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Malaysian National Youth Chess Championship 2018 (U14)

Last update 21.03.2018 05:59:33, Creator/Last Upload: Johor Chess Association

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Lye Lik Zang2161MAS 26w1 16b1 7w1 11b1 3w1 12b1 18b171031,531,50
2Navaratnam Rohan Shan Tze1990MAS 27b1 15w1 11b0 16w½ 35b1 21w1 3b½56028,519,25
3Cheah Kah Hoe1668MAS 28w1 18b1 13w1 14b1 1b0 11w1 2w½5,52032,523,00
4Loh Zi Hao1543MAS 29b1 19w½ 23b½ 18w0 27b1 15w0 31b142002512,25
5Hisham Nik Emer1500MAS 30w1 20b1 14w0 22b½ 42w1 16b½ 12w154029,520,25
6Wong Qi Hao1487MAS 31b0 17w1 28b1 19w1 18b0 23w0 29b½3,52602511,25
7Koay Yu Zhe1486MAS 32w1 22b1 1b0 21w½ 23b½ 19w½ 34b½41402813,00
8Goy Ming Ray1469MAS 33b1 23w0 25b1 24w0 29b1 35w1 15b158025,517,50
9Foo Jiu Weir Brien1468MAS 34w½ 42b1 12w0 17b0 32w1 26b1 16w03,525025,511,00
10Pheng Fook Weng1459MAS 35b0 39w1 29b1 34w0 31b1 24w1 23b15902315,50
11Sreenivasan Brandon Tien1421MAS 36w1 24b1 2w1 1w0 34b1 3b0 14w0413032,515,00
12Lai Zhen Hou1420MAS 37b1 25w½ 9b1 23w1 15b1 1w0 5b04,51003116,75
13Yap Sheuan Ivan Sean1417MAS 38w1 46b1 3b0 35w0 41b1 34w½ 21b03,527024,59,00
14Tin Shan Ze1415MAS 39b1 31w1 5b1 3w0 24b1 18w0 11b157027,517,00
15Foo Jiu Yarng Clarance1414MAS 40w1 2b0 30w1 46b1 12w0 4b1 8w0418026,512,00
16Yeoh Yuan Hui1401MAS 41b1 1w0 31b1 2b½ 22w1 5w½ 9b15303018,00
17Loo Pin Xie1400MAS 42w½ 6b0 50w1 9w1 21b0 28b½ 30w0333025,510,00
18Poh Yu Tian1393MAS 43b1 3w0 33b1 4b1 6w1 14b1 1w055029,517,00
19Goh Kai Ray Alden1386MAS 44w1 4b½ 34w½ 6b0 46w1 7b½ 25w03,524025,511,50
20Akhramsyah Arif Alauddin Wafi1377MAS 45b1 5w0 35b0 33w½ 43b1 25w0 49b13,5290239,00
21Lee Ryan1360MAS 46w0 38b1 32w1 7b½ 17w1 2b0 13w14,51202112,00
22Hiu Jack Yuan1356MAS 47b1 7w0 49b1 5w½ 16b0 42w½ 35b½3,52302610,75
23Zakiyuddin Muhd Haziq Izzuddin1288MAS 48w1 8b1 4w½ 12b0 7w½ 6b1 10w0417026,513,00
24Pereira Desrran1271MAS 49b1 11w0 41b1 8b1 14w0 10b0 37w1415027,513,50
25Seow Chun Hong Ryan1260MAS 50w1 12b½ 8w0 42b0 44w1 20b1 19b14,51102715,75
26Teh Jie1254MAS 1b0 41w0 43b½ 47w1 33b1 9w0 27b13,5300227,25
27Chin Jun Liang Edison1237MAS 2w0 40b1 46w0 36b1 4w0 37b0 26w0243021,54,00
28Tan Yong Xi Rey Matthew1204MAS 3b0 43w1 6w0 44b½ 49b1 17w½ 42b0335024,58,25
29Phong Chang Jie1175MAS 4w0 44b1 10w0 48b1 8w0 41b1 6w½3,528024,58,75
30Tan Li-Zhang1162MAS 5b0 45w1 15b0 41w0 47b1 50w1 17b142102311,00
31Suneth Shyam Keshaav1134MAS 6w1 14b0 16w0 50b1 10w0 46b1 4w0332027,58,50
32Damascus Rostam Zulkhairi1133MAS 7b0 47w1 21b0 49w½ 9b0 43w0 50b01,5470223,25
33M Mohd Nur Megat Muhd Iman1117MAS 8w0 48b1 18w0 20b½ 26w0 44b0 38w+2,539022,54,25
34AIMRhozisham Muhd Haziq0MAS 9b½ 35w1 19b½ 10b1 11w0 13b½ 7w½41602715,75
35Annanthan Rashwin0MAS 10w1 34b0 20w1 13b1 2w0 8b0 22w½3,522029,513,75
36Ashokkumar Sarveishwaran0MAS 11b0 49w0 45b1 27w0 50b0 47w0 48w12460173,50
37Azali Allif0MAS 12w0 50b0 42w0 40b1 48w1 27w1 24b03370204,50
38Chong Jin Ci0MAS 13b0 21w0 -0 43w0 39b0 40w1 33b-150018,52,00
39Deva Morvirn0MAS 14w0 10b0 44w0 45b0 38w1 49w0 40b01480232,00
40Ismyth,Muhd Syamil0MAS 15b0 27w0 47b0 37w0 45w1 38b0 39w12450174,00
41Liang Wen Khai0MAS 16w0 26b1 24w0 30b1 13w0 29w0 47b1334025,59,50
42Liew Kang Zhen0MAS 17b½ 9w0 37b1 25w1 5b0 22b½ 28w1419025,513,75
43Lim Zhi Hong0MAS 18w0 28b0 26w½ 38b1 20w0 32b1 44w02,5400225,25
44Loo Qing Yau0MAS 19b0 29w0 39b1 28w½ 25b0 33w1 43b13,5310207,00
45Mafeitzeral Myftzal Dzaeffran Qayyum0MAS 20w0 30b0 36w0 39w1 40b0 48b1 46w13380153,50
46Mohd Shatar Muhd Shamil Aizat0MAS 21b1 13w0 27b1 15w0 19b0 31w0 45b0242023,56,50
47Muhd Sabri Muhd Harith Haykal0MAS 22w0 32b0 40w1 26b0 30w0 36b1 41w0244019,54,00
48Rizaldy Iskandar Adam Zulqarnain0MAS 23b0 33w0 -1 29w0 37b0 45w0 36b0149019,50,50
49Tharmaraja Linggesh Kumar0MAS 24w0 36b1 22w0 32b½ 28w0 39b1 20w02,541018,53,75
50Tharmaraja Navin Kumar0MAS 25b0 37w1 17b0 31w0 36w1 30b0 32w13360216,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable