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4th open Thomas Georgiou Memorial 2018

Last update 10.05.2018 15:14:11, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NIKOLAOU GEORGIOS2204GRE 13w1 34b1 18w1 6b0 29w1 10b1 3w1631,522
2KESOGLOU KONSTANTINOS2025GRE 50w1 17b0 30w1 16w1 33b1 9b1 6w162921
3TSIROS FRAGKISKOS VLASIOS2150GRE 14b1 47w1 16b½ 19w1 4b1 6w1 1b05,53223
4ABELAKIOTIS STAVROS2067GRE 69w1 20b1 52w1 29b½ 3w0 11w1 14b15,528,520
5ILANDZIS SPYRIDON2064GRE 51b0 32w1 46b½ 20w1 15b1 26w1 12b15,525,518,5
6SKALKOTAS NIKOLAOS2015GRE 22b1 11w1 54b1 1w1 9w1 3b0 2b0533,524,5
7KRATIDIS ANASTASIOS1578GRE 19b0 45w1 21b0 48w1 53b1 33w+ 17w152417
8TER-GEVORKIAN GIANNIS1498GRE 16b0 70w1 33b0 45w1 19b1 47w+ 21w+523,518
9POULOS GEORGIOS2032GRE 25b1 15w1 53b1 10w1 6b0 2w0 11b½4,530,521,5
10SIDERIS THEODOROS2030GRE 63w1 28b1 17w1 9b0 24w1 1w0 13b½4,52921,5
11DERMATAS MARIOS1661GRE 57w1 6b0 40w1 18b1 34w1 4b0 9w½4,528,521
12KAMPITSIS VASILIOS1770GRE 32b½ 14w½ 25b1 56w1 26b½ 16w+ 5w04,528,520
13MOKAS VASILIOS1609GRE 1b0 43w1 55b1 33w0 38b1 18b1 10w½4,52819,5
14DELITHANASIS DIMITRIOS1967GRE 3w0 12b½ 63w1 50b1 17w1 29b1 4w04,527,520,5
15CHANTZOPOULOS THEODOROS1674GRE 58w1 9b0 41w1 31b½ 5w0 46b+ 24b+4,52417
16CHATZIELEFTHERIOU ANDREAS1935GRE 8w1 24b1 3w½ 2b0 46w1 12b- 26b½43323
17EFTHIMIOU GEORGIOS1673GRE 65b1 2w1 10b0 21w1 14b0 22w1 7b043021,5
18VAZELAKIS DIMITRIOS1928GRE 27b1 26w1 1b0 11w0 51b1 13w0 43b142920
19IGNATIADIS KONSTANTINOS2060GRE 7w1 36b1 29w0 3b0 8w0 50b+ 35b1427,519,5
20BASTIANOU CHRYSOULA1732GRE 49w1 4w0 22b½ 5b0 39w1 31b½ 29w+427,519,5
21LAGOS HRISTOS1881GRE 37w1 54b0 7w1 17b0 31w1 30b+ 8b-42719
22PATRINOS ILIAS1502GRE 6w0 62b1 20w½ 36b1 23w½ 17b0 40b1426,519
23SYNETOS DIONYSIOS1740GRE -0 35b½ 39w1 47w1 22b½ 37b1 -042618
24PAPAMICHAEL GEORGIOS1659GRE 70b1 16w0 42b1 53w1 10b0 27w1 15w-424,518,5
25GEORGIADIS PANAGIOTIS1543GRE 9w0 59b1 12w0 49b1 52w+ 34b- 37w1424,517,5
26KAPAGIANNIDIS KONSTANTINOS1648GRE 67w1 18b0 66w1 52b1 12w½ 5b0 16w½42417,5
27KONTARINIS ANDREAS1494GRE 18w0 58b1 36w1 46b0 28w1 24b0 44w142317
28BANOS POLYHRONIS1681GRE 48b1 10w0 31b0 41w1 27b0 42w1 45b142316,5
29NEMTSAS HRISTOFOROS1875GRE 39b1 42w1 19b1 4w½ 1b0 14w0 20b-3,529,521
30DALAMPEKIS IGNATIOS1595GRE -0 -1 2b0 55w1 42b1 21w- 31w½3,52617,5
31APERGIS IOSIF1476GRE -0 57b1 28w1 15w½ 21b0 20w½ 30b½3,52519
32YANNOPAPAS LEONTIOS1286GRE 12w½ 5b0 35w0 68b+ 47b- 64w1 38b13,524,517,5
33MARIANIDIS DIMITRIOS1755GRE 55w0 63b1 8w1 13b1 2w0 7b- -032719,5
34KOERANT FILIPOS1842GRE 41b1 1w0 51b1 54w1 11b0 25w- -032719
