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Deca Challenge 2018 1e editie - Finale: Beginners

Last update 25.02.2018 23:43:05, Creator/Last Upload: rukhmania

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Boedhoe Shivam2000SUR 16b1 10w0 24b1 8w0 23w1 11b1 3w1565016,5
2De Jezus Christiano2000SUR 17w1 19b½ 9w½ 12b1 7w1 29b0 10w04123123
3Goedar Hamza2000SUR 18b1 12w0 26b1 22w1 6b0 8w1 1b04104018
4Oedairadjsingh Tiersha2000SUR 19w0 29b0 17w1 20b1 27w1 12b0 11w1484018,5
5Pancham Prashant2000SUR 20b1 26w1 10b0 28w1 8b1 9w1 6b1636019,5
6Ramautarsing Yashveer2000SUR 21w1 23b1 29w0 25b1 3w1 10b1 5w0545021,5
7Ramlal Aditya2000SUR 22b1 28w1 12b1 9w0 2b0 16w0 8b1474019
8Soeroto Dillon2000SUR 23w0 21b1 19w1 1b1 5w0 3b0 7w03173019,5
9Tang Rocky2000SUR 24b1 30w1 2b½ 7b1 10w0 5b0 19w½4133121,5
10Xu Andrew2000SUR 25w1 1b1 5w1 29b1 9b1 6w0 2b1616224
11De Bruin Avishay1000SUR 26b0 18w1 28b0 24w1 22b1 1w0 4b03213015
12Delor Kefas1000SUR 27w1 3b1 7w0 2w0 28b1 4w1 30b1555019,5
13Hardwarsing Surya1000SUR 28b0 20w0 16b0 17w1 24b½ 22w1 15b02,5242014
14Jankie Yash1000SUR 29w0 25b0 21w1 23b0 15w0 18b0 17w12272013
15Kamta Musqaan1000SUR 30b0 22w0 18b0 21w1 14b1 28w0 13w13223013
16Karijo Jaden1000SUR 1w0 27b0 13w1 26b1 25w1 7b1 29w04114017,5
17Kasan Sherinne1000SUR 2b0 24w0 4b0 13b0 20w½ 21w1 14b01,5291013,5
18Koster Zoe1000SUR 3w0 11b0 15w1 27b0 19w0 14w1 26b13203015
19Liu Brandon1000SUR 4b1 2w½ 8b0 30w0 18b1 23w1 9b½4143117,5
20Nelson Coert1000SUR 5w0 13b1 25w0 4w0 17b½ 24w1 23b13,5163013,5
21Pansa Cherarinio1000SUR 6b0 8w0 14b0 15b0 26w0 17b0 24w11301011,5
22Radja Archana1000SUR 7w0 15b1 27w1 3b0 11w0 13b0 25w02262016
23Ramgoelam Ishaan1000SUR 8b1 6w0 30b½ 14w1 1b0 19b0 20w02,5232019
24Sabajo Donne1000SUR 9w0 17b1 1w0 11b0 13w½ 20b0 21b01,5281114,5
25Van 'T Leven Max1000SUR 10b0 14w1 20b1 6w0 16b0 30w0 22b13183018
26Van 't Leven Isabelle1000SUR 11w1 5b0 3w0 16w0 21b1 27b0 18w02252017
27Wongsosemito Xanagy1000SUR 12b0 16w1 22b0 18w1 4b0 26w1 28b03193017
28Wu Elise1000SUR 13w1 7b0 11w1 5b0 12w0 15b1 27w1494018
29Yeung Aimee1000SUR 14b1 4w1 6b1 10w0 30b1 2w1 16b1626020,5
30Zhong Nathan1000SUR 15w1 9b0 23w½ 19b1 29w0 25b1 12w03,5153019

Tie Break1: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)