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Campeonato Paulista de Menores 2018 - Sub 10 Absoluto

Վերջին արդիացում11.03.2018 20:42:03, Creator/Last Upload: xequematebrasil

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Աղյուսակ` ըստ մեկնարկային դասավորման

No.NameՖեդ.1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdՄՏ TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Da Cunha Gabriela GoesBRA 22b1 12w1 7w1 5b½ 9w1 4b½53019,522,5
2Haraguchi Diego SashakiBRA 23w1 11b1 9w0 20b0 25w1 5b148018,521
3Chiquito Neto AlexandreBRA 24b1 14w1 8b1 4w0 12b1 40w152022,524,5
4Pereira Da Silva Breno D AlkminBRA 25w1 13b1 10w1 3b1 5w1 1w½5,5102022,5
5Da Mata Luan AraujoBRA 26b1 16w1 40b1 1w½ 4b0 2w03,514021,523
6Cortez Pedro Pompeu De CamargoBRA 27w1 15b0 -0 30w1 24b1 16w1412014,516,5
7Graciano Guilherme AnceliBRA 28b+ 19w1 1b0 9b½ 20w0 21b13,51601819,5
8Pasqualinotto GiovaneBRA 29w1 41b1 3w0 21b1 35w1 20b041001819,5
9Scudeletti ViniciusBRA 30b1 38w1 2b1 7w½ 1b0 14w03,51502022,5
10Miazaki Kevin YuriBRA 31w1 42b+ 4b0 22w1 14b0 28w14702020
11Wagner ArturBRA 32b1 2w0 26b1 28w1 40b0 15w141101718,5
12Cainelli Gustavo VideiraBRA 33w1 1b0 15w1 25b1 3w0 35b149018,519,5
13Tsuchie Davi PinheiroBRA 34b1 4w0 28b0 32w1 27b1 36w0319018,520,5
14Mariani Vitor Caramico SteffenBRA 35w1 3b0 27w1 29b1 10w1 9b15501719
15Zockun Ivan ZancanerBRA 36b1 6w1 12b0 40w0 29w1 11b0317020,522,5
16Barretta Gabriel PanaroBRA 37w1 5b0 29b0 34w1 41w1 6b032301617,5
17Bontempo Matteo CadoreBRA 38b0 29w0 18w0 31b1 32b0 37w0141010,510,5
18Brito Felipe MieloBRA 40w0 17b1 35b0 19w0 -01,538014,515,5
19Cabral Matheus MoreiraBRA 39w1 7b0 35w0 36b0 18b1 30w023301516,5
20Cardoso Luis Filipe MachadoBRA 40b0 30w1 32b1 2w1 7b1 8w15401820,5
21Casareggio Matheus DiasBRA 41w0 31b1 42w+ 8w0 28b0 7w023201616
22Claro Rafael CabralBRA 1w0 33b1 41w1 10b0 36w0 29b1320017,518,5
23Cymbalista Eduardo CymrotBRA 2b0 32w0 34b0 33w1 37b1 38w-23401415
24Finkelstain AlexandreBRA 3w0 35b0 33w1 39b1 6w0 34b023101718
25Florencio Leonardo dos SantosBRA 4b0 34w1 38b1 12w0 2b0 32w+31801921
26Garcia Bruno TorresBRA 5w0 37b1 11w0 41b0 34w0 33b-140015,517
27Goia Vitor Tadashi MartinsBRA 6b0 36w1 14b0 38w1 13w0 41b0228019,522
28Graieb Bernardo GotodaBRA 7w- 39b1 13w1 11b0 21w1 10b0324015,517
29Maffei Eduardo MoraesBRA 8b0 17b1 16w1 14w0 15b0 22w022901819
30Martelli Matheus MoreiraBRA 9w0 20b0 37w1 6b0 39w1 19b1322016,518
31Misasi Filippo van Blarcum de GraaffBRA 10b0 21w0 36b0 17w0 38b0 39w004201314
32Osorio Matheus DelfinoBRA 11w0 23b1 20w0 13b0 17w1 25b-230017,518,5
33Ribeiro Carlos Vinicius CarvalhoBRA 12b0 22w0 24b0 23b0 -1 26w+235012,513
34Rotenberg FelipeBRA 13w0 25b0 23w1 16b0 26b1 24w132601314,5
35Rotenberg VictorBRA 14b0 24w1 19b1 18w1 8b0 12w032101719
36Schrank Pedro ManirBRA 15w0 27b0 31w1 19w1 22b1 13b141301313
37Silva Tomas Oliveira SantosBRA 16b0 26w0 30b0 -1 23w0 17b123701112
38Sousa Arthur Vicente BarbosaBRA 17w1 9b0 25w0 27b0 31w1 23b+32701111
39Souza Felipe Fonseca Yacoub MiragliaBRA 19b0 28w0 -1 24w0 30b0 31b123601212
40Tupynamba Flavio BagattiniBRA 20w1 18b1 5w0 15b1 11w1 3b046020,522,5
41Yamauti Allan JacopetiBRA 21b1 8w0 22b0 26w1 16b0 27w1325013,515
42Yassuda Felipe MelhadoBRA -1 10w- 21b- -0 -0 -0139015,517,5

Լրացուցիչ ցուցանիշներ:
TB1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
TB2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
TB3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)