w1 59b0 37w1 28b+ 29b½4,519040
2Gonzalez S. Mauricio Antonio1601GUA 40w1 12b1 19w0 20b1 18w1 10b0 21w½4,512042
3Estrada P. Victor A.1671GUA 34b1 32w1 17b1 15w1 29b1 59w0 9b161064
4Samayoa Gomez Maria Rene1674GUA 36b1 21w0 41b1 17w1 28b1 29w½ 5b04,510043
5Aguirre B. Justo Enrique1717GUA 58w+ 8b0 44w1 21b1 19w1 55b1 4w162062
6Ortega Zelada Victor A.1667GUA 27b- 25w- -0 -0 -0 -00,558000
7Perez Eduardo1664GUA 45b1 49w+ 8w0 26b0 31w0 40b1 43w1424042
8Che German1661GUA 39b1 5w1 7b1 29w0 55b0 34w1 26b157053
9Jop Aspuac Ronald Samuel1658GUA 46w1 55b1 31w1 19b1 59w0 26b1 3w056053
10Peralta Luis1655GUA 61w½ 36b1 31b1 30w1 2w1 59b163053
11Morales Beyugo Marco A.1632GUA 42w½ 38b0 60w0 33b1 52w1 25b0 54w½340021
12Gonzalez B. Debora Elizabeth1486GUA 54b1 2w0 43b1 28w0 34b0 47w+ 37w0333032
13Vela Alonzo Luis A.1700GUA 38w½ 23b+ 29b0 60b1 42w1 57b1 18w04,513042
14Zamora Victor1625GUA -0 35b1 49w+ 30w0 36b0 43w0 47b1336032
15Mazariegos Paul1622GUA 43b1 30w1 21b+ 3b0 26w0 31b0 34w1426041
16Juarez Garcia Daniela1629GUA 48w1 59b½ 38w1 18b0 57w0 42b1 55w14,518041
17Garcia Eddy1699GUA 44w1 24b1 3w0 4b0 54w1 30b1 31w½4,514042
18Rodriguez Castillo Roberto1615GUA 33w1 42b1 16w1 2b0 38w1 13b15,55052
19Zuñiga Willy1569GUA 47b1 57w1 2b1 9w0 5b0 36w½ 38b14,59043
20Corado Adrian Mauricio1630GUA 41b1 29w0 51b1 2w0 61b0 52w1 35b1420043
21Echeverria Franklin1577GUA 53w1 4b1 15w- 5w0 62b1 61w1 2b½4,515042
22Diaz Reyes Dario1594GUA 42b- 33b1 25w1 38b0 27w0 60b02,543021
23Aguilar Alonzo Otto R.1569GUA 13w- 45b1 57w- -0 -0 -01,553011
24Perez Neal Samuel A.1569GUA 50b1 17w0 57b½ 42w- 27w- -0 -01,554011
25Garcia Gerardo1562GUA 55w0 62w½ 6b+ 22b0 60b1 11w1 36b14,517042
26Arevalo Chea Daniel1560GUA 29b0 47w1 61b1 7w1 15b1 9w0 8w0422042
27Jimenez Luis David1585GUA 62b½ 6w+ 59w0 55b- 24b+ 22b1 57w03,529031
28Anton Ricardo1539GUA 59b- 50w1 62b1 12b1 4w0 1w- -0331032
29Juarez Monzon Juan Carlos1528GUA 26w1 20b1 13w1 8b1 3w0 4b½ 1w½58042
30Gonzalez B. Jhostin Jose1543GUA 37w1 15b0 52w1 14b1 10b0 17w0 61b1423042
31Juarez Garcia Josue1530GUA 52b1 1w1 9b0 10w0 7b1 15w1 17b½4,511042
32Santos Sagastume Paolo A.1497GUA 51w1 3b0 55w0 38b0 44w0 53b1 42w½2,544021
33Conde Eduardo1490GUA 18b0 22w0 11w0 46b+ 54b½ 50b½2,547010
34Ramos G. Augusto Harold1487GUA 3w0 46b1 1b0 50w1 12w1 8b0 15b0337031
35Arevalo C. Luis Rolando1486GUA 1b0 14w0 47b- 45w1 50b1 44b1 20w0335032
36Batres Lopez Armando1475GUA 4w0 48b1 10w0 47b1 14w1 19b½ 25w03,527032
37Mendez Emilio1465GUA 30b0 43w0 48b1 51w1 1b0 62w1 12b1425042
38Morales Enio1506GUA 13b½ 11w1 16b0 32w1 22w1 18b0 19w03,530030
39Zarceño Emerson1445GUA 8w0 51b- 40b- -0 -0 -0 -0061000
40Arenales Jose1430GUA 2b0 52w- 39w+ 61w0 51b1 7w0 62b0250021
41Samayoa Gomez Melanie L.1409GUA 20w0 53b1 4w0 52b0 47w0 60w0 -1252011
42Giron Lima Marlon1419GUA 11b½ 22w+ 18w0 24b+ 13b0 16w0 32b½341020
43Carballo Victor1434GUA 15w0 37b1 12w0 54b0 48w1 14b1 7b0334032
44Reyes Gonzalez Antonio1411GUA 17b0 54w1 5b0 62w0 32b1 35w0 52b1332032
45Guzman Gabriela1405GUA 7w0 60b½ 23w0 35b0 53w½ 51b½ 48w12,548010
46Vasquez Emerson1404GUA 9b0 34w0 54b- 53b½ 33w- -0 -00,559000
47Aceituno Ramirez Stebe Josue1402GUA 19w0 26b0 35w+ 36w0 41b1 12b- 14w0249021
48Carballo Nestor1406GUA 16b0 36w0 37w0 -1 43b0 50w0 45b0156000
49Escaler Jose Luis1400GUA 56w1 7b- 14b- -0 -0 -0 -0155010
50Garcia Bonifacio1400GUA 24w0 28b0 53w1 34b0 35w0 48b1 33w½2,546021
51Garcia Eduardo1400GUA 32b0 39w+ 20w0 37b0 40w0 45w½ 53b12,545021
52Garcia Fiorella1400GUA 31w0 40b+ 30b0 41w1 11b0 20b0 44w0251020
53Garcia Ignacio1400GUA 21b0 41w0 50b0 46w½ 45b½ 32w0 51w0157000
54Hernandez Gabriel1400GUA 12w0 44b0 46w+ 43w1 17b0 33w½ 11b½342020
55Hinestroza Douglas1400GUA 25b1 9w0 32b1 27w+ 8w1 5w0 16b0421042
56Juarez Francisco1400GUA 49b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0062000
57Juarez Pablo1400GUA 60w1 19b0 24w½ 23b+ 16b1 13w0 27b14,516042
58Macs Josue A.1400GUA 5b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0060000
59Masaya Alejandro1400GUA 28w+ 16w½ 27b1 1w1 9b1 3b1 10w05,54053
60Rubio Steven1400GUA 57b0 45w½ 11b1 13w0 25w0 41b1 22w13,528032
61Saavedra William1400GUA 10b½ 26w0 40b1 20w1 21b0 30w0338021
62Santos Elvin1400GUA 27w½ 25b½ 28w0 44b1 21w0 37b0 40w1339021

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)