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Última actualización07.04.2018 12:41:57, Propietario/Última carga: Javier Garrido

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No.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Jimenez Freniche David1151REY 59w1 56b1 43w1 39b1100w1 52b1 5w1 4b1 74w19146459
2Portero Bravo Jorge973IND 60b1 58w1 48b0 94w1 51b½ 71w1 75b0 46w1 56b16,51138,532,56
3Portero Bravo Natalia938IND 61w1 64b1 51w1 48b0 91w1 5b0 62w½ 93b1112w16,5941,533,56
4Valdivia Khudiakova Ekaterina909ROQ 62b1 73w1 52b0 77w1 75b1 46w1100b1 1w0108b17347367
5Aguirre Archilla Jose0BEN 63w1 70b1 54w1 74b½ 31b1 3w1 1b0 75w0 51b16,5843376
6Alcarria Ortega Julia0ROQ 64b1 62w0 84b1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -029332162
7Alcolea Garcia Alberto0ROQ 65w1 74b0 76w0 98b0 59w1 57b0 -0 -0 -029630,5142
8Amador Cortes Daniel0VIC 66b½ 75w0 38b0 -0 -0 -0 34w- -0 -00,511524,54,50
9Amaliki Kraess Ahmed0REV 67w1 76b1 74w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -029233,5172
10Andres Barranco Hugo0ROQ 68b1 77w0 97b0 60w½113b½109w½ -0 -0 -02,58433,516,51
11Andres Barranco Monica0ROQ 70w0 63b1 85w0 57b0 87w0 68b0 -0 -0 -0111226,581
12Arcona Pomares Luis0ROQ -0 -0 -0 67b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0011824,500
13Avilez Marin Enzo0BEN 71b1 86w1 77b1 52w0 62b1 74b0102w0 57w0 44b152941305
14Ayala Granero Luis0IND 72w1 91b1100w0103b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -029035172
15Barranco Suarez Fausto0EJI 73b0 65w0104b0 69w½ 82b0 29w0 95b1 34w1 38b13,57525,593
16Beltran Lopez Alvaro0REY 74w0 67b1 89w1 91b0 90w1107b1 56w0 70b1 77w053335265
17Belzunces Sanchez Sergio0RCV 75b½ 66w½ 71b0 68w1 77b0 61w1114w1 76b1117w16193524,55
18Blanes Valdivia Manuel0EJI 76w0 72b½ 57w½ 59b1 89w1 91b½ 93w0 98b1 94b15,52732,523,54
19Bueno Campillo Patricia0AGA 77b0 68w½ 79b1117w½ 86b1102w0 76w0 69b1 70w153534,5224
20Campoy Garcia Aroa0RCV 78w+ 88w0 73b0 66w1102b0 67w1 87b1 99w0 80b½4,54235,522,53
21Cara Rivera Carmen0VIC 79b1 94w½ 92b0 -0 -0 -0 55w½ 59b0118w137832,515,52
22Carrillo Francos Fernando0AGA 80w1 93b1103w1100b0107w1108b0 77w0112b0 73w½4,53940,529,54
23Carrillo Maqueda Alvaro0ROQ 81b1 97w½ 94b0113w1108w0 87b½ 89w½110b1 91w04,54633,524,53
24Castaño Lao Ainara0MOJ 83w½ 85b½ 91w0 65b½119w0 72b½ 73w0 82b½ 50w02,58532,514,50
25Chiquero Castillo Alejandro0AGA 84b1102w0 86b0 90w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0110828,591
26Conchillo Marquez Pedro0REV 85w½ 83b1 87w1 88b1 74w0100b0 91w0114b½ 76w04523826,53
27Cordoba Orlova Veronica0ROQ 86b0 71w0111b0 78w+ 63w+110w½ 69b½ 81w½119w03,5703115,50
28Del Pino Salinas Sofia0PEC 87w½ 98b0 72w½ 70b0 61b0 69w0 -0 -0 -011132680
