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HCA - 13th M'Garh Distt. U-15 (Mixed) Chess Championship 17 - 18 Feb 2018 [LIVE Webcast @]

Last update 19.02.2018 17:59:04, Creator/Last Upload: Haryana Chess Association

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.RdRk. TB1 
1Abhinav0HCA 34w1 40b1 52w1 33b053
2Ajay0HCA 35b1 43w1 47b0 42w163
3Anshul0HCA 36w1 42b1 55w1 47b073
4BPS Aashima, W0HCA 37b0 17w0 22b½ -0510,5
5BPS Aditya0HCA 38w0 50b1 39w0 18b1232
6BPS Aditya, W0HCA 39b0 31w0 25b½ -0520,5
7BPS Amish0HCA 40w0 32b0 26w1 23b0391
8BPS Bhavya0HCA 41b1 47w0 17b1 43w0242
9BPS Chahat, W0HCA 42w0 34b0 28w½ -0530,5
10BPS Chiman0HCA 43b0 35w0 27b½ -0540,5
11BPS Deepak0HCA 44w1 49b1 58w1 57b083
12BPS Devanshu0HCA 45b1 53w1 57b0 52w193
13BPS Diksha, W0HCA 46w1 52b0 40w0 -0401
14BPS Divya, W0HCA 47b0 36w0 44b½ -0550,5
15BPS Dushyant0HCA 48w1 55b0 41w0 60b0411
16BPS Himanshu0HCA 49b0 41w0 48b½ -0560,5
17BPS Krishna0HCA 50w½ 4b1 8w0 46b1202,5
18BPS Kush0HCA 51b1 57w0 43b0 5w0421
19BPS Mayank0HCA 52w0 44b1 42w0 -0431
20BPS Mudit0HCA 53b0 45w0 51b½ -0570,5
21BPS Mukul0HCA 54w1 56b1 61w1 59b114
22BPS Naman0HCA 55b0 46w0 4w½ -0580,5
23BPS Niklesh0HCA 56w0 48b1 45w0 7w1252
24BPS Parsh0HCA 57b0 51w1 46b½ 66b0371,5
25BPS Pratyaksh0HCA 58w0 54b0 6w½ -0590,5
26BPS Rishabh0HCA 59b0 62w0 7b0 -0660
27BPS Sahil0HCA 60w0 66b0 10w½ -0600,5
28BPS Saloni, W0HCA 61b0 63w0 9b½ -0610,5
29BPS Shashank0HCA 62w1 58b0 49w1 45b0262
30BPS Shivansh0HCA 63b1 59w0 53b1 54w1103
31BPS Sneh, W0HCA 64w0 6b1 54w0 -0441
32BPS Somya, W0HCA 65b0 7w1 62b0 -0451
33BPS Vinay Aggarwal0HCA 66w1 60b1 64w1 1w124
34BPS Yash0HCA 1b0 9w1 63b0 -0461
35Chander Dev0HCA 2w0 10b1 56w1 58b½212,5
36Chirag0HCA 3b0 14b1 60w1 55w0272
37Devansh Jangra0HCA 4w1 61b0 66w0 -0471
38Devesh0HCA 5b1 65w1 59b0 61w0282
39Hardik0HCA 6w1 64b0 5b1 62w0292
40Hardik Bansal0HCA 7b1 1w0 13b1 64w0302
41Harsh0HCA 8w0 16b1 15b1 65w1113
42Harsh0HCA 9b1 3w0 19b1 2b0312
43Himanshi Yadav, W0HCA 10w1 2b0 18w1 8b1123
44Jayant0HCA 11b0 19w0 14w½ -0620,5
45Jiya0HCA 12w0 20b1 23b1 29w1133
46Keshav Singhal0HCA 13b0 22b1 24w½ 17w0381,5
47Lakshay Garg0HCA 14w1 8b1 2w1 3w134
48Megha0HCA 15b0 23w0 16w½ -0630,5
49Nishant0HCA 16w1 11w0 29b0 -0481
50Nitesh0HCA 17b½ 5w0 65b0 53w0640,5
51Parth0HCA 18w0 24b0 20w½ -0650,5
52Parveen0HCA 19b1 13w1 1b0 12b0322
53Prashant0HCA 20w1 12b0 30w0 50b1332
54Rahul0HCA 21b0 25w1 31b1 30b0342
55Rahul0HCA 22w1 15w1 3b0 36b1143
56Rakesh0HCA 23b1 21w0 35b0 -0491
57Sahil Yadav0HCA 24w1 18b1 12w1 11w144
58Sahil Yadav (RWD)0HCA 25b1 29w1 11b0 35w½222,5
59Saloni0HCA 26w1 30b1 38w1 21w0153
60Sanel0HCA 27b1 33w0 36b0 15w1352
61Sashank0HCA 28w1 37w1 21b0 38b1163
62Sumit Kumar0HCA 29b0 26b1 32w1 39b1173
63Surbhi, W0HCA 30w0 28b1 34w0 -0501
64Tamanna Mehta, W0HCA 31b1 39w1 33b0 40b1183
65Yash0HCA 32w1 38b0 50w1 41b0362
66Yashi0HCA 33b0 27w1 37b1 24w1193

Tie Break1: points (game-points)