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Deca Challenge 2018 1e editie - Finale: Intermediate

Last update 25.02.2018 23:43:53, Creator/Last Upload: rukhmania

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Gajadien Diya2000SUR 25b1 19w1 2b1 3w1 9w1 6b½ 8w16,56020,5
2Wu Terrence2000SUR 17w1 8b1 1w0 7b1 4b1 5w1 3b166023,5
3Relyveld Eljon1000SUR 11b1 23w1 6w1 1b0 8w1 9b1 2w055022,5
4Dhawtal Alok2000SUR 24w1 6b0 18w1 11b1 2w0 12b1 9w155019,5
5Sowikromo Ian2000SUR 23b1 26w1 9w0 21b1 12w1 2b0 6w155018
6Pancham Harsh2000SUR 27b1 4w1 3b0 14w1 10b1 1w½ 5b04,54023
7Silvin Marcelino2000SUR 13b0 22w½ 17b1 2w0 26b1 10w1 14b14,54018
8Dwarka Amit2000SUR 12b1 2w0 20b1 13w1 3b0 11w1 1b044023
9Bhagwanbali Shusmita2000SUR 20b1 18w1 5b1 10w1 1b0 3w0 4b044022
10Radja Nishant1000SUR 16b1 14w1 21w1 9b0 6w0 7b0 18w144019
11Raghoenath Akshay2000SUR 3w0 29b1 19w1 4w0 13b1 8b0 21w144019
12Delor Jair1000SUR 8w0 17b1 26b1 16w1 5b0 4w0 23b144018
13Tjon Hing Damir1000SUR 7w1 21b0 22w1 8b0 11w0 29w1 17b144017
14Hilversum Daniel2000SUR 29w1 10b0 25w1 6b0 19w1 18b1 7w044016,5
15Raghoenath Aryan2000SUR 19b0 25w0 29b1 27b1 24w0 20w1 16b144012,5
16Kalloe Vidhur2000SUR 10w0 28b1 27w1 12b0 21w½ 24b1 15w03,53015,5
17Changoer Dean2000SUR 2b0 12w0 7w0 28b1 25w1 19b1 13w033017,5
18Ramlal Shreyas2000SUR 30w1 9b0 4b0 20w1 23b1 14w0 10b033017,5
19Sewdien Aryan1000SUR 15w1 1b0 11b0 26w1 14b0 17w0 25w133017
20Sitabakas Satrohan2000SUR 9w0 30b1 8w0 18b0 22w1 15b0 24w133016,5
21Hu Jay2000SUR 22b1 13w1 10b0 5w0 16b½ 23w½ 11b032118,5
22Pengel Ordinho1000SUR 21w0 7b½ 13b0 30w½ 20b0 26w1 28b132014
23Blankendal Seregay2000SUR 5w0 3b0 28w1 25b1 18w0 21b½ 12w02,52017
24Ye Donna2000SUR 4b0 27w0 30b1 29w½ 15b1 16w0 20b02,52014
25Habieb Farisj1000SUR 1w0 15b1 14b0 23w0 17b0 30w1 19b022016,5
26Elliot Dwayne2000SUR 28w1 5b0 12w0 19b0 7w0 22b0 29w122016,5
27Ramlal Gyan1000SUR 6w0 24b1 16b0 15w0 29b0 28w0 30b122013,5
28Feng Daniel1000SUR 26b0 16w0 23b0 17w0 30b1 27b1 22w022012,5
29Hollum Joshua1000SUR 14b0 11w0 15w0 24b½ 27w1 13b0 26b01,51016,5
30Soeroto Taisha1000SUR 18b0 20w0 24w0 22b½ 28w0 25b0 27w00,50012,5

Tie Break1: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)