29Druta Baias Sara0ROQ 88b0 79w½ 81b0111w0 69b0 15b1 65w½118b½ 82w02,5873010,51
30Duran Ramos Oscar0ROQ 89w1100b0 93w½ 87b1 97w1 56b0 94w1102b0107b15,52636,527,55
31Enriquez Rodriguez Luis0BEN 90b1107w1 88b½ 92w+ 5w0 75w0 99b½109w0114b½4,54039,528,52
32Fernandez Consuegra Jose0IND 91w0 80b½ 83w1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,510230,5111
33Fernandez Fernandez Bruno0REY 92b½117w½ 90b1 86w1 71b½ 88w1 51b1 48w0 62b05,52240314
34Fernandez Pedrosa Lucia0REV 93w0 89b0 80w0 -0 -0 -0 8b+ 15b0105b011112730
35Fernandez Pesoa Iciar0ROQ 94b0 81w½ 68b½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01110277,50
36Fernandez Rodriguez Claudia0RCV 95w1103b0106w0 72b½ 65w1 93b0107w½ 73b0 68b½3,56733192
37Fernandez Rodriguez Paula0RCV 97b0 84w1 99b0 95w1110b1 77w0109b0 87w1106w045336,5214
38Ferre Herrerias Lola0AGA 98w½ 87b0 8w1 93b0 72w1 94b0 80w0104b0 15w02,58829,516,52
39Flores Heras Julio0AGA 99b1109w1102b1 1w0 76b1 48w1 74w1 52b1 75b18247398
40Fructuoso Morales Martin0AGA100w0 95b1108w0110b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0110330,581
41Fuentes Perez Esther0RCV102b0 90w0 44b0 82w1 66b1113w0 85b+106b0104w146032153
42Galindo Manzano Victor0AGA103w- -0 -0101b1 68w1 89b0 72w+113w1115w046230,5163
43Garcia Moreno Marcos0ROQ104b1113w1 1b0 99w½ 94b1117w½111b1100w0109b052842304
44Gil Fernandez Alvaro0REV -0 55b0 41w1112b0104w1 90b1119w1117b0 13w045534194
45Gomez Cristobal Angel0IND106w0108b0 61w1 -0 -0 -0 82b- -0 -011053071
46Gomez Diaz Daniel0ROQ -0 61b1 70w1106b+103b+ 4b0112w½ 2b0 93w½61638,5282
47Gomez Lax Nuria0BEN107b0 99w0105b1104w1111b0115w0 -0 -0 -029531132
48Gonzalez Gonzalez Miguel Angel0BEN108w1106b1 2w1 3w1 52b0 39b0117w1 33b1102w17445,5367
49Gonzalez Maza Dario0ROQ109b0104w1107b0 -0 -0 -0 63w-121w0 -129431,591
50Gonzalez Ramos Irene0ROQ110w0112b0 63w1 89b0 67b0 82w1103b½ 58w0 24b13,5722813,53
51Grandia Soler Elena0AGA111b1115w1 3b0102w1 2w½ 98b1 33w0 91b1 5w05,5214231,55
52Guillen Martinez Hugo0REY112w1110b1 4w1 13b1 48w1 1w0108b1 39w0100b061249,5386
53Haro Perez Ivan0REY113b0111w1109b0115w0 95b1 86w½ 81b½ 90w½ 89b½45733182
54Haz Balcells Luis David0ROQ114w1119b1 5b0107w- -0 -0 90w- -0 -029134,5172
55Hernandez Jimenez Jose Angel0ROQ115b0 44w1113b½ -0 -0 -0 21b½ 65w1 69w145832,5163
56Hernandez Lopez Irene0IND116w+ 1w0115b1109w½ 99b1 30w1 16b1 74b0 2w05,52045314
57Higueras Menor Pablo0REY117b½ 92w0 18b½ 11w1112b0 7w1115b+ 13b1 99w053236,5233
58Kaixi You Cristina0AGA118w1 2b0110w1108b0114w½ 97b0 86w0 50b1 98w03,56634,520,53
59Lao Perez Marcos0MOJ 1b0105w1117b0 18w0 7b0 95w1106b0 21w1 87b037638143
60Lopez Galindo Inmaculada0BEN 2w0114b0 67w1 10b½ 80w0 65b1110b- -0 -02,58631,5142
