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Championnat Individuel des Catégories Jeunes U14 Open

Last update 06.04.2018 10:19:54, Creator/Last Upload: Bechir MESSAOUDI

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1CmBahloul Ahmed1545TUN 18w1 11b1 4w1 19b1 10w0 3b1 9w½ 12b1 2w½720646,536,254
2Ezzeddine Mohamed Amine1423TUN 19b½ 33w1 7b1 17w1 3b0 9w½ 4b½ 5w1 1b½660444,532,501
3Cherif Omar1400TUN 20w1 12b1 10w0 13b1 2w1 1w0 24b0 4w1 11b05100546,523,002
4Neggaz Louey1358TUN 21b1 13w1 1b0 23w1 9b0 17w1 2w½ 3b0 6w½5120442,522,501
5Ben Hamouda Mohamed Aymen1335TUN 22w½ 6b0 16w1 21w1 27b1 12b1 10w0 2b0 18w15,570543,524,002
6Sanaa Mohamed Anes1311TUN 23b0 5w1 27b½ 29w1 13w1 10b0 12w0 14w1 4b½513044121,500
7Jlejla Wajdi1303TUN 24w1 14b½ 2w0 8b1 12w½ 23b0 18w0 16b1 21w15170437,521,752
8Gamha Sadek1296TUN 25b1 17w½ 9b0 7w0 29b1 33w1 19b½ 11w0 23b1516044019,753
9Derouiche Mohamed Ramy1260TUN 26w1 32b1 8w1 10b0 4w1 2b½ 1b½ 17w0 19b½5,58044726,751
10Boulaares Adam1353TUN 27b1 23w1 3b1 9w1 1b1 6w1 5b1 24w1 17b½8,51084445,004
11Affi Mohamed Aziz0TUN 28w1 1w0 19b0 26b1 22w1 24b0 20w1 8b1 3w163064126,502
12Abid Hassen0TUN 29b1 3w0 31b1 33w1 7b½ 5w0 6b1 1w0 27b½5140440,521,503
13Ajili Rayen0TUN 30w1 4b0 26w1 3w0 6b0 28b0 21w0 15b1 32w03300333,59,001
14Amdouni Amen Allah0TUN 31b1 7w½ 17b0 27w0 30b1 19w0 28w1 6b0 16w14,518043716,002
15Aouini Ahmed Farouk0TUN 32w0 26b0 30w0 28b0 25w½ 34b1 31b0 13w0 29b01,5320126,52,001
16Barouni Gaith0TUN 33b0 27w0 5b0 25w1 31b0 32w1 30b1 7w0 14b0329033610,001
17Bdeoui Mohamed Aziz1277TUN 34w1 8b½ 14w1 2b0 19w1 4b0 23w1 9b1 10w½64054427,251
18Bouhlel Mohamed Dhia0TUN 1b0 28w1 33b0 30w1 23b0 27w1 7b1 19w0 5b04210440,517,001
19Bourourou Ahmed1318TUN 2w½ 22b1 11w1 1w0 17b0 14b1 8w½ 18b1 9w½5,59044628,753
20Chagroune Fares0TUN 3b0 29w0 25b1 31w1 33b0 21w1 11b0 27w0 34w14240433,510,501
21Dallel Malek0TUN 4w0 30b1 32w1 5b0 24w0 20b0 13b1 31w1 7b0422043614,502
22Gabsi Amine0TUN 5b½ 19w0 29b½ 32w1 11b0 31w1 33b1 23w1 24b165053825,502
23Hammami Youssef0TUN 6w1 10b0 34w1 4b0 18w1 7w1 17b0 22b0 8w04200444,515,000
24Hmila Amine0TUN 7b0 31w0 28b1 34w1 21b1 11w1 3w1 10b0 22w0511054119,002
25Jouida Mohamed Ayoub0TUN 8w0 34b0 20w0 16b0 15b½ 30w0 29b- 26b- 31b-0,5340023,50,750
26Knani Aziz0TUN 9b0 15w1 13b0 11w0 32b½ 29w1 27b0 25w+ 33w½4270334,512,750
27Mallek Seifeddine0TUN 10w0 16b1 6w½ 14b1 5w0 18b0 26w1 20b1 12w½515044020,003
28Mezri Belli0TUN 11b0 18b0 24w0 15w1 34b1 13w1 14b0 33w0 30b03310332,55,501
29Moalla Youssef0TUN 12w0 20b1 22w½ 6b0 8w0 26b0 25w+ 32b½ 15w1426033514,001
30Rouis Ayoub0TUN 13b0 21w0 15b1 18b0 14w0 25b1 16w0 34b1 28w142504257,503
31Saadi Adem0TUN 14w0 24b1 12w0 20b0 16w1 22b0 15w1 21b0 25w+4230434,513,001
32Saadi Mohamed Amine0TUN 15b1 9w0 21b0 22b0 26w½ 16b0 34w1 29w½ 13b142803309,002
33Testouri Fares0TUN 16w1 2b0 18w1 12b0 20w1 8b0 22w0 28b1 26b½4,5190436,515,751
34Zarrouk Zaid0TUN 17b0 25w1 23b0 24b0 28w0 15w0 32b0 30w0 20b013301322,000

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break5: The greater number of victories (variable)