35KRATIMENOU GEORGIA1341GRE -0 23w½ 32b1 -0 50w½ 56b1 19w032618
36PANAGIOTAKOS PETROS1691GRE 45b1 19w0 27b0 22w0 59b1 38w0 61b1324,517,5
37MEGALOUDIS PETROS1456GRE 21b0 44w- 62w1 40b+ 54b1 23w0 25b0324,517
38VALOUKOS EFSTATHIOS1451GRE -0 -0 58w1 44b1 13w0 36b1 32w032216
KONSTANTINIDIS DIMITRIOS GK1415GRE 29w0 67b1 23b0 51w0 20b0 59w1 55b132216
40AMIRIS EMMANOUIL1121GRE -0 64w1 11b0 37w- 41b1 52w+ 22w032216
41AGGELAKIS IOANNIS1355GRE 34w0 69b+ 15b0 28b0 40w0 65b1 56w+32216
42TAGKLIS IOANNIS1441GRE 64w1 29b0 24w0 66b1 30w0 28b0 58w+321,515,5
STOUNOS NIKOLAOS1322GRE 52w0 13b0 57w1 -0 58b1 54w+ 18w0321,515,5
44GOULEAS IOANNIS1107GRE 54w0 37b+ 56b0 38w0 55b1 51w+ 27b0321,515
45NTOVAS DIMITRIOS1276GRE 36w0 7b0 67w1 8b0 66w1 63b1 28w0319,514
46PAPADOPOULOS DIMITRIOS ATH1593GRE -0 49b1 5w½ 27w1 16b0 15w- -02,52820
47MARINOPOULOS NIKOLAOS1815GRE 68w1 3b0 50w½ 23b0 32w+ 8b- -02,525,518
48TSOUREKAS KYRIAKOS1164GRE 28w0 50b0 68w1 7b0 63w½ 49b1 -02,52115
49KILAKOS DIMITRIOS1299GRE 20b0 46w0 70b1 25w0 64b½ 48w0 63w12,518,513,5
50ZAHAROPOULOS DIONISIOS1541GRE 2b0 48w1 47b½ 14w0 35b½ 19w- -022718
51TER GEVORKIAN EDOUARDOS1585GRE 5w1 52b0 34w0 39b1 18w0 44b- -0226,518
52LOUPOS VASILIOS1918GRE 43b1 51w1 4b0 26w0 25b- 40b- -022617,5
53TSIMBOUKIDIS ANASTASIOS1845GRE 61w1 66b1 9w0 24b0 7w0 -0 -0224,518,5
54FOTEINOPOULOS CHARALAMPOS1636GRE 44b1 21w1 6w0 34b0 37w0 43b- -0224,517,5
55POLIKRETIS MATTHEOS1279GRE 33b1 -0 13w0 30b0 44w0 57b1 39w022417,5
56GEORGIOPOULOS HAR.1631GRE 66w0 68b1 44w1 12b0 -0 35w0 41b-220,515
YANNOPAPAS VASILEIOS1024GRE 11b0 31w0 43b0 63b0 60w1 55w0 70b1220,515
58LOUKOPOULOS STEFANOS1079GRE 15b0 27w0 38b0 70w+ 43w0 68b+ 42b-220,515
59KRATIMENOU MARIA1203GRE -0 25w0 64b1 -0 36w0 39b0 67w122015
60TZAGARAKIS GEORGIOS1493GRE -0 -0 -0 -0 57b0 66b1 65w121913,5
61KAZANTZOGLOU NIKOLAOS1371GRE 53b0 -0 65w0 67b1 -0 62w1 36w0218,514
62APERGIS VASILEIOS1126GRE -0 22w0 37b0 -0 67w1 61b0 66w+218,513,5
63DIATSINTOS ILIAS1390GRE 10b0 33w0 14b0 57w1 48b½ 45w0 49b01,523,517
64TSOUREKAS MICHAIL830GRE 42b0 40b0 59w0 -1 49w½ 32b0 -01,51914
65KAZANTZOGLOU STEFANOS1054GRE 17w0 -0 61b1 -0 -0 41w0 60b012317
66KLIS DIMITRIOS0GRE 56b1 53w0 26b0 42w0 45b0 60w0 62b-121,515,5
67KAZANTZOGLOU ARISTOTELIS1016GRE 26b0 39w0 45b0 61w0 62b0 70w1 59b0119,514,5
68EFKARPIDIS STYLIANOS1322GRE 47b0 56w0 48b0 32w- 70w+ 58w- -011713
69GIATRAKOS ORESTIS1873GRE 4b0 41w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -001912,5
70LIVANOPOULOU ATHINA1022GRE 24w0 8b0 49w0 58b- 68b- 67b0 57w0018,513

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)