61Lopez Sanchez Miguel0IND 3b0 46w0 45b0105w+ 28w1 17b0104w½103w½113b037733,513,51
62Lopez Vicente Juan Jose0REY 4w0 6b1112w1114b1 13w0119b1 3b½ 71w1 33w16,5104029,56
63Maldonado Ruiz Jesus0ROQ 5b0 11w0 50b0116w1 27b-120w0 49b- -0 -011072961
64Man David Ioan0ROQ 6w0 3w0118b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -001172600
65Marin Arias Jessica0ROQ 7b0 15b1114w0 24w½ 36b0 60w0 29b½ 55b0122w02973012,51
66Martin Soriano Antonio Manuel0BEN 8w½ 17b½119w0 20b0 41w0104b0 -0 -0 -01109288,50
67Martinez Gomez Ana0RCV 9b0 16w0 60b0 12w+ 50w1 20b0118w1115b0103w037932142
68Maya Fernandez Miguel0RCV 10w0 19b½ 35w½ 17b0 42b0 11w1120b+119b0 36w½3,56832151
69Molina Borbalas Juan0AGA -0 -0 -0 15b½ 29w1 28b1 27w½ 19w0 55b03803013,52
70Morales Ortiz Daniel0ROQ 11b1 5w0 46b0 28w1115b1111w0113b1 16w0 19b045435234
71Moreno Fernandez Elena0DAL 13w0 27b1 17w1119b1 33w½ 2b0 98w1 62b0111w15,52338,527,55
72Moreno Gongora Irene0PEC 14b0 18w½ 28b½ 36w½ 38b0 24w½ 42b- -0 -021002712,50
73Mukhtarkhan Arailym0ROQ 15w1 4b0 20w1 -0 -0 -0 24b1 36w1 22b½4,5453421,54
74Nedelea Cristian0ROQ 16b1 7w1 9b1 5w½ 26b1 13w1 39b0 56w1 1b06,5643,5386
75Nedelea Patricia0ROQ 17w½ 8b1 98w1 97b1 4w0 31b1 2w1 5b1 39w06,5743,534,56
76Nogal Villaverde Daniel0ROQ 18b1 9w0 7b1118w+ 39w0112w0 19b1 17w0 26b153039,5264
77Orellana Nieto Eduardo0AGA 19w1 10b1 13w0 4b0 17w1 37b1 22b1108w0 16b161538,5306
78Ortega Paramo Daniel0ROQ 20b- -0 -0 27b- -0 -0116b- -0 -0011924,500
79Ortiz Arenas Jose0IND 21w0 29b½ 19w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,51142540
80Palladini Perez Angelo0AGA 22b0 32w½ 34b1 81w0 60b1 99w0 38b1111w½ 20w½4,5483220,53
81Parera Louro Daniel0REV 23w0 35b½ 29w1 80b1 98w0114b0 53w½ 27b½110w14,55128,520,53
82Parra Perez Carlota0AGA -0 -0 -0 41b0 15w1 50b0 45w+ 24w½ 29b13,57326,5102
83Perez Fernandez Gabriel0ROQ 24b½ 26w0 32b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,5116244,50
84Perez Fernandez Maria del Mar0ROQ 25w0 37b0 6w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -001212400
85Perez Peralta Xiomara0VIC 26b½ 24w½ 11b1 -0 -0 -0 41w- -0 -029829,515,51
86Pino Garcia Mario0PEC 27w1 13b0 25w1 33b0 19w0 53b½ 58b1 94w0 90b14,54931,5224
87Popoviciu Eduard0VIC 28b½ 38w1 26b0 30w0 11b1 23w½ 20w0 37b0 59w146327,520,53
88Popoviciu Flavio0VIC 29w1 20b1 31w½ 26w0109b1 33b0 -0 -0 -03,56534,525,53
89Raya Hidalgo Jose David0ROQ 30b0 34w1 16b0 50w1 18b0 42w1 23b½107w0 53w½45633,5203
90Raya Navas Manuel0RCV 31w0 41b1 33w0 25b+ 16b0 44w0 54b+ 53b½ 86w03,56931181
91Robles Magañas Hugo0VER 32b1 14w0 24b1 16w1 3b0 18w½ 26b1 51w0 23b15,52536,5285
92Rodriguez Asensio Marco0REV 33w½ 57b1 21w1 31b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -02,58335,519,52
93Rodriguez Garcia Lucas0IND 34b1 22w0 30b½ 38w1117b0 36w1 18b1 3w0 46b½53435264
94Rodriguez Jimenez Carla0AGA 35w1 21b½ 23w1 2b0 43w0 38w1 30b0 86b1 18w04,54136264
95Rodriguez Lozano Adriana0CAR 36b0 40w0 -1 37b0 53w0 59b0 15w0122b0121w0110430,570
96Ruano Martinez Juan0IND -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012024,500
97Ruiz Mantero Diego0VER 37w1 23b½ 10w1 75w0 30b0 58w1 -0 -0 -03,56435,5243
98Ruiz Moya Jorge0AGA 38b½ 28w1 75b0 7w1 81b1 51w0 71b0 18w0 58b14,54334,524,54
99Ruiz Soler Manuel0REV 39w0 47b1 37w1 43b½ 56w0 80b1 31w½ 20b1 57b16183526,55
100Sabau David0ROQ 40b1 30w1 14b1 22w1 1b0 26w1 4w0 43b1 52w17542377
101Salmeron Barcoj Alejandro0BEN -0 -0 -0 42w0120b0 -1 -0 -0 -0110629,540
102Sanchez Ramirez Alvaro0RCV 41w1 25b1 39w0 51b0 20w1 19b1 13b1 30w1 48b061340316
103Sanchez Waisen Martin Francisco0AGA 42b+ 36w1 22b0 14w- 46w- -0 50w½ 61b½ 67b146130,520,52
104Segura Alonso Andrea0RCV 43w0 49b0 15w1 47b0 44b0 66w1 61b½ 38w1 41b03,5742614,53
105Segura Lopez Lorena0IND -0 59b0 47w0 61b- -0 -0121b0 -1 34w1210126,531
106Segura Lopez Roberto0IND 45b1 48w0 36b1 46w- -0 -0 59w1 41w1 37b153733,5225
107Segura Sanchez Marina0AGA 47w1 31b0 49w1 54b+ 22b0 16w0 36b½ 89b1 30w04,5503125,53
108Segura Yebra Pablo0AGA 48b0 45w1 40b1 58w1 23b1 22w1 52w0 77b1 4w061439326
109Shovo Han0VIC 49w1 39b0 53w1 56b½ 88w0 10b½ 37w1 31b1 43w161735275
110Silva Muñoz Eduardo0REV 50b1 52w0 58b0 40w+ 37w0 27b½ 60w+ 23w0 81b03,57129,5201
111Silva Nuñez Marcos0ROQ 51w0 53b0 27w1 29b1 47w1 70b1 43w0 80b½ 71b04,54732234
112Swillens Dominguez Silvia0AGA 52b0 50w1 62b0 44w1 57w1 76b1 46b½ 22w1 3b05,5243726,55
113Tale Khalil0ROQ 53w1 43b0 55w½ 23b0 10w½ 41b1 70w0 42b0 61w145932203
114Tobares Rubio Maxi0ROQ 54b0 60w1 65b1 62w0 58b½ 81w1 17b0 26w½ 31w½4,54434233
115Valdes Ranschaert Ayko0VER 55w1 51b0 56w0 53b1 70w0 47b1 57w- 67w1 42b153634225
116Van Marrewijk Norah0ROQ 56b- -0 -0 63b0 -0 -0 78w- -0 -001222400
117Van Ngoc Gonzalez Carlos0AGA 57w½ 33b½ 59w1 19b½ 93w1 43b½ 48b0 44w1 17b05313827,53
118Vargas Rodriguez Jose Miguel0ROQ 58b0 -1 64w1 76b- -0 -0 67b0 29w½ 21b02,58929,5161
119Zhunaula Cartuche Jose Antonio0VER -1 54w0 66b1 71w0 24b1 62w0 44b0 68w1 27b153831244
120Varkalaite Astrid0ROQ -0 -0 -0 -0101w1 63b1 68w- -0 -02992892
121Almansa Marquez Juan Jesus0REV -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0105w1 49b1 95b13812763
122Marfil Torres Carlos0ROQ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 95w1 65b138224,562

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Fide Tie-Break
Desempate 3: The greater number of victories (